Removing Episodes for Sale

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Hopefully new players have patience to deal with wienie times or possibly find a good league to show them the ropes but let's.
  2. FrostMighty New Player

    And the 14 days raid lockout and/or the 3 days for the duos.

    1 Week is a pretty long time already, even for people who already enjoy the game it would be too much, 14 days for someone new to the game is a TON of downtime for them to call it quits.

    3 days duos lockout is another one, got my friend to give the game another try next day only thing I could do with him was the open world stuff which there wasnt much since his cr isn't that high.

    This game has so much room to sell cosmetic things, but it has always failed to make use of that, League of Legends only sells skins and make billions per year, granted DCUO doesn't have the same number of players, but it isn't/wasn't free.

    But instead they tried to sell/sold progression in the form of replay badges in the old days. and now they sell power in the form of artifacts.

    I don't know what they are planning in regards to the legendary membership, but I do hope they treat premiums and even F2P a bit better in order to make the start growing again.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The change is likely coming within a few months and I'd guess will remove he extended timers for the current 'free' episodes. In the meantime, if someone dislikes the timers, they should sub vs using replays. $15 a month or $38 for 3 months would only get you a few episodes if you were planning on buying them for the short term had they NOT removed the episode sales.

    And as the change came in almost 2 months after the announcement, anyone who wanted to buy the eps, could have done that a while before they were removed.
  4. Kuno Loyal Player

    When episodes are not open but free to everyone, I guess the gear will be as well? Not the one from the event but the higher CR gear.
  5. Kuno Loyal Player

    I would really appreaciate a hint about the new membership and the next major release (episode I guess?).
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    All gear is available now. You can buy vendor gear from all open eps up to Legion (assuming you also have the renown for Elite) and FP episode is already 'owned' so you can buy that too. The only thing that should limit any gear purchases is your money and Elite renown, and all gear is priced so that even F2P can buy 1 piece at a time with the 2000 cap. It's a hassle to have to refill for every piece, but yeah, doable.

    What gear can't you buy?
  7. FrostMighty New Player

    I'm talking about making the game grow again, " In the meantime,if someone dislikes the timers, they should sub vs using replays...", fair, though it could be said 5 years ago but about the content lock instead, and that by the looks of it, that wasn't working that well, or at least not as good as letting everyone play and sell something else instead of the episodes.

    My main point is that the game doesn't need all those restrictions to make the money and I believe the game would be much better without most of them.

    Escrow Restriction: Take it away and now everyone in the game can play the market,making it way more fair for basically everyone involved, for some people this could be/is the best/most fun part of the game.

    Long lockout timers: Change how many marks you get or the cr of the non-purple pieces, or from how many bosses you get the loot, I don't know, but as it is, it helps no one, a legendary member or heavy spender will better off if they have people to raid it and/or to show off their cool gear or style.

    Broker slots: This one is fine, could sell slots for it (if they don't already) for people who are more active and have more fun in that part of the game.

    Artifacts: Are fine, as long we keep getting the x2 or x3 exp events, it isn't so bad and it is something to make people look out for with antecipation.

    Powers: Fair to be sold, ideally (IMO), they cold make one free everytime they release a new one.

    Sell cosmetic things, auras, styles, accessories,bases styles/locations, add/sell more emotes/poses, the limit would be their imagination.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't think you'll ever see the cash cap removed. It's one of the most attractive things in the membership, and I'd guess membership will still be a thing. I believe the lockout timers will go away (or at least go even with the member/owner today). Again, from the sounds of it, we'll all have 'ownership' of the episodes after the change. We'll see I guess

    As far as cosmetics, I'm 100% with them selling them...emotes, dances, party hats...whatever. As long as they are purely cosmetic, not something that will change gameplay. That way I can continue to ignore them and save my money, but others who want such things can continue to pump money in to support the game.

    You might be right. Maybe they can remove all restrictions, drop membership completely, and just sell a-la-carte options like the utility belt, lair, some powers, armories, slots, movement, weapons and add a bunch of new cosmetics. As long as the new cosmetics replace the lost income, sure...why not? I'd be able to save $100-120 a year on my sub and still enjoy the game as I do today as everyone else does the 'floss' dance around me. Win-win. The Lifetime members would probably be p'd off but hey...they had their time, right?
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im kinda excited to see what their gonna do.
  10. FrostMighty New Player

    Never I mentioned they should end membership, I said remove restrictions, and most if not all are in place to sell more subs,
    and they are reworking the sub.

    You can perfectly sell perks without restricting basic parts of the game, improve the prometium lockboxes, the episode treasure chests, in a event if something is x2 members get a x3 and etc....

    You make it sound like the only way a membership works if they take away something from F2P/Premium players, I'm pretty sure if I came here 3 years ago and suggested making all the episodes free, I would get a bunch of (sarcastic) replies like this:

    Yet here we are today discussing what will members get to compessate for that, but like I said people almost feel offended at the thought o removing the cash limit, so it might take a a few more years before they remove that.
  11. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Yes kinda agree with this, especially the loot lock system being a bit over the top and should get a bit of a nerf, the memberships are in place to guarantee revenue, if a new feature doesn't sell so I doubt the will ridden that, and they absolutely should remove the cap since that is the money you earned in game playing it as ftp so why not receive while being ftp, but like others I am also curious what are the new rewards for us members.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just saying...If there is a membership, I'd guess it will include the cash...other levels will not. At this point, it's probably all planned, so we'll find out when we find out. Should be interesting.
  13. FrostMighty New Player

    Yea I know the cash cap is staying, just wish it wouldn't, if they "had" to find more ways to make money we could get more amazing stuff from them, just look at the auras, we have some incredibles ones, materials give new life to old styles.

    I love the game, but always thought it could be much better and bigger if the monetization was more focused on selling cosmetics, which in a game like this there are endless options for it, gotta wait and see what the new membership perks are to know if they moving towards that or not tho.
  14. Broker New Player

    So what about members? What will they get? Im paying 15$ for less things now?
  15. myandria Item Storage

    The membership perks are going to change; we will have more details when the devs are ready to share them with us.