Insufficient Skill Points in Armories

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TymeBlast, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The restriction is there for the purpose of protecting you from imprinting something you (probably) don't mean to, and originally so it wasn't a bypass to respecing. I'm not sure the latter is important anymore, and I'm curious about the former.

    That said, the goal with armories was for you to want at least 4 or more builds ready to go for the power of in-combat switching. They were not intended as a half-respec.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Why can't you take an imprinted armory (lets say you have 400 SP, and 390 imprinted so it works properly), then you put that T3 armor on, go to respec machine and then apply back 100 SP.

    How often is this scenario happening that you would need a game change for this?

    Now...what would it hurt? No idea. Personally I'd think we could have 30-40 unspent SP, although why? yes, other than some sort of work around to NOT spend the 500 cash on a respec, I can't see why it needs to be 10 points, but I also can't imagine why you'd want to run around with 50 or 100 or more SP unspent.

    I know I'll run with 1 point unspent, so armