Ingame cash -- time for a change?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apollonia, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Your money has changed hands so many times, its been laundered, you cant separate the innocent from the guilty's money anymore. So youll have to potentially accept losing some money for the greater good in a long run
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  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Well since i earned mine legit i say leave mine alone. I didnt grind for rare drops to lose the reason i did it w/out compensation. Thats flat out wrong on so many levels. There is no “greater good” in what amounts to stealing someones labor. Stealing meaning deleting the $ made an labor meaning the grind put in to earn it.
    Offer a solution that doesnt discourage people from playing or take what we earned and im on board.
    If the solution is to sh*t on honest people then yes, your solution is worse than the problem sorry to say.

    For the record, i currently dont even have 500 mil so i may not even be hit but thats not the point. Principle is the point. And imagine your NOT on the forum reading this an you log in an most of your money is gone? The backlash risk also is worse than the problem. The support tickets would be overwhelming and theres no way you can honesty justify taking what someone earned as somehow a “greater good”. Thats fluff and BS and you know it
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Ultimately you didn't though. Your high priced item you "earned" only got you that much because other fraudulent funds existing in the economy to come to you. If there was no buyer able to pay 300mil for X, you wouldn't have "earned" that 300mil.
  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Except no one who did it legit has to accept anything except being left alone. As i said in the other reply i done even have 500 mil currently so i may not even be affected if they did something like this.
    Its the principle.
    So your doesnt pay you for a month, they say “its for the greater good, because some of the $ we earned had to have originated from dirty sources”.
    Tell me you’d be ok with this?
    Say the bank closes your acct. they say “its for the greater good because that $ had to have been laundered by someone at some time”
    You’d be ok with this?

    Be honest, you’d blow a gasket, get lawyers, do anything in your power to recover your $. And it woldnt be all about the $ either. It’d also be about whats rite. About principle.
    Dont be a hypocrite. You’d be bent if that happened to you and theres no “greater good” in doing it to anyone
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Not relevant because i got the item honestly, posted it honestly, someone bought it honestly.
    Its pretty high ground to stand on to use this argument when the same argument can be made in real life about every penny you have ever earned in your life.
    How much of that you ok with just disappearing one day because “reasons”?
    Be honest. Where the money came from originally may be an issue. Solve that issue then. Atk the root cause.
    If i had billions an billions i earned an devs did this but did NOT fix the root cause i would just buy from a spammer to recover my funds that way. No joke. Thr artifical funds r the issue, thats your root cause, thats what needs fixed.
    If u dont fix that, then deleting $ from players accomplishes nothing.
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  6. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    No one is saying you got it dishonestly. But you got money that shouldn't exist, and its existence is the problem, so it should be removed from the economy to resolve the problem.
  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Bottom line for me is this.
    Not a single one of you would be ok with applying this line of logic to your real life bank accts. So what are we even talking about?
    The issue is not the economy. Not even close. The economy is the effect. Atk the root cause.
    The devs need to find a way to eliminate the spammers. Till the root cause is handled permanantly, theres nothing to talk about. No one should be considering taking anyones $. That solves nothing because the spammers will sell more into the game to replace it.
    This thread sounds alot like jealousy of the $ others have. I have less than 500 mil an u dont see me cryin to take billions from ppl.
    Solve the actual issue, the root cause….. the spammers injecting $ into the economy. Then theres something to discuss
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  8. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    And if so i will go buy some from a spammer to replace it. Im not regrinding. I did this the rite way, if i get punished for it, the i will just do it the wrong way. And if it happened, and i did, i would make sure to replace it 10x over.
    Pretty sure you can see that the issue is not the economy or the $ in it. Thats the effect. The root cause is the spammers. Till that is sorted then all your doing is punishing the honest people for nothing.
    Im telling you, if i did this the rite way an get punished for it i am for sure gonna do my part to flood as much as i can the wrong way just to spit on the system.
    Fix the root cause 1st, then we can talk
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  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I guess before anyone looses it i should clarify.
    I have no intention of buyin from these cancerous spammers.
    Im just trying to explain thats the actual prob.
    Y’all are discussing the effects of them and ready to punish honest players as a “fix”.

    Leave the players who actually play alone an go after the root cause. Fix the actual issue which is the spammers. W/out all the $ being injected then we wouldnt be seeing this effect.
    Fix the actual issue NOT punish the players
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  10. L T Devoted Player

    unless there's a new cash glitch -- which there may be (see my earlier post)-- most or all of the glitched cash should have been drained away in the last big 'Tax' event. As far as anyone knows, all the money that exists in-game at the moment is there because it's supposed to be there.
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I actually don't think there should be a cap on how much we can have. The issue will remain. That is gold sellers and hacker. There should either be a dev on monitoring and getting these sellers so they get IP banned including anyone trying to sell buy names since that is also against the ToS. If they can't afford to have a dev be on than they should at least make a devbot that will auto track these and report them to the devs to be taken care off. This is the first game I have personally played that has no system in place for these.

    Actually there was 1 game. Evony Online which was a war battle simulation MMO. And because they had no system most of the server started running on Bots. All farming, all fighting. Everything. The fact that hackers and sellers don't receive punishments is a key issue with the in game economy.

    The only type of cap that could be theoretically implemented could be the broker cap. No item should be worth billions.
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  12. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    To the first part; banning gold selling IPs - too much yes for the like button. ALL THE YES.

    Second part, dang, really? What part of the ToS is name selling violating? I'm not familiar enough wit to know, and I never cared either way about selling names. But this is an interesting twist! I'm gonna go look it up and see if I can figure it out. But wow, never knew that, and it seems to be a huge thing.
  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Well we all Know that cant be true because the spammers are injecting it if anyone buys from them. How much is being injected no one actually knows but they wouldnt waste time shouting non stop (my ignore list is 100% spammers) if people werent buying
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m pretty sure it is. I’ll double check if it’s not. Selling anything for actual money is for sure a violation. I’ll double check if it’s also a violation for in game stuff.

    But as for the IP banning. It’s the only way I can see anything changing. Even if the account itself was banned the person would just create a new one. So IP banning is needed to fully stop it.
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  15. L T Devoted Player

    Unless they know a glitch or exploit, they're not injecting it. Absent an exploit they need to farm their cash-- otherwise they can't just magically create the cash they sell. I'm guessing DCOU cash sellers probably farm time capsules and then use the broker to generate the cash they sell. But in any event, they're not creating cash that doesn't exist.
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  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I do not believe that unfortunately. I remember at the time most people had their billions hidden away when they did the purge. I would say it only got about 10% of what it was supposed to remove. Subjective of course. But w/e.
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  17. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I hope I don't open Pandora's box with this one, I'm just giving an idea (I guess) towards making the whole cash system better and potentionally eliminating the gold sellers.

    Why don't we get in-game cash offered on Market Place? Sure, it doesn't fix the inflation of prices in the broker, but it could be a start to something better, I hope.
  18. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"


    You could argue a players name is apart of "character" but you certainly can't argue that a name isn't apart of "intellectual property" for DCUO. I've known names that have sold for $1000 USD and ive known aura's that have sold for $2500
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  19. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Oh right, I meant for in-game cash. I know that selling for real money is a no-no. But thank you for the clarification :)
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    For starters, that wouldnt happen as banks have insurance policies per account. Also its a video game, and i would begrudgingly accept losing some money if it fixes the games hyper-inflation problem.
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