Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I mean we can use my cr if that makes it more comfortable for you? Lol I'm also a 342. And then 338/337/336 toons. I haven't claimed to be for or against. I'm done with old content so I while I used to go and do league runs in it for prestige, we either will or won't depending on how long it takes/ if it's even fun. But that point is neither here nor there.

    You used the word counter intuitive which is an odd choice to me because the scenario I posted accomplishes the exact same thing while not clamping anyone. This impending update is already scaling players up to whatever cr/ stats they need to be correct? Aka a cr50 wants to run a cr200 alert, they get buffed. And if a cr342 wants to run it, they get clamped. We don't know specifics yet but that is the jist of how it is going to work correct? So they're changing every single players stats. Stay with me...

    New raids are just old raids "turned up" yeah? So us high cr players aren't clamped. We'll feel normal because the devs will be turning old enemies up. And if there was an event level, low tunes would be turned up. Still with me I'm guessing.

    So take t3 thru 9 and tune up the instances (while still retaining something of a progression climb) so all the low crs come up to our level instead of us going down to theirs. So we still aren't going to 1 shot or over power instances but progression still matters. Once we've become powerful, tune the raids up and continue to buff new players. Since new players will be too low of a cr to get into the newest content, they will want to progress vs not even bothering because the game is going to raise their stats anyways so why spend money or care.

    As far as where I fall on this.... I feel like it's going to be like going to the Olympics running events and anyone that's good has to have a leg removed so the rest can keep up.
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  2. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Scaling down numbers makes the game easier to fix and manage.
    An example

    26477447 x 4677447=????

    Looking for a mistake here
    Smaller numbers take less storage and process faster. Which in turn helps with how the games information pings back & forth between servers and players.
    This why the devs are scaling down.
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  3. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    AM's trashed DCUO as a whole. You can trace almost every game culture problem within DCUO back to AM's and making the DPS role too powerful.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    That's a solid explanation lol. Ok, everyone enjoy the clamping! I'm excited to start a new toon and let my main 4 only have to run 1 dlcs dailies. Which I'm not even sure there are? Alert and solo is it right?
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  5. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I'm not sure you're entirely correct on the up-scaling. But, it's just as possible maybe I've missed a post somewhere and I'm way off base. :) My understanding is that a CR50 can't go queue into a CR200 alert. Well, setting events aside where yes, we know they've always up/down-scaled. CR will still be relevant in that you need to meet a minimum threshold to go into content. At that point, your stats get scaled to be within a specific range.

    I'm not sure based on the way the game's coded whether it's easier for them to scale to the content relevancy or to the current max tier. I'd guess the former as it's static and they can set it when the instance is created. Sure, they could set dynamic variables that update on each new release but...likely the harder route, and for what payoff? You realize that asking for content to be scaled to your CR instead of your stats being scaled to the content is just visual, correct? The exact same effect is happening in both cases - there is a set amount of damage you can deal and be dealt. You'll likely net worse with things being scaled up because then you can only be "max" after grinding out the entire new gear/OP item.
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  6. El El Committed Player

    Just a observation stat clampers comments get way less likes then non stat clampers.Gotta look at the data and based on negative feedback this stat clamp is not wise.

    I guess devs have to learn the hard way,people are already quitting.ets hope stat clamper wil have enough people to run with.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Whatever is happening on the forums is barely reflecting anything useful for the Devs to go on. And whatever people are saying in-game is meaningless to the extent that the people that need to hear it (Devs) aren't hearing it because they (the players) would rather moan to their friends than to actually speak up has been the case for years. As usual, things will have to go from test to live and then once the panic settles, the Devs will be able to gather data and better informed opinion (based on experience as opposed to the idea).
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  8. Natthan New Player

