Cloning our artifacts 200, it's time!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    Aside from the 6 arts from time capsules (assassin and kryptonian) all other arts are tradelocked, wouldnt cloning (duplicating?) these artifacts make them tradelocked as well? It would be nice to have for alts but i just see there being problems if they tried to make it so you could trade clones.
  2. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Very true. I have four 200 ARTS on my main and several spread out on a few alts. It took time but I never spent a nickel on the process.

    Also I respectfully disagree with those who say that this is a PTW situation. Artifacts are fairly effective from 120 on up. They are nice to have at higher levels (especially in Elite) but hardly game changers. This is the way I see everything sold by DB. Nice to have. but lacking those items is, at most, inconvenient.
  3. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I'd like to see the artifact cache from the test server up on the market place. pay 80-100$ for it and have an instant 200 artifact.I think that would be a much simpler solution then inventing the tech to clone an item
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  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I don't think this is a bad idea at all. And it would provide an option to those who want it.

    I would caution that it would be a short step from this to selling Elite renown (which I would not really have a problem with as Elite gear is certainly not a game changer).

    Just something to think about
  5. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    clicked for the title, intrigued by the use of alts stories (personally, I've got no time to waste creating and ranking up alts), gave likes to the wonderful use of gifs. :p

    I agree, without having any rank 200 artifacts and never done elite content, this fisher price DC licensed game's only boss mechanic is making DPS characters block when a Huge Skull icon appears above the boss and seemingly a large portion of DPS users can't be bothered to block. Not a difficult game. imho. (support role users block. It's implied, we know what we are doing)


    oh, edit, I forgot they added Chat Text Warning of Incoming attacks from the bosses too. I think there are text in the middle of the screen too. WARNING, the BOSS is about to hit you. The BOSS is doing a scripted aspect to make them unique. more or less.
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  6. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    This game is lucky to have the same 10 people gatekeep ideas for them. Obviously they need to make money to keep the game running, but at what point is it enough? At what point are people allowed to put forth ideas that make user experience, and the game as a whole better, without fellow gamers white knighting for the devs? When do you guys start worrying about gamers pocket books over a multi million dollar company's pocket book?
  7. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Because DCUOs only way to make money is through artifacts?
  8. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    To be fair, this game isn't pay to win at all. Nobody is gaining any advantage here because we are all on the same team. If you are hung up on the scoreboard that is a personal problem and not the games
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  9. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    This idea could work only for people that maxed every artifact in existence to rank 200.
  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I really don't want to quibble about this. In my mind paying to bypass a grind is a competitive advantage. Many dps players do chase the scorecard and compete - while all on the same team. If two players have the same 'personal problem' and one buys an artifact the other will feel obligated to have that same competitive advantage. Another way this type of monetization works against players is in support roles. A healer might feel pushed by league mates to level artifacts faster so that the team can be more effective.
  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    None of what you said makes any case for "competitive advantage". Because it doesn't exist. If anything, people paying for arts does more to help lower ranked players. We all have the same loot table
  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It has nothing to do with loot. It's 100% egos and personal feelings of obligation. If you've chased high rounds of survival and elite feats at launch then you'll understand the obligation part at least. It's a special brain that completes on the scorecard though. It's all part of the psychological traits that monetization schemes are created to exploit.
  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    1. It’s not nice to personally attack a person for any reason. Much less when they do make valid points.

    2. I understand that you don’t speak English but I don’t understand what you’re even saying.
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s not about being a white knight. If you even take a look at my history with the devs you’d see that I’ve even been banned before lol. I’m just not going to sit there and say they should do something just cause. If you take a look at my first reply, I said why should they do it. A lot of players keep making suggestions (which is fine) but not giving any reasoning behind it other than “because”. That’s not how it works. I can’t go up to bill gates and say since he’s rich he should give me 100mil. That’s not how companies work. If you want them to do something you have to make it make sense business wise. I don’t think anyone would be opposed to this especially me. I would love this. My main has so many maxed out artifacts. My baby toons would end up winning. But why would they do it?

    They added seals in the fate vendor. They added a mark to buy those which you get from membership. Members also now get 50% more nth. During nth metal that will most likely stack since buffs in this game do stack. So as a company they made it a little easier to rank up artifacts. Even thou I’m probably one of those that you claim is a white knight ive actually been very vocal with changes that would make leveling artifacts better. I’m just not blindly suggesting everything just “because”
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If only they made EBT cards but for people who can't afford video games.
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  16. myandria Item Storage




    I don't see how this idea will work for the players; it seems like you want to go back to the intensive crafting system this game USED to have and that system became tedious. Why would anyone want to gather MORE components just to make a copy of an artifact when new artifacts are introduced regularly? By the time you have the components to "clone" your favorite artifact, the devs will introduce new artifacts that will become new player favorites. Time, energy and effort will be wasted "cloning" an artifact that may become obsolete within the next episode release. Your suggestion also uses up precious inventory space, which is not a good thing for many players.

    Artifacts are uniquely equipped; they are character bound and you can only have one of any artifact as you cannot buy an artifact that you already possess; this means that your character cannot equip 2 artifacts that are the same.

    So, why clone them? Why should anyone want to create a copy of an artifact when only one can be equipped at a time and are character bound?
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  17. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    maybe if the request was coming from a whale?

    (after watching the video and learning about the Pareto Principle) I'm certainly not a 20%er, Shirley, not a whale.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, but DBG isn't asking for more at this point. The arti system has been in for quite a while as is. As much as I bag on the new changes, in theory we can now actually get seals for 'free' as opposed to having to buy them (and no...using loyalty you get with a sub is not 'free' got your loyalty for paying a sub people), which is a welcome change.

    However as people 'need' more and more artis, or 'need' to change every time a new one comes out, THIS issue occurs, which is people need to grind for another 200 or pay the piper for changing it to new one. So that is a problem of our own making. Furthermore, people do things like arti switching or running metas, then complain about things being too easy. That forces DBG to look at making things tougher (ok...not that tough) to negate that issue...which then means people need MORE artis or to switch powers or get back to the top of that scoreboard.

    I've got plenty of 200s on multiple accounts...20+... and other than seals on all but my main PS4, I've spent nothing. On that one account I've spent probably 30 bucks on XP as I worked up my first 200 and was impatient, and those were bought on sale. On some account's I've spent actual no seals even and have at least 1 200 or a 199 that's ready to break through along with a few 140-160. If your pocket book is getting drained by artis, maybe you need to look in the mirror and see who's spending the money. I'm guessing DBG has never actually done a direct CC withdrawal for any artis, we all pushed that 'purchase' button for anything we bought.
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  19. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    ? [IMG] ?
    if not a whale, Shirley is my pick for a 20%er (Pareto Principle)

    .....considering the amount of free players these days.... i bought the game, subed for some time, went premium, bought a few dlcs, i think, Steam limited timed sales it's a thing, came back from a LONG break with a year sub, i might be a 20%er too. maybe. If the free players are a Lot
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not a whale....Although I could stand to lose a few pounds.
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