Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. The Con Dedicated Player


    Like I care that my $100 was converted to Market Cash as I spent it.... :rolleyes:

    "Leeegallly... You bought it with Market Cash.... Ipso facto you didn't spend reeeeeal money.... E Pluribus Unum. It's not leeeegaaall tenderrrrrrr. It's a leeeeeeegalll looooophole" - :confused:

    "Yeah... but, I bought that Market Cash with some real da** dollars. No holes needed" - :p

    Guys who cite legal loopholes on behalf of corporations without being paid by said corporation.... really just freak me out.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Stay away from contracts...
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    No it's ok, he believes they're all sale and purchase agreements amounting to ownership rights, it's fine.
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  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    They are just a part of life that you just can't avoid... much like all that lead paint that I presume was in your childhood home.
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    It's like I can't tell where your arm ends and his body begins... and your face and his... well. let's just say "not face" starts.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    You know, I'm all for light-hearted sarcasm and the like, but your "zingers" as you put them are starting to get a bit cringe.

    They're well past the point where they're actually constructively helping your argument and they're now just started to diminish any credibility you have. You quite literally couldn't be coming across as any more childish.

    Reel it back in a bit.
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  7. The Con Dedicated Player

    Sorry... Didn't know that I was hittin' a little too close to home....

    And... Oh... Trust me.... I could get waaaaaayyyyy more childish.

    Edit -
    I'll reel it in.
    I really don't want to offend anybody here.... especially, since I really do have to start questioning some ages and mental statuses.... statii? ... around here.

    Some of you do seem a bit... eh.
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  8. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    26 pages late I think. Funnily enough I somewhat agree with your initial points at the beginning of the thread (although I’m always open to meeting people in the middle in conversations usually) but I don’t understand what the end goal was when you act like a child, discuss getting more childish, talk about not offending anyone, and then proceed to offend half of everyone in the thread. My question is are you trying to create more problems or solve them?
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    The difference, is that I'm addressing what appears to be an ongoing increase within your posts of non constructive personal insults towards people you don't agree with.

    Like I said, no one minds a bit of implied banter or lighthearted sarcasm, but when you start explicitly telling people they're the byproduct of a childhood spent in a lead painted home then, no, you're starting to over step.
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  10. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    Anyways getting back to the initial topic of the post I wanted to throw my thoughts out there (someone may have already mentioned what I’m about to say but the thread is quite long and I haven’t read it all).

    I think my main concern about not offering an unclamped option is that it makes it a lot more difficult to complete older feats that a lot of us have already done. Looking back, many of the feats I have now took a long time to grind out (or would have had I not been over leveled) and I think it may be a lot more difficult to find help for those feats now that things are clamped, especially if people aren’t in leagues. Getting pug groups to do feats was already hard enough as is before.

    Increased overall raid times mean that a large portion of people won’t be able to grind out as much content per week for marks and styles. Maybe this is looked at as a good thing? I personally see it as a con.

    Another concern of mine is the impatience that is often had with pug groups in raids with newer/inexperienced players- specifically with support roles. Instead of helping teach newer players they are often kicked (or at least that was my experience when learning) and I’m concerned that could be be even more of an issue now that there is more of an emphasis on people needing to be mechanical enough. I feel this might push a lot of people out of wanting to do the content?

    Even if no marks are offered unclamped options at least provide a way for people to go in with higher leveled league mates or pug groups to practice, get a feel for it, farm styles or feats, etc. or just reap the benefits of being over leveled given that we worked for it.

    Just my thoughts :)
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player


    I wasn't talking about getting more childish... just offering the fact that I could... :(

    I assume that we all lose the real point of these conversations as they progress into the meaningless gif and jokes portion of discussion.

    "At the beginning of the thread" points weren't being intentionally overlooked for the sake of saving face.... and I really hate having to repeat myself...
    So the next time I try to make the same point over again... I'll probably do it a bit more heavy-handed and more sarcastically... and, hopefully, funnier.
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  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    You're not funny though, hence the disconnect. It's okay to disagree with people but you gotta keep your boots clean - you go for a low blow instantly and it says what sort of person you are; you're not even trying to see the other side of the fence, just straight into the muck and off you go.
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    He who is not without guilt throws the first stone....

    Step away from the stones, slugger.

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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah, the primary pressure point is definitely feats, whether it stem from skill or time restraints that's where the pressure almost certainly exists.

    I think probably the best course of action in any case is giving it a bit of time for things to settle anyway, content I think will become easier and easier to do as more and more people become familiar with instances they previously powered through with zero regard for the mechanics.

    Hopefully all players can have a bit of patience while that adjustment takes place, most feats I think would probably then sort themselves out, some are just always going to require that extra level of planning, co-ordination and communication though that more often than not are easier obtained through manually forming in LFG or within a league.
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  15. Sentiency Well-Known Player

    I don’t like to argue so I’m gonna make this my last comment to you given that you seem to always have something else to say. Offering the fact that you could is equivalent to talking about it. You make a conscious decision to shy away from the real point of conversations when you begin to insult people. I don’t know what else to tell you.
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  16. The Con Dedicated Player

    Everyone's a critic. :(

    Meh... Maybe my jokes just aren't your cup of tea.:cool:

    The 50+ likes I got today,,, might mean otherwise,

    And let's not pretend that any of this just started today... and that I went "straight into the muck" completely unprovoked.,,,,,
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Just remember without all the gifs, insults, dictionary quotes, TOS quotes and ridiculous analogies this thread would have died a long time ago. And, what fun would that be?
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    No, No, there's a difference between the style of my posts and yours.

    If I choose to "label" something or someone I'll generalize in order to purposefully keep it "impersonal".

    For example I'll say "players within instances not doing their job and failing are idiots" and refrain from saying "you're an idiot", even if I believe the latter to be true.

    I will also say things like "what you're posting is idiotic", that is because I'm referring to your words, again I'm not calling you an idiot, i'm calling the idea you're expressing "idiotic" and that is obviously my viewpoint or opinion.

    If you ever think any of my posts ever contravene guidelines then I'd actively encourage you to report them, or you're welcome to point it out to me, because I'm more than open to being criticized if I over step the mark and start to insult the person on a personal level.

    The reason I criticized your post was for this reason. You erred away from criticizing the opinion of the poster and explicitly told solowing he was mentally impaired and even laced the insult within a tasteless joke about a lead painted home.

    It was poor form and I was telling you realistically to reel it in, because it's no doubt going to start causing offense.
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  19. The Con Dedicated Player


    I don't want to reply... and prove you wrong... but... dammit.... I do have something else to say.... :mad:

    Of course...
    After repeating the same point for the 10th time to somebody that is seemingly intentionally misrepresenting what is being said.... than the real point of the conversation is already lost.. Might as well have some fun with it.
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  20. The Con Dedicated Player

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