Stat clamping, first experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    On the whole, anti clampers have been much more willing to negotiate and compromise. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here, fighting against something I initially supported.
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  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    All we can do is vote with our wallets. That's the one thing we can show aside from greatly reduced playtime. I know my friends list is filled with 10yr vets. Any that I have talked to have all agreed that we just cancel subs, log in and grab free coin and run solo. We'll meet up on sunday afternoon and cycle our alts thru the new raid and go play warframe or gtav. Some new mmos coming too so it is what it is. We will resub if we get our source back in new content.

    Just to put it out there, each one of us would at the very least buy the $85 mp cash package everytime a new dlc drops. We would maybe change powers, decide to not wait for double nth, and just plow thru rp's. So this week alone on just my friends list, the game missed out on almost $1500. I'm one player with a tight knit friends list.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    #1 Casual? Yea, sure..

    #2 Low SP? Well yea, its boring and i dont care to grind for it. Its kinda like saying you cant have a opinion about video games because you dont have PSN trophies. I dont need to have platinum trophies to know what im talking about in a OPTIONAL system. Id rather hunt another Time Lost Proto Drake before i bore myself grinding out feats.

    Also on that note, i said many years ago that the feat system needs to have it stat gains removed, due to the fact players will run to feats (a system some may not engage with) to try to shame someone for their view they disagree with Ad-hominen attacks. It breeds toxicity "you dont like doing the feats i feel you should do, so ". Ive never encountered a different community that tries to achievement shame, and most certainly it wouldn't fly anywhere else. Anybody outside DCUO would think its honestly stupid if you pitched the idea to them.

    #3 Yea, sure they should consider your feedback, but consider doesnt mean implement and it most certainly doesn't mean they have to agree with you. Also look what happened, one update to help the whole community and balance out the queues and 15 people checked out. While some longtime veterans like myself decided to come back due to the changes making the game far more enjoyable.

    #4 Honest, i wouldnt add source marks to current content, thats the incentive to run old content. New content should have its own marks system. So if you wanna get new stuff, boom use those marks. But if you want other stuff, time to queue for older stuff.

    #5 YOU wont be here, unless im dead, ill be logging in.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So youre admitting you and your friends were whales?
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If they made raids as forgiving as alerts, would you be happier? By that, I mean that enemies and bosses in alerts seem to do less damage than they used to. For example, I ran Arkham Asylum last night, and my CR 60 DPS teammates barely had to worry about getting KO'd without a healer. I remember eight years ago joining this game, and that alert was a good test to see how well I could survive as a tank. As a tank last night, I barely saw my health dip below 90%.

    So if they made raids as survivable as the alerts, would you be happier with the stat scaling?
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

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  7. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    If that is too much for them this is either their first MMO or their last one. This is the point of a MMO.
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  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I thought about asking them to increase the damage done by enemies in alerts because it's a bit boring for me, but then I think of people like yourself who would be further frustrated with the game. I don't want to drive people away from the game. It would be nice if we could find some common ground for those who want more of a challenge and those who are more easily overwhelmed by challenges and/or want to spend less time in the content. I wish we had the ability to solo-queue into content unscaled; the original proposal I remember reading had that as an option or even queuing with smaller group sizes.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Know what they call that?

    What Is The Definition Of Faceroll In Gaming?
    1. Faceroll is a derisive term in gaming that refers to an ability or class that is incredibly dominant or overpowered. The origin of the term comes from the idea that if a player was to assign that dominant ability to all the keys on a keyboard, they could just roll their face across the keyboard to win—meaning that no skill, strategy, or timing are required in order to succeed.

    If one person want to be able to do a whole instance with little trouble, so will everyone else in that group. Making the entire instance trivial.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    These are paying customers, that what a company wants, customers that spend money! It pays the salaries of the employees who maintain this game and labor over the code. Wringing code is NOT an easy thing to do especially going back to old code that you did not write and trying to A) figure out what the original programmer did, and B) implement your change without breaking something else in another part of the software.

    It provides a Return on Investment for the stakeholders in the Company (Daybreak). If a business isn’t making money off a product, they drop that product. If a business group (Daybreak) under the umbrella of the larger Corporation (EG7) is not profitable, they will get spun off or shuttered.

