Stat clamping, first experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. nawanda Loyal Player

    That’s a baseless assumption. The most likely explanation is the stats clamp. There’s no other likely cause. You can’t say “because bugs” unless you have any other examples of bosses over hitting as a result of the update (but not stats clamp). I’m not wishing to be impolite, but I’m making a logical assumption here, which a dev has read and acknowledged, and your contribution to the discussion is akin to a pantomime villain saying “oh no it isn’t”.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    My ego is non-existent. I just want to be able to go back to things I couldn’t finish at the time with higher level gear. :(
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So you're saying your experience has been great because you don't play with other people? And then when everyone else tells you that playing with pugs is terrible, you tell them no it's not and they personally need to get better?

    Clamp is meh but workable. The other players are not. The dps's are terrible or the troll is useless or the healer sucks or the tank doesn't even have a pull equipped and you're saying it's all ok. Lol it's not ok, the player base isn't good enough for what just happened and it sounds like they don't want to be. We had elite level content to sort out the players that wanted to step up and we had everything else for casuals. Yet that wasn't good enough for those that were too good for event/ reg but nowhere near good enough for elite and this is the result. I'll call them the 8% from here on out. They ain't good enough to be 2% but they're better than 90% of the player base because they at least grasp simple mechanics.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Since the update was design to rid the game of a solo-centric play-style, you were caught as collateral.
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    But hey, that’s not your problem I guess.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My experience is coming from queueing as a league-less healer who 95% of the time runs solo.
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player


    If youre asking for them to allow you to solo content designed for a group my answer will always be no outside of base gotham and metropolis
  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    If stat clamping was such a great idea, it wouldn’t need to be forced. You’ve admitted that if people didn’t have to run clamped, most probably wouldn’t. So who really is the many here?
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I've actually typed "god I love the stat clamp" too. I (they may have too) meant as sarcastically as possible because I wrote it after watching 4 players die to adds.
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  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    To address the edit: When did I say I wanted to solo anything?! I didn’t, because I don’t.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    That doesn’t really answer my question. All it does is confirm you only care about yourself.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The middle quote...
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    But if the majority of people are happy with the status quo, then why change it?
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  15. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Well then I suppose you have a point.
  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Edit: I quoted solowing but it isn't showing lol

    I cant really tell if i find it funny or ironic or just plain telling that someone like you would enjoy all this to someone like me that doesn't. Again, I don't really care about the clamp because I don't run old content except on league day aside from wanting to try it out this last week. We still face roll since all of us are op. It's just as easy just takes longer. Again, all "we" want is our source marks back in relevant content. By relevant I mean the shiny new. They'll get back at least 15 subs I'm aware of.

    But here we are, you a casual, low sp, no league, possibly one toon, that has said you barely played the game and me a near 10yr player/ subscriber, long time leaguer, multiple end game toons, 500+ sp, multiple high artifacts. And they're driving my type away. You'll still play on occasion and little by little notice that the me types play less and less and sure not any old content. Again, I'm business oriented thru and thru. I see nothing great coming. You seem to think this will save the game. One of us will be right but I get the feeling neither of us will be here in a little over a month. I've got absolutely nothing against you, just see it as something odd basically
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    This BECAME the status quo, it didnt start that way, until power creep kicked off in T5. I left for awhile but periodically returned and tried to do a instance, but when i tried to login, my queue times were 30+ minutes, when i got in the instance it took 1 player to turn the run into a solo with 7 spectators. Did i get to engage with the boss? No. Did i have fun? No Did i learn anything from the boss? No

    As somebody who happily buying 6 month subscriptions for my FF account and idling till Endwalker. Why the hell would i even to fire up DCUO when thats my experience TRYING to hit end-game?

    Now imagine, when people quit a game they typically completely check out, game and forum. Yet here i am giving my feedback on what i think would improve the game. Ive been begging for a stat clamp for the last 7 years, and once it was implemented my playtime skyrocketed and my close friends are coming back to it
  18. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Same thing happens to me lmao.
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  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I keep telling you lot, I didn’t want that either! I was all for the update, I merely had concerns about the implementation. But you. You and your associates are so zealous now that anyone who isn’t completely on your side is collateral, to be thrown under the bus without hesitation.
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  20. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    But this is not true, its coming from both ends if anything.