Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Walsall New Player

    Why is this thread still open? State clamping is coming and i don't think devs will *cancel* it after working on it for some time. I'm sure there will be an angle for company to make more money in the long run. However, I'm excited for up and coming changes.
  2. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    It's not that "no one" wants this change, and not "everyone" wants this change also. But, what is it about the progression that is being wiped out when it has already been explained that SP, Arts, Augs, league buffs...etc are not a factor? Is it because of the CR factor being clamped?

    If we are going to argue years of progression being erased solely behind just CR being clamped (which will not be a factor with the last 3 episodes continuing perpetually) and not factoring in what is not clamped suggests the person making that argument likely was not pursuing the full benefit of progression, so they have been nullifying their own progression all these years anyway.

    I don't even think one complaint would be levied if the DEVs left us all at level 30 and did not implement the combat rating system which has never been a permanent stat to begin with.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Prepare yourselves.
  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It’s good to give people a chance to vent. ;)
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes...all the choices in the world...unless you DONT want to run old content...or clamped.

    Other than that...yes, lots of choices. Oh, and if you aren't worried about marks? Well, you don't need to run it. Well, unless you want the feats, allies or tier 3 pets you'll need to go in there for. Having 1 option does not = 'having options'.

    And as far as the bit about ' a relatively easy content run or work on any missed feats AND get Marks in the process'....if you wanted the feat but were not running the run because it did not pay out marks...well, that's kind of counter-intuitive. If you are doing feats the feat/sp is the reward. If someone didn't want to do 250 bottle duos when it took 3 min a run, you think now that it will take 6-7 min a run BUT you'll walk away with 250 source marks after that 2.5 - 3 hours grind...THAT's the reason someone wasn't running that feat? Cause they weren't getting the pay?

    Some of us didn't NEED this for mark farming. Please don't lump everyone together. Just because some are bad at farming marks, does not mean everyone is. Anyone who thought we should get full marks in unclamped content is just delusional.
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  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    This is what worries me personally, the two key currencies are mined in different content. Now we get both the DLC currency and the marks at the same time, after the change we will have to do tasks from new DLC: solo, alert, raid for the DLC currency and then spend more additional time on marks ... WW and Legion are starting to remind me of this ... where we first did something for one currency and then in a circle we killed a couple of bosses in the open world ... now we will do something for the DLC currency and then repeat the fastest content for marks in a circle ... I wonder how quickly topics will appear about that due to the forced farming of marks we have no time for anything (even if you and I have T3 pets ... then for legendary allies you need somewhere 3000 marks and not everyone will buy it for real money ...)
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    At some point everyone is going to catch on that we've replaced open world bounty grind for episode currency with open world bounty grind for source. I'm almost mad I've finished all my bounty counts since it's looking like I'm just going to be spamming bounties again. Well, not me personally, the player base.
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  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There’s basically 3 unique game ‘sectors’ now:

    1) Level 1 - 30 (Pre-endgame)
    2) Early Endgame (Everything non-3 latest episodes)
    -Multi tiered bundles of content
    -Clamped CR (gear stats clamped)
    -Benefit from SP, artifacts, gen modes in full force (stats apply post clamp)
    3) Current Endgame (Latest 3 episodes)
    -Full stats with CR

    Character “progression” - SP, artifacts will STILL matter. However, gear progression will not continue to exponentially influence early endgame content.

    There’s really no change in endgame, except the source mark removal from what I’ve read so far.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Or you can be a member and get source marks for logging in daily.

    I also think this a healthy change for some who would log in on 16+ characters a day just to run vault/stabilizer for mark/gear/Nth XP. This isn’t gaming; it’s hoarding.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've said this almost from the start. The biggest issue is not losing the 'feeling of being powerful', it's losing time. I already spend way too much time on this game running primarily current content. With no source, I'll have to add old content to the mix. With clamps I'll need to run the old content a bit slower. With the new spiffs I will need to run specific old content vs just running whatever pays the fastest.

    All of it just means we need to spend more time on the game. For some that's great...they are out of stuff to do (likely because they replayed the heck of things in a week or 2 and are now 'bored'). For many...maybe's not so great.
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  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Well, sort of. We would be getting about 110 source per week per toon if we only ran flashpoint content. If that's in the membership perks then great, done deal, everyone's happy. If I'm getting 2 a day on one toon only, place me in the unhappy camper camp. Removal of source is by far the worst part about this new way of life.

