Family Game Play

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Robert-Vim, May 11, 2021.

  1. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    As I have mentioned many times before I play the game with 4 other members of my family and have since onset. My wife and youngest son, her sister and her husband ( my best friend ) have all been there with me from start. We have played MANY games thru the years and helped ; both financially and otherwise; to launch some as well. I am curious to see how many of you have been blessed as well to have family to play the game with. Remember though, that I have a saying I've used thru the years that has always held true for me , "Blood does not a family make". With that being said; who do you play with? :)
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I used to play more with my kids, especially once PC and PS merged and the PS3 was still an option. I'd run on PC with one on PS4 and one on PS3 before it was phased out. I'd probably get the PS5 sooner to do this again, but the kids have since moved on to other games. I can occasionally get them back in and we'll run a few things, but for the most part I get on their accounts to keep their toons up to endgame and run stabilizers....although likely they will not return full time.

    Other than that I have a handful of friends I play with nightly, and the rest are only on occasion or random players.
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  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Random people. :D

    I usually play with my boyfriend, though he works a lot and doesn't have much time to play lately; and when he does, we often play something else.
    I have a few buddies in-game but I rarely play with them, it's mostly just chatting.

    My family/relatives aren't fond of videogames, and my best and only friend isn't into gaming either. :oops:
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  4. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I mostly play solo, lol. I rarely group up with anyone other than my PC accounts.

    When I do eventually run content though, I just random queue into it and hope for the best. :D
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    No one I know from my personal life is playing DCUO. But I have made a lot of friends here I enjoy running content with, so there's that.
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  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    No one from life, but everyone in my league is close knit & we are friends outside the game & talk frequently, best thing i could ask for
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  7. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    how many uhm... channel do y'all have to censor in order to maintain a family friendly play experience?
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  8. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    It was our youngest son that got us into this game. He saw the adds for it somewhere at the end of the first year . We are all huge gaming freaks and were looking for another game so it was a great idea. We all still play although I must say he and I play more than the other 3 do now a days .
  9. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    I got my family into gaming originally MANY years ago. Wife couldn't understand what it was that was so compelling to stay up until 4am playing. heheh.. I introduced her and well as they say, the rest is history. ;)
  10. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    uhg... "P.U.G.s .. :p
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  11. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    Like I mentioned before "Blood does not a family make". ;) Family is who you choose and chooses you as well in my eyes. :)
  12. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    There it is there! I have many friends I consider as close as blood family too. That's awesome to find a group of close and caring folks in these times. :)
  13. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    LOL!!! We don't look when folks get "ornery" :p We just go about our day. Folks will be what folks will be and words do not bother me. I'm FAR too many years into this life to trouble myself over harsh words. I worry more 'bout the ones that never say anything cross or side-ways. ;) To quote, " The bigger the smile the sharper the knife".
  14. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yeah it can brutal sometimes for sure..

    But it can also be a cool experience, I have a picture saved from like two years ago, it is of the anniversary event raid leaderboard. I wanted to show it to the devs because it gives some insight to how difficult some players have with the raid.

    Anyhow, it lasted 89 minutes and like 30 players were in and out.

    I random queued in around the 73 minute mark, checked everything out. There was only 5 or 6 players remaining and all of them were pre-30 toons. I thought I have to help these guys get through this, it would be really cool if I could pull it off, I had a full stack of Qwa Bombs and shields, and we freaking did it!

    I celebrated and told everyone thanks, but unfortunately no one said anything and just left, lol. I was like alright, I don't think they realize how much effort I had to put in to get them past it, lol, but it was fun so oh well. :D
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  15. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    Don't get me wrong I USED to pug it all the time. I have just gotten kind of jaded on it I guess as the years have rolled by. Too many cheats and slackers infesting the queues turned me off to it altogether. There are wonderful people to be found I know but, it's the amount of arsehats one has to wade thru and I'm an older guy with little patience for such things. You're exactly the kind of person one would hope to find in a queues and the kind I always have looked for. The kind that will take the extra step and "stick it out". I'm that kind of person and I guess I've just gotten to the point that I expect everyone to be . ( unrealistic I know ) I'm just a stickler to getting everything done in one run and too many want to run thru it all. It's a shame they didn't completely understand what had just occurred. To be taken from defeat in a quest looking at the dead end w/o completion to completion and success SHOULD be a reason to stop and be grateful.
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  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Thanks. Because of their levels I just assumed they were all new players so they didn't really know how to communicate in game just yet. But one of the was jumping around before they left, so maybe he was celebrating.. :D

    But yeah I used to PUG way more when I had fewer characters, nowadays I have so many toons that I don't really have time to random queue into stuff. And the stuff that I do eventually run, I can get in with my PC alts and at least that way my PC alts can earn gear and currency as well.

    When I do random queue I mostly do the event stuff, as you can get through them pretty easily and more importantly without any worries.. usually, lol.
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  17. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I sometimes play with niece and one of my brothers but he doesn't play anymore . I do have some friends who I know who play with family to and one of them plays with his daughter and his wife lol and I have played with them a few times his daughter is like 12 and she is really good .
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  18. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    Yeah those kids will beat ya every time. ;) My youngest started us playing this game when he was not much older that that. 10 years now we've been here and he doesn't seem to be bored with it yet so we'll stay a lil longer. ;)
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  19. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah lol it's amazing Seeing kids play and how good they are definitely funny hearing my friends daughter on the Headset telling people how a feat works etc or telling someone to switch roles lol her little voice so cute and funny all the same .

    But yeah some kids there skill level is impressive some play better then some adults I know lol lol.
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  20. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    My youngest son was 9 or 10 and would "sit it" for his mom or uncle in raids over at LotRO when we played long ago. Folks were always shocked when his lil squeaky voice would speak until they got used to him being there occasionally. His skill was undeniable so most folks took to him pretty quickly. His "twitch" skills have always been lightening fast so he was a natural at gaming and he's a freakin' computer bank of memory. He never forgets anything and recalls it almost immediately so he became the "go to" for gaming info in our house. :)