Cross Faction

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tropical Skittles, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    On the last game update June 9th, 2021 Update 114. There was a flaw, in the update. I can not say there was a glitch, cause no one benefited from it aside from having fun. You were able to phase on someone, and it teleported you to the location of that person. One of the main ones was, villains to the watchtower and heroes to the hall of doom.

    I have never seen the community have so much fun. Aside from when the Dev's drop CPU's in the WT or HOD. Or when the Dev's give out FREE items. Yeah there were some on both fraction sides, wondering what was going on. "How the hell did the heroes get in here", "Why are the villains here, did Mepps leave the door open?" But in all honesty, everyone had fun. I didn't see any toxic behavior, or any issues.

    Just last Saturday Oceans logged in, and was dropping CPU's in the WT and HOD. We had villains in the WT, fighting WITH the heroes as she dropped the CPU's. Then she went to the HOD. We had heroes in the HOD, fighting WITH the villains as she dropped the CPU's. (BTW Oceans "babyface" was stuck in the upper wall by the PS in the HOD. We as in heroes and villains had fun trying to get it unstuck. And when we finally did, it was floating up and down lol)

    You guys wanted to know if we had any game suggestions. Well this is my input on one of them.

    Yesterday in the watchtower, we had 4 phases open. 3 of which had 102/250 and 1 was 2/250
    In the Hall Of Doom, they had 4 phases open. 4 of which had 128/250 and 1 was 1/250
    Last night in the watchtower, we had 6 phases open. 5 of which had 137/250 and 1 was 3/250.
    In the Hall of Doom, they had 3 phases open. 2 of which had 92/250 and 1 was 3/250.

    Let me explain why the numbers had changed. The heroes invaded The Hall Of Doom, during the day. We had an ALL out war on the villains, that lasted for a few hours. People toggled and had fun, no one argued or was toxic. Then last night the villains surprised attacked us in the watchtower. It was a ALL out war, in the Hall Of Justice. Then continued in the middle of the watchtower. Yet again people toggled and had fun, no one argued or was toxic.

    It kind of goes back to CTR and Fight Night in Metropolis. BUT (and this is another game idea for another post later) I don't PVP unless need be. However, from inputs from others who do. PVP has been broken for a LONG time. Based on conversations and exact words from a live stream DEV. It was bluntly put "PVP is NOT going to be fixed anytime soon" This would be one way to being back the fun, that people use to have before it got broken.

    You guys added a new "Phase" button in the Maps - Warp Menu. Why not add "Hall Of Doom" for the heroes and "Watchtower" for the villains?

    Please add a button for cross faction to the HUB :)
    • Like x 17
  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Hah, should’ve seen the toxicity from the hero side in HoD, was like extra zest to the toxic soup usually in the HoD shout chat from our side
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  3. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    Well said i up vote this, never have had so much fun defending the WT or invadin th HOD!
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I edited the post slightly for clarity.
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  5. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I completely agree. This was something that was so much fun. Just walking around looking at villain outfits, names and leagues was wonderful. This is definitely something amazing that I hope comes back.
    making sure to fix it so villains don’t get stuck in the wall above the WT transporter of course. :)
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  6. Gucciana Committed Player

    how? why? seems cryptic like your trying to say something
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  7. Tough New Player

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  8. Kestral Committed Player

    I don't know that you would want it as a all the time thing. But short events with this option sound like they would be fun.
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  9. Mr.W Committed Player

    In addition to this, I would also like for us to be able to group friends of the opposite faction (outside) of the on duty content as well. If Amanda Waller can make them play nice in the mission, im sure we'll be cool after it too lol.
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  10. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    hopefully we get this implemented , as it has increased the number poeple that are now logging in, with the idea of invading the WT or HOD to see who is strongest of them all!
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  11. DEKCIW New Player

    I love this idea I’m a villain so it’s fun to hang with my friends on the hero side and the shock on their face is even better I approve
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  12. Describable New Player

    I'm a hero and i fully agree with this. i love going to the hall of doom its really fun
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  13. DylBlixky New Player

    This is Lasos on he villain side, and I would love a button for jumping in the WT, or Heroes coming into HoD. PvP is fun and a lot of players would come back, to join in the fun to.
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  14. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    I agree. When the Villains are in the WT. I put in Trade and LFG, there is a war going in. And a bunch of people come to the location and toggle. I am putting together a compilation of videos, of the wars in WT and HOD. I will be posting it soon.
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  15. Shadow Force Committed Player

    This Glitch pretty much gives me an idea for pvp even though not that much of a pvp play since i only play legends.

    But i have to say what could be done is Hall of Doom and Watchtower raid or alert duo or even solo were you invade it will have NPC Villains or Heroes that you will have to defeat or better yet a lpve+pvp so players can control Legends Villains and Heroes and their own characters and basically fight each other for the time of the match and the vice versa,

    they have to do a specific objectives to win. Players who play as Legends have 3 attempts to play as Legends when they get knocked out/killed the match is over for them.

    The Players use their own character can respawn until the match ends. When either the match is over by dying as a legend depending on how many objectives the player does and how many players you defeated you still rewarded with base items of your choice you have to pick one out of ten, gear piece one out of well 13 if i'm not mistaken correct me if i'm wrong to raise CR it will , and marks of legend 10 and Sourse marks 25.

    If the match is won you get 45 Sourse marks and 25 marks of legends and Purple gear that can definitely raise CR 1 point. and as the last bonus the armor can be box can be be picked 10 piece out of any armor style in the game and it shows which style you pick as motivation for Winning. Sometimes you get a stabilizer full stabilizer.

    That's my idea Like it or Hate it what do you think?
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How many years has it been since ive seen this sig lol
  17. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I “visited” the HOD with my hero under this new “system”. I quite enjoyed just hanging out watching the banter and the fights. I started on the Vill side originally but migrated over awhile back. So I’m all for making cross faction and communication more of a thing.
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  18. Jaelia Committed Player

    I think it was fun bring back #CROSSFACTION :) lol
  19. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

  20. AKXC Well-Known Player

    Cross faction trading and HQ visiting would be nice.