ThIs gAmE iS DeAd!?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hraesvelg, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    In game name is same as forum handle. :)
  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I just like to tweak all of the people that say the sky is falling...and have been for over a decade. Reminds me of the "End Times!" preachers and "Trump reinstaters"...they just keep moving the goalposts when the dire predictions don't come to pass.
  3. MadCapHatter New Player

    what about PvP phase?
  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah when you look on any trailer definitely recently like Legion,FP and most definitely Hall of legends and going in the comments on their dcuo channel and playstation 95% is about the Graphics.

    I've play sometimes ESO and FFO and for allot of people they wanna see something that looks updated something fresh something that will pop. I am use to dcuo and it's art style it looks great imo but when it goes to those angles of characters in content fighting and power's being used etc the age shows lol.

    I am not sure what they are going to do with unreal 3 but they really need to have a meeting and have a second team start the process to unreal 4 or something . I definitely don't think dcuo is dead or will die but when you see hundreds of player's playing that is awesome but why settle for hundreds when you could get a second development team upgrade this ancient Engine and start seeing thousands of player's.
  5. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Imagine losing a loved one (pvp) and you begin to believe the sky is falling and some group of people tells you it isn't falling because they loss no loved one (PvE), therefore no matter the data you find it will always paint a 1 sided picture.
  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I would buy that analogy if the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth had started after PvP started to lose focus...however, the chorus of "ZOMG DEAD GAME!" started up about two weeks after launch and hasn't let up. It's just moving goalposts...

    Things change over time. It's...part of life. I've grown and changed in the last ten years as far as various focuses and interests. The only permanent thing in life is impermanence. Now, someone might like the changes and some might not, some might come, some might go...but so far, the game remains. For now. I mean, all things DO end at some point...
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Lol “put off by the graphix” lmfao tell them to play Pong or mario or sonic smfh.
    Graphics are great, they are too good IMO. Have these people seen a comic book???
  8. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    The graphics are not great by today's standards, they're not bad by any stretch of the meaning but when compared to more current games on the market, it's definitely lacking. They've been doing a great job updating the models and hopefully next gen consoles lets them maximize the game's potential. Let's not forget this game is running on an engine that's what, 15-20 years old? It would be ridiculous to say the game looks great, it looked great a decade ago but today's a different story.

    I love the game but let's not be frivolous here, the game is in a serious need of an upgrade.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    "DM me"
  10. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    TERA uses the same engine (Unreal Engine 3) it didn't stop the devs from making good graphics.

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  11. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I agree with you but that's out of my control, I was trying to cut the devs some slack, lol.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It was also a PC-only title until they brought it to the PS4 and Xbox One in 2018 according to Wikipedia. DCUO was PC and PS3 from the start so they haven't had to deal with platform limitations like we have.
  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    100% disagree. If ppl want to compare a game running on a 20 year old engine to a game relased a few months ago then thats a “them” problem not a game prob. Theres nothing wrong with graphics in this game in any capacity.
    Why would anyone have the expectation of todays graphics? Graphics also are not what makes this game good. If people wanna pass due to graphics then thats their loss.
    Heres the analogy, no one with sense would compare a 2020 vette with one from 2000 for example. Theres no comparison to make. Technology progresses.
    Was the 2000 vette a great car by almost any measure? YES
    Is the 2020 vette gonna outclass it by almost any measure? YES
    Does this mean that somehow the 2000 vette is not good or not worth owning? Of course not. It was good then and good now, a better version does not lower the things that made it good. Those things were good then and good now.

    Again, graphics lol, of all reasons to not a play a good game smh, i will never understand that type of logic (or lack thereof)
    I still to this day play shining force and shining force 2.
    Wanna talk about bad graphics compared to today? There ya go. It doesnt change the fact its a great game and well worth playing (same as this game)
  14. zNot Loyal Player

    does the old engine of dcuo effect the amount and quality of the content we can get in a episode?
  15. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I agree some may go overboard with the game being dead, but it is nothing anything anyone can do to persuade the people the opposite, hence the analogy explaining why it's subjective, as for statistics while they do help to prove your point about whether the game is dead, the individual will always trust their experience more.
  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    No. Only the devs imagination. Unreal Engine 3 even tho it old, it was used to make great games.
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  17. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    You basically telling me that consoles didn't have any game made with Unreal Engine 3? TERA was ported to console because the Devs wanted to keep it alive since it was dying because PC version population was too small.

    Not to mention, Unreal Engine is one of the best engines to make games on, because it was built to be super portable, so you can port your games to any supported plataform, be it PC or Console to handheld consoles too.

    Games that were made with UE3 for both PC and Consoles:

    Batman: Arkham Asylum 2009:


    Batman: Arkham City 2011:

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  18. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    if you cheack steam data looks like im the only 1 active player :) but it dosnt work like that as long as community can feed devs team game is not death .
  19. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I know it's hard for people like you to detach from something they love so much to be objective but hear me out.

    You need to look at it from the perspective of a new player and not a veteran like you and I. People's expectations over the years regarding video games have change drastically, although this game might be fine for the majority of those already playing it, new players can and will be put off by the graphics, archaic engine and gameplay system. I'm not saying the game is not good and never made such claims but this game is severely limited by its age and it will affect it's power of attraction.

    I'm not saying graphics are what makes or breaks a game but it's an extremely important factor and to deny that factor's ability to sway one's decision to play the game or not, is foolishly arrogant.

    At the end of the day, people will compare a 20 years old engine to something more recent because that's their benchmark. You might not find anything wrong with the game and that's fine but it's also selfish to dismiss criticism because of your bias, Yes the decision to not play the game based on graphics or any other factors related to age is essentially on the consumer but we'll never get a healthy population if we keep dismissing outsider criticism on the basis that it doesn't affect us.
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  20. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    How is that even relevant? The discussion and criticism was directed towards the graphics, not the content. Don't change the subject to fit your narrative, lol.
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