    You can’t keep the lights on with free. What HELLSTROKE is describing is a segment of customer that is considered a bread-and-butter customer, one who subs to membership, and spends real $$$ on the game consistently. This class of customer tends to be brand loyal and generally is a reliable source of income to the Company (not just Daybreak but any company).

    So please, do not disparage HELLSTROKE or his friends for spending their money on this game, because free does not pay the bills unless they are planning on putting advertisements into the game.
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  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'm not sure what the appropriate solution is to any of this. We went from one-shotting most enemies, allowing new players very little chance to participate, to instances that pose no real threat to those same new players. Will new players also get tired of how easy things are in alerts? If raids are brought to the same scale, will it affect retention due to lack of challenge?

    The alternative would be to increase enemy damage in alerts and leave raids as is, but we have already seen the feedback on that. Many long time players have complained about being high CR but getting KO'd in old content they used to out-gear. I do not see a way to make both sides happy, and making both sides relatively the same level of unhappy may hurt the population too much.
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  12. Sweet Daddy Level 30

    So we'll take this as a yes to being a whale! ? This is the longest yes I've ever seen on a post. :D

    So youre admitting you and your friends were whales?
  13. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I quite like many of your ideas. However, for you to claim that you are some of kind of longtime veteran, while having 167 SP and using Starheart for goodness sakes, is welllllll

    See, when you say veteran, but don't choose to engage with the games largest system, feats, you just show that you don't share the definition of veteran that most of the community does. Like, did you download the game a long time ago? I dunno maybe, but your stats show that you haven't played it much or to any real depth, regardless of the length of time you have owned the title.

    And that's not good or bad, and it doesn't make your feedback any less valuable. It does show that you have a very different perspective than many, though. I'd conjecture most, even. You can say that you're not casual, but your SP are so low that you can't play at anything beyond a casual level. Your CR isn't even 327 yet, so you have played literally nothing at endgame level.

    Just be you, don't front.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    DCUO is a free to play game that wants as many people as it can to get their feet wet in this game to hopefully turn players into sales, its the reality of business, that is fine. But you wont make as much money as you COULD catering to a extremely small minority, who will drop their subscription if anything is changed to allow MORE players to enjoy the game as well and be a potential conversion.
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I was busy with something before, but allow me to elaborate now. What you described is probably excessively easy. However, the clamp is uniform, and not all content is created equal. There is a huge difference between Arkham Asylum and, for example, False Idols elite.
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Since this post could easily be directed at me had you checked my CR/SP, I'd like to point out some logical fallacies. 167 SP used to be pretty high 4-5 years ago. My highest character is currently at 256, which I understand is less than half of what is now possible. When I stopped playing endgame content a few years ago, I did so due to the stress it caused me. I was generally proficient at my role, could succeed with good groups, but saw others who were not on par continually getting attacked for their inability to play a video game properly.

    This is a video game, and it is meant to be a source of relaxation and fun. When endgame content brings out toxic behavior, the scope of that intent goes out the window. Defenestration of players having fun is not something I subscribe to.
  17. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    We all want the same thing, but no side is handling it better than the next.
  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Only one side is throwing its own under the bus for the sake of ideological purity.
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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Depends on your definition of whales I suppose. When a new dlc comes out, I liked to thank the developers by soending some money. Because instead of having to go buy a new game for $70, I got something new to do in this one. So aside from membership costs, I would still spend to enjoy myself. I have a good amount of disposable income so it's not a big deal to me. I think of whales as the above $3k a year types personally, I'm just supportive. Which you may not think is good for some reason but it is what keeps the game going. If subs drop so does any spending and they'll be left with ftps and the game dies. Bad biz 101
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  20. shoegazer Well-Known Player think having a sub and spending $85 a few times a year makes someone a whale?...hilarious

    definitely not the type of players DCUO should be pissing off though..not with the kind of population they have..these are the types of players they should be catering to..

    and they've pissed off another player who spends slightly more than that in myself..on average I've spent that $85 + my sub a month on this game..for years (sorry..still not a whale..not when it comes to this game)..and my sub is now cancelled and I won't be spending another dime unless things change..

    Put enough people like us together and they're going to be in trouble...

    piss off enough of the real whales and the game is over
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