Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'd go one further and say that if it's optional you have to have all the feats already. I can definitely see the argument for making players who skipped the content do it stat-clamped.
    However, some people grinded the crap out of all the old stuff when it was new content. I think that buys people some grace. It's part of why I hated LPvE so much, instances we played to death saddled with painful, repetitive grind feats. It's just a sad way to keep people on the hamster wheel of death. It's big part of why I left.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't know, if playing the game in general already feels like a "hamster wheel of death" then it's probably already time for a break :)
  3. Roocck Committed Player

    Stick around, it’s going to be a ghost town soon….lol
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I took one for 4 years - it's the seasonals they seem so innocent. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. :D
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I'm not going anywhere, despite all the talk on here I highly doubt anyone else is either... lol
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  6. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Now ain't that rich...

    So "it's going to be a ghost town soon"...

    Now that's funny, they are making the adjustment so that people will run stuff that they actually need for feats and styles.

    That's not good enough because they are going to take away the massive difference in CR gear so it's going to make it super difficult?

    I would have given this newer player base some credit, but really the training wheels need to get put back on.

    It's a wonder how groups ever beat the older content, the way this is being hyperbole.

    I mean, they are not taking away " the extras", still will be far better than what we had to contend with, and they are going to give full rewards.

    I'd like to see a game that gives all that, if there is 1 why even quit that game?

    What is it that people expect?

    If they did anything else it really wouldn't be anyone left to play after a couple of months, are we going to ignore what happens after a DLC is released and people smash it the first day.

    If you think that all of a sudden that you will have to actually clock in and out running Gotham sewer or even if you do wipe over and over again on a open world bounty, like the central city bounties...

    It's not the game...

    It's you..
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, if the change was actually to let us run stuff for feats and styles, they'd have given us AQS. The only thing limiting our access today is the 8 man requirement. Take that away and almost all older feats and styles become very accessible with no other changes needed...moreseo than it will be after this change. That's not what the goal is...if it is, it was a bad implementation choice.
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  8. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    the fact that player's can go into old content and 1 shot everything is bad 4 the games over all health. Because new player's are not learning mechanics and are ruining end game raids. They can't troll or heal. they hold block while tanking and the never move out of the bad. The number one mmo in the world right now has clamped instances and people don't get mad cause your getting loot drops and in dc source marks is the reward. I'm talking about final fantasy 14 btw. They just proved you can run out of digital copies of a game btw cause they ran out of digital keys to start the game. I do think you should be able to turn off the sync and run it without rewards. The player skill in this game is so bad that I am always getting ninja into stuff to solo it 4 groups and when I run on my lower level characters I'm always doing better then player's 100 cr higher then me. The player base is bad. And in my case I need alot of source marks for gotham gange war and up for collections. More then 3000. when they lower gear prices they didn't lower the collection prices so like 900 for ggw another 900 for earth3 and then there is starro and teen titans. Oh and Olympus to. If you have all that and never left the game congratulations your in the 1% who never left and this update has no appeal to you. So again yes I think clamped should be optional but they synce option will only help the game and players that are new and player's that haven't been on the game constantly
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Be still, my beating heart.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL you must've missed my previous comment, I'll be waiting in the House of Legends for you post this update, because by the looks of your character, you still haven't been playing and given you've wanted this update I expect to see you :p

    I've already added you to my friends list, I'll know if you don't show up :p

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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im waiting for it to go live since i don't have a pc gaming capable computer. But ill be there! Some of my squad is ready to jump in.
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Because you're asking to play by a different set of rules.

    See, despite all the disparities that can take place in the game due to CR, membership status and the like, we all have to play by the same set of rules. If you want PvP gear or at least the related styles, you currently either engage in PvP or take your chances with the RNG in Promethium Lockboxes. If you need Renown for Elite gear, you have to run the appropriate content. If there's a drop you want, you run that content or (if it's tradeable) hit the broker. And so on and so forth.

    Stat clamping is going to be the new rule. Asking for a nonclamped option is basically an attempt to work around that rule, and asking for ANY kind of reward (even reduced) for running unclamped content can easily be read as it not being about clamped. After all, if it was all about being able to run unclamped then in theory there wouldn't be a need to get any of the same rewards the clamped players are getting. Being able to run it unclamped should be enough.

    Many of the arguments I've seen against clamping essentially boil down to "I don't like it" and from my own experiences testing things I'm having a lot of trouble seeing any real hardships coming from the clamp. After all, if I can shave a minute or so off of runs I normally make in the game on a character that is FAR from being a top-end character (max CR, SP, Artifacts, etc.) then it's not tough to imagine the top end players who know what they're doing finding the same thing and doing just fine.
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  13. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    After each new episode, people routinely complain about not having content to run and how they’re bored after gearing up immediately. So now, we get an ocean of content via the stat clamp, which by default reverses the content drought that we constantly Hear being moaned, and yet here we are, the same crowd that complained about a lack of content is complaining about getting new content
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The other big complaint (besides 'I don't like it') is that we are being 'forced' to run the clamped stuff. Removal of Source marks in current content and sprinkling of goodies throughout (Allies and pet upgrades mainly....but others as well) the old content means you will HAVE to run it if you want those things.

    If the change were that good for the community as a whole, there would be no need to force it on us...I think the fact it is being forced shows that everyone pushing the change knows it's a change MOST do not want.

    Personally I'd be happy to never set foot in the clamped content (regardless the severity) if given the choice. Normally I only run old stuff to help people get in, get feats, or get a quick rare loot drop. I'd guess those things will become more tedious and I'll do less or none of it later. However, since I'll want some of the things hidden in there, so I'm not being given the choice. And as always....lack of choice makes things better...right?
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Fixed that for ya.
  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If they wanted Marks before, players had to play the content that was within their relevancy range, usually amounting to 3 episodes. And there were more than a few complaints from endgame players about being stuck in the latest three episodes to get their Marks.

    Now? We'll have tons of choices available. You can hit up solo content you might remember fondly, queue for group content that can provide good Mark returns for a relatively easy content run or work on any missed feats AND get Marks in the process. In many ways it's exactly what some were asking for.

    But nobody should have tried fooling themselves into believing the devs would leave things as is (unclamped) if they opened up all that content for Mark farming. Even during PvP's decline they never allowed for either an exchange of Source Marks for PvP currency OR for PvP currency to be bought on the Marketplace. The addition of PvP styles on a vendor in the update comes with a 100 Mark per piece price tag, and while Expert Marksman style was added the price on that looks to be on the rise because it's still the top end PvP gear. And despite all the price changes for gear that have taken place, the styles on Vendor 22/Rare Style vendor have remained at 70 Marks per piece.

    Time and again the devs have shown us they REALLY want us to play and put at least a little effort into earning rewards. And in some way, shape or form we as players have always been "forced" into playing some content to get what we want, so those complaints can fall kinda flat in my opinion.
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  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I'm waiting for the update to go live before I say anything.

    Because as I predicted, the feedback is 50/50. 50% of the feedback is people not actually testing at all, just trying to flex their muscles in an attempt to get the development team to completely reverse course on this when it's obvious it ain't gonna happen. And the other half of feedback is people actually contributing some meaningful results.

    Like some of you folks need to see the writing on the wall. The era of you being OP and killing content in one hit is over with, acknowledge it and move on.

    FF14 an MMO famous for stat-clamping is the number one MMO on the market.
    "Leave DCUO"-Okay.. good luck finding another MMO. Because other MMOs will likely follow the trail of money that FF14's making.

    "DCUO will become a ghost town."-The only evidence that suggests such will happen is Game Update 47. But the thing is.. Game Update 47 had CR differential as it's base; this new update has none of that implemented.

    "Stat-clamping is a change MOST do not want."-How do you know this? We're only a handful of people here on the forums, we don't represent everyone's take or everyone's experience.

    You can tell me I'm wrong or whatever, I don't care. I'm just here to give my 0.02 on what's going on and leave it at that.
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  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You're listening to the wrong people. Participating in a gaming community is all about understanding whose feedback has value and whose doesn't. And to what extent it has value if it does.

    Anyone upset the game doesn't have enough content shouldn't be taken seriously. Now or after this Game Update goes live. Taking those people and complaints seriously was a mistake.

    This is a change no one wants, and it won't solve anything -- because it's not a problem needing to be solved. If it was, removing player progress and forcing all the other players who weren't complaining about this, to play content that they've played for years already, as if it's new, isn't a solution.
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  19. Starblast Well-Known Player

    me too. I'm ready to just get on with it. i tried the testing and it just wasn't working for me and I think others. it may have been on my end but still. i'm ready to try it out. at least with stuff stat clamped we can constantly get marks/rewards and play the content over and over if it is a raid/alert/duo/solo/etc we like. all that's left they really have yet to show per people that have tested is the subscriber rewards and whatever stuff they want to add with the new currency. best to get on with it now so we have stuff to do before the next dlc. cuz this seems more like a big update vs a content one. plus with all the premiums getting the cashcap gone i have a feeling more stuff will appear on the AH and hopefully lower the economy so you don't need billions of dollars to buy things.
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  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I still don't care about the clamp but I am very ticked off by the removal of source marks from current content. They just made it so I have almost 0 reason to run anything put out in the last year and a half. The only reason it isn't completely 0 is because i still have a few feats to get that i just don't really care about right now. But i go thru my feats list and a lot of the old content is 100% done so i don't run it unless a friend needs renown or something. But normally, I'd run the relevant dlcs for source even while being capped on episode currency. So now imagine there's a few players like me. Next week, I'm not setting foot in LLL or FP because I won't get source.

    But I'm also still not going back into old content because I don't need anything out of it. I don't use trinket pets or henchmen and I already have t3 ones if I did. I'm maxed on all renown. New allies, I'll just buy with real money probably if it's a choice between old dlcs I've played to death or money. So maybe WV solo over and over for source? Open world bounties, that instance, and some other weeklies sprinkled in that I can do solo.

    In the last week alone, I've played a total of 20mins a day. For the last few years, it's been about 4hrs a day and closer to 8 on sundays for league day. Now, if all we have is a solo and alert, then I'll be on for maybe less than 20mins a day and will stay relevant. That's not good and I've already started shopping for a new mmo just in case.
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