    with a massive number of players being more toxic than they already are in live, when they fail and start blaming everyone they consider weak "not healed enough " "can't be battery" "can't be tank", "has no damage" low SP ( i really want see how new players will farm feats dying and failling), after all same old discouraging conversation from the past who will come back to chat I really doubt any new player will feel happy about dying, failing, wasting time and getting kicked out from group, and will really think about spending some money here.
    next month we will see changes in buffs, nerfs in npcs, maybe remove some mechanics and nothing will stop the bleeding who come with ep 41, DCUO is a old game with low playerbase and with bad reputation "p2w", limited, lagged (all UE3 mmo's are, is not just DCUO) maybe it will be the last change to put a last nail in the coffin
    i hope no, but how deal with a age who everyone have huge number of followers and likes to be a critic, keep in mind DCUO again showing bad reputation in reddit, this game sad aways flawed in the past because this, comparated with korean and Chinese mmo's who the paywall is hiding with grind here we faced huge limitaitons, now think DCUO come back to the spotlight in youtube, twitter, reddit, steam (how many games ruined because posts in steam discussion) etc... aways "blaming the dead pay to win mmo who are trying to milk the last money from fools" **ctrl +c ctrl + v words from another mmo, ppl aways use the same words butis that huge effective... and how it give likes like another used too "worth play xxxx in 2021"a nd destroy the game and devs ...

    i read this in Dimensional Ink page, i hope just as you work among yourselves use the same metrics with customers/players

    Collaboration: See the best idea, not have the best idea

    We are better together than by ourselves, so we know that a great idea can come from anywhere. We are committed to hiring the best-fitting team members who amplify our craftsmanship and inspire us all to grow.
    Honesty/Humility: Integrity matters

    We have the self-reflection to hold ourselves accountable and support those who also hold themselves accountable. Be transparent to build trust and a team that is empowered to be bold and authentic. We trust our team members and their feedback.

    best regards

    p.s sorry english is not my main language
  9. Solarbound Committed Player

    For one, I don't care for your sarcasm. Why are you here repeating yourself giving a redundant explanation now? I understood the first time. Yet, I'm sticking to what I said. There's no point in even acknowledging what you're suggesting to be done as it's already set in stone of what's about to happen.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Sorry, wasn't being sarcastic or being anything really.
  11. DscwcFolly Active Player

    the stat clamp is a attempt at making things more fair for everyone and trying to level out the playing feel so no matter your cr you can play the content thats why there taking out the cr and putting in the stat clamps it might not be perfect but it is a attempt if you no like the idea of stat clamping then stop byching about it and stop playing the game

    was directed at you KHALONofOGUN and NATHAN and the other people still complaining about this

    bottom line it is already been done so stop complaining in forums, It isnt going to change it

    you dont like the way the game is turning out then dont play it period
  12. Solarbound Committed Player

    Oh, you just come off that way, huh? Good to know -_-
  13. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    What saddens me the most about this idea is that we aim to be more powerful than we were before, but now they want to nerf us, because the big players are making small instances. I find it quite unfair and disrespectful to them considering all the efforts and possible investments made to be stronger!

    I understand the idea of the devs, but I doubt it's the best one by far, why not imagine a system like TESO? since we have various elements to upgrade now, shouldn't we think of fixing the CR after a while? and up other things or in another way? wouldn't the solution be there?
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  14. Shalayah Committed Player

    Couldn’t have said it any better.
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  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Agreed. It was a fail for the entire combat system in general.

    People keep bringing up the last stat clamp fail, but if I remember right, the last stat clamp was right around when AMs were still active in a effort to make the AMs less powerful, while keeping AMs in place...which turned out to be a bad move, because stats still did not make a huge difference because of the AMs. However, I took a break from, I may have missed a stat clamp update if any occurred.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Whoa slow your roll there. Re-read everything I wrote. Please point out where i'm currently complaining about the stat clamp???

    I will freely admit i'm not the biggest fan, but by no means am I complaining (which is the weird conclusion you jumped to). In fact, if you actually read what I wrote you'd see that i'm telling people to test things out before complaining off hand. To give this a chance before calling it a disaster or whatever.

    Damn, you see my name and just assume the worst of me? Don't bother reading what I actually wrote??? Biased much?
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Welcome to my world. :p
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  18. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    If the issue is one-shotting stuff, why not reduce our damage out in lower content but keep the other stats intact. We would still be powerful in the sense of survivability, healing, power, defense, just not annihilation.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    This is something that shouldve happened several years ago, anybody paying any attention and cared about the health of the game would've seen the need for this to happen a LONG time ago.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because youd be able to ignore mechanics and mindlessly wack at a boss until it died. The boss need to be engaged with, not simply a loot pinata.
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