    Now again, think of the player base. We always figure it out. So again, most know that they still won't be running raids to get it because it is too time consuming. Either self inflicted of too many toons to run or life inflicted and they don't have 5hrs a day to play. So they'll just skip on things like switching artifacts or ally system which we all know actually generates money for the game but no one wants to buy source. It's just not something players want to purchase. So in the end, I think it has the potential to hurt the games income. I know I need 1400 source and like $30 to swap an artifact on double nth weeks. I just did 8. Had enough source but if I didn't, I wouldn't have swapped those artis. Next double, me alone could not be spending over $100. Now say there's 10 or 20 players like me. Costly.

    Edit: one thing about running 16 toons thru the vault daily. I do that on my seasonal toon. For about a year. Then when the dlc lull sets in, I take that toon out and start building them up. I spent almost a decade doing 1 toon only. Now I've got 4 at end game and 3 were just running vault and stab every day for months. So 1 became end game tank during wv, another became end game dps during LLL, and now one is just about finished becoming troll. And starting 5th toon (my 1st villain) that is just grabbing free coins and nth for awhile. So all those toons have generated some money for the game. If this new setup isn't alt friendly, then 5th toon is getting canned and that means no $$ spent. If it's very alt unfriendly, troll toon gets shelved. So on and so on as needed. All of that leads to me spending less real money.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So youre ok only having only 3 pieces of content relevant to you at any time?
  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Wasn't directed at me clearly but yes, I was. Having 4 toons to get thru all relevant content was always good for about 3hrs of playtime a day. That is plenty. When things slowed down, I would start a new toon or go back to old content to finish up some feats. And since I only run old elite raids, there was never really a "1 shot bosses" deal that I keep seeing people talk about. Hell, I'd get into random pug groups and watch players 150 over cr fail repeatedly. Honestly, saw that a few times this weekend. Those atlantis elite raids really still wreck 340cr toons. Nevermind fie or anything from jld up. Those I'll never pug since they're impossible without a good group.
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  14. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    The "one shot bosses" thing is a straw man that people keep brining up-- it's not most people's positions that they want to be able to do that.
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  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    In summation that is what I was saying.

    There is still this argument about progression being wiped, which is not really the case unless the one making that argument is solely relying on the basis of progression behind combat rating which for one, was never permanent to begin with, and two, if the stats from combat rating is what was being focused on by said player while putting the other stats generated from SP, Arts, Augs, league buffs, etc. on the back burner...then the overall progress was already being nullified by the player not focusing on those.
  16. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    You guys are missing the big picture. No source marks in current content means more people will buy source marks from the marketplace. New players stuck in old raids means more players will buy CR skip tokens. By now you guys have to know the endgame here. Its not about making new players better. Come on now. If thats what they wanted then there would be an in depth tutorial. Its about money. Plain and simple. It is a business after all.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's cool that they called you directly and told you how much source/rewards we will be getting, enough to replace running dailies/weeklies on 3 or 4 toons. Care to share with the rest of the class? As the grant is not on test yet, or been part of a livestream, I can only surmise Mepps, Charon or one of the other devs called you and shared. Demon must be going crazy with jealousy if it was Mepps.:(
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  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I haven't played too much FF14, maybe around 40hrs....but don't they give you the option to sync your level?
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  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Why should it be closed?
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  20. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You may not realize it, but gear progression is also a form of progression. We spend our time and energy replacing our gear every DLC to improve our stats. It is the single largest source of stats for your character. Minimizing its contribution to your character's overall stats and performance is limiting our progression. And since players will be required to play this old content for marks for artifacts and other ingame materials we need, we will experience our progression over the years being removed from the game.

    Players want to smash through old content they've already run hundreds or thousands of times and they do not want it to be hard again after 10 years and many runs being in there already.

    CR is an arbitrary # assigned to our gear. No one is crying about CR. The stats are on the gear and they're being clamped. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

    Again, no one is talking about CR. It doesn't sound like you've kept up with how stats in the game work and how the upcoming changes affect the player.

    This is a strawman that implies I support a false dichotomy.

    Removing relevancy was one of my suggestions from the membership thread. It could have been done without removing player progress. It didn't have to be done this way. We can have and deserve nice things.

    This is the 2nd attempt to stats clamp the game. As implied by the "2nd attempt" part, they've already reversed course in the past once. They can do it again.
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