Credit Is Due To The Dev Team

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FiremanMac85, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    My post may seem a little brown nosing, but I feel like with the big changes coming up, the dev team deserves a lot of credit for working hard to make this game great again.

    This comes at no surprise, but the last couple of years of this game has not been great… if anything it’s been uninspired … It has been frustrating, bland, and repetitive. And to be quite honest, it really feels like world populations are at their lowest right now.

    However, the map that the devs have laid out for us, shows a huge deal of promise, and in a lot of cases they are finally giving us what many players have been asking for.

    Side note: I’m 100% thankful for the transparency and uptick in communication to the player community we have seen since the acquisition of Daybreak. The more informed the players are the happier they will be.

    Anyway, I just want to say thanks to the Dev team, for what is to come in the future. It’s not perfect, but you know what? It’s one hell of a start!

    Keep working hard, and I’m looking forward to what you guys will bring to the game.
    • Like x 18
  2. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    U know what? Here is my hat
    • Like x 1
  3. Eve YouTuber

    This update got me excited like never before. I can't wait to test it on test and then enjoy it on the live server.
    I don't think it wasn't doing too great but I think It's improving for sure and getting to the sweet spot DCUO should be at. :)
    • Like x 4
  4. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Kissing a$$…
  5. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    It is how I feel, but there are a lot of haters out there for people who praise devs. So I was just acknowledging that I was giving them a lot of props
    • Like x 1
  6. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Thanks everyone for the upvotes!
  7. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    It is refreshing to see the teams interact with the community. It is also refreshing to see that the upcoming update will be somewhat similar to how it was when gear and CR was not the end all be all variable. I am also excited to see that they plan to expand their teams.

    Kind of reminds me of how the game was when back in 2012-2013.
  8. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    I agree

    I 100% agree. That time frame was great. I think DCUO peaked with AF2, and then started to make a long series of bad choices.

    But this new update should breath some new life into the game, and hopefully some well placed marketing will help bring in new players.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

  10. Heywiar Committed Player

    I am excited for the update!
    However, I am deeply concerned about the ally system they're adding...
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Concerned with what exactly?
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  12. Heywiar Committed Player

    Multiple reasons (which I admit definitely rely on assumption!)
    1) These allies will likely not be permeable. I can see many people getting killed from being body-blocked by allies.
    2) My main concern is that these allies will follow a similar path as artifacts. Artifacts have removed a lot of responsibilities from some roles (cough cough troll role.) And I really feel that allies are going to have similar abilities as support roles that will seriously reduce our workload and work in conjunction w/artifacts in phasing (for lack of a better term) said roles out. These allies will probably be too good to not get.
    Again, this is speculation based on what I've seen happen in game. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that these allies are just a fun little addition like henchmen but they sound like much more than that.
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  13. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    I can see your concern, but I honestly think (assume) it’ll be like a mix of sidekick/artifacts. They’ll come out like a backup, do damage for a given amount of time, and go away until cooled down again. The level of damage is of course what level they are, and of course what you’re willing to pay…
    • Like x 1
  14. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I've died at least twice in FFE when everyone spawned henchmen behind me and I got trapped in the brainiac flame thrusters. I was rolling trying to find a way out but was surrounded by both henchmen on the ground and some flyers. Good times :D.
    • Like x 2
  15. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    Death by pets. It happens WAY too often for my tastes.
  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It becoming a similarly costly system of Artifacts comes to mind...
  17. Heywiar Committed Player

    I really hope this is the direction they take! Given the games track history with how out control arts have gotten, I'm skeptical. :(
  18. Heywiar Committed Player

    Dude this is so gonna happen. I've died multiple times due to being body-blocked by pets from Braniac's pull in FFE. :/
  19. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Yeah I just did the math on leveling up my alt’s 3 tank artifacts…

    From level 100… relying on double XP week, it’s going to cost me about 300 bucks.

    And knowing that allies will follow suit… not gonna make me feel any better.