Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Oh...whew....this is only a 1 week change? Well, retract everything I ever said about it then. :p
    A spotlight with some new rewards is not a 100% game change. I totally expect the first few weeks to go great (barring actual game breaking glitches or other mechanical issues), it's not about a few weeks or a's 3, 6 or 12 months later that bothers most objectors.

    When we had 'Raid the Universe' AF2 and 3 Raids were going like gangbusters...unclamped and with no source reward for most. If all they needed to do was to get people into the content that carrot could have been dangled via weekly, monthly or quarterly spotlights. I'd guess they could even have made them clamped instances.

    And 'incentivized' is not what's happening. If source and clamps were added on old stuff, but source left in new, that would be an incentive to run the old stuff...and we (as users) would choose where we get them. As the old stuff is the only place to get the source, the 'incentive' is just maintaining your toon's artis and other things that require source. So it's kind of like having an 'incentive' to eat Carrots. If you have only have Carrots or Peas to eat, you might 'incentivize' us to eat carrots by presenting them nice shiney clean ones....."I don't normally eat carrots, but hey...those look like good ones". However, if you take away the peas, you don't really have an option or need an 'incentive' to eat the carrots. Unless you like starving.
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  2. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately we live in a world with varying degrees of education. The Devs can post something and 2 different people can read entirely different things from it. A player could read it and not have the context of a professional understanding to inform them better of what they're reading really means, while the other person has a relevant background to inform them and better grasp what they're reading. One person thinks they understand, but doesn't. The other person does understand. One person will get it while the other doesn't.

    The worst part is the culture we have around not being able to admit we don't know something or that we're wrong. This prevents real growth and I don't find it humourous. I find it pretty sad.
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  3. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    If that is the case then you should probably seek help.

    Because the Devs actually said the chase for gear was never meant to be the ulitmate chase, and in a separate sentence, in a different setting that they wanted to make all stats matter more, and more importantly say that the intent was to never faceroll content....paraphrasing here, but those words did come out of their mouth, which doesn't leave much for interpretation.

    But, you are may be me. :rolleyes:
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  4. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    It is honey. Quote them back to me. I'll wait.

    Imagine thinking that the devs are so incompetent that they spent 10 years making us chase gear by accident BUT that they finally figured out what they got wrong and fixed it so we chase SPs now.

    This is such a silly take. The devs are quite good at their jobs. Your take isn't close to reality.

    Like I said, you can't Dunning-Kruger your way through the hard topics and get away with it.
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  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I think the goal is to get players to end game as fast as reasonably possible. That's what I heard in the livesteam. My guest is that if new players are bogged down chasing gear and skill points they aren't chasing nth metal and seals.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Addendum to this post: Looking at the daily log-in rewards as well as what you can buy with Destiny Tokens, the ONLY reason you'll be "forced" to run clamped content is for MORE Source Marks as well as Feats and drops. But if you're fine on Marks for mainframe upkeep, you can just focus on current content only.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So what make you right and us wrong?
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  10. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    But, I guess it is ok if you do it. The comments by the Devs are in the notes made by Mepps in this forum, the various comments made through different threads, and through the various videos they released regarding what they intended for the game to be. As far as the gear chase, they said this years ago when the revamp happened regarding making stats matter more, as well as different aformentioned avenues of communication prior and after that when the topic was raised.

    Here is one of them by Mepps regarding facerolling content: It is all laid out in the development update. It should be clear that there is a massive win for everyone in most of the game not having loot locks and everyone being able to play together, with a slight trade-off in that instead of being one-shot-the-boss-overpowered in out-leveled content, players will be still-really-powerful-but-still-playing-a-game in out-leveled content.

    On at least 4 notable occassions beyond their regular discussions where they made the attempt to make gear less of a value:

    1: The 1st stat clamp when AMs were still active, but failed because AMs were over riding everything.

    2: During the Stat Revamp

    3: When Arts and Augs were introduced.

    4: The current stat clamp that is pending.

    Imagine going around demanding that the stat clamp not happen, and further advancing your campaign through this conversation without actually doing your homework.while accusing others of the same. o_O
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  11. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    While the goal was to get players to end game faster, there were a few occasions where they released events to prompt the older players to return to the older content to help the newer players advance, but those attempts fell flat; which is why they are removing certain rewards such as source marks from newer content to funnel the older players back into the older content to help the players who have hit the gear and stat wall. They said they want the newer players to understand the importance of leveling while also realizing the importance of the stats besides just gear. (yes they actually said that ..ahem..)

    Regardless if certain people on here want to realize it or not, beyond skill level, there is a significant difference in performance with end game players who are fresh off the skip with low SP, Arts,..etc, to those who took the time to get those other stats that are beyond just what the gear is providing.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    For someone who works in the industry, you very much show you dont give a damn about the "not end game players" experience. And you are so far up your own @$$ its staggering. That even Proxystar, PROXYSTAR!!!!! The biggest anti clamper ive ever met on the forum and spent years debating this with, went from
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  13. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I got some Metal ManBat defeats in this week, ran with a zerg in an instance until the lightening KO'd my internet then my power for 2 hours.

    Basically, I'll visit an instance. Check Map, population of users. More than 7? Check the bounty. Are they there? If not move to next less frequented map bounty with a feat associated to it during Nth Metal bonus of a few days, ending Tuesday night. If I find a pack of players, use LFG to announce it is available.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    To put an end to this with regard to what the intent is:

    [quote="Mepps, post: 4418990, member: 6"]Stats 100% determine your character's strength. It doesn't come from anything else (like combat rating, for example unless you use pets but ignore this). Stats from gear vs. stats from feats is an ancient debate, but ultimately there's diminishing returns. The gear gets you solidly into playable, the feats get you more. Having all the feats gets you more than having some of the feats, but the difference between those to options is less than the difference between no feats and some feats. And so on.

    If you're a collector, want to be all that you can be, want to compete with other enthusiasts, or want to challenge the most challenging content in the game, getting all the feats makes sense and is a strong driver. If you're less...enthusiastic...getting a more reasonable some of the feats is just fine for playing the game, too.[/quote]

    Copied and pasted straight from a Mepps post:
    • 2021- League Buffs, Skill Points, Artifacts, Allies, etc. do improve you beyond scaled stat values and have a proportional return so that you still receive a worthy benefit from those
    • 2017-(for stats revamp in regard to facerolling content): We are making refinements to the revamp content and addressing things that are broken. We are not returning to the "days of facerolling" or the "one-shot snoozefest," as players have put it.
    From Charon:
    Skill points, league buffs, generator mods, artifact, augment, and ally perks - etc. go beyond clamp scales. There is noticeable difference in testing results on PC Test with these set (before and after testing with CR being the same but adding or removing those goodies). The amount of these can be tweaked with proportional returns as needed if things go too powerful or too weak so we'll keep an eye on it and adjust as needed.

    Shall I continue? I am sure I can find more of the 'homework" that is missing from those who haven't done it but yet accusing others of not doing so.

    With the above noted, if wiped progression only means stats from gear, then the person just focusing on stats from gear nullified their own progress by their own choice for dismissing the other values, and facerolling is not the intent.
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  16. JSnaples Committed Player

    Theres no way in hell I have the time of day to read all of that
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  17. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    SO you read this:
    And somehow construed that into this:
    And you quoted this back to me after I finished explaining that 2 people can misunderstand the same words. You dismissively replied saying "maybe it's you"... and I challenged you to quote back the Devs stating they were trying to realign the game's progression emphasis on something other than gear progression. smfh.

    Let me be clear; Stat clamping to reduce our ability to one-shot something is not evidence of the Devs focusing our progression on SPs instead of gear, and it wouldn't have any effect on that even if it was the intended goal.

    But posting what you did as a reply, to support your argument, is evidence that you're out of your depth and do not understand either game development, the systems being discussed or the conversation you're participating in. You just posted support of my point instead. Thanks for saving me the scrolling. If you want to prove *your point* you have to find some quotes that state that the Devs are making X change to realign the main path of progression to be SPs instead of gear -- and I'm still waiting. ;)

    Cite your evidence. Still waiting.

    This is lovely. This is a perfect example of what I was talking about. You don't have a deeper understanding of game development or related development, so you don't understand the intent behind any of these systems so you have misunderstood the purpose behind them. You are Dunning-Kruger-ing your way through this conversation.

    1) AMs damage was based on our stats (obtained by our leveling gear). The damage #s didn't come out of thin air (omfg) so this is not a system that operated outside of our gear progression or exclusively from our SPs and is therefore not evidence of a system that the devs made to make SPs more relevant than our gear. This is absurd and a total misread of the purpose of this system.

    2) Stats were revamped to address power creep. It had nothing to do with making SPs more relevant than gear.

    3) This system was an attempt to offer a new element of gameplay that was more customizable and interactive because the devs haven't been giving us new powersets. It also is a new thing they could monetize. It had nothing to do with replacing gear as our primary form of progression. lmao.

    4) The pending clamp is not evidence that the Devs are shifting progression to SPs instead of gear. And you've failed to provide evidence that it is or that they said it is or that that is intended so you can't cite it as support for your silly theory.

    Circular logic. all.of.this. You have no supporting evidence for the positions you're offering and you're effectively offering your own flawed understanding of game development as evidence of your argument -- you're not evidence of your own argument.

    A deeper and better understanding of the topic than you.

    Again, ignoring the personal attacks. Proxystar is your canary in the coal mine. If you're on their side of anything at all, you know it's time to reevaluate your positions.
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  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is 1000000% wrong.

    None of that means what you claim it means. It does not mean that the Devs are moving to make SPs the primary form of progression instead of gear. Even if you quote it, you're fundamentally [at best] misunderstanding or [at worst intentionally] misconstruing the words you're quoting.
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I’ve said it before, Eso did it and the game thrived and is still thriving and much better because of it.” No challenge” is boring. The problem before when they clamped is thst they didn’t make a reason to go back snd play content you’re now clamped for. They’ve resolved that and gave many reasons to go back, with the added bonus of allowing new players or not end game players to be able to do the roles they want and actually not feel useless.

    This will not kill the game
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  20. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Now I know you are trolling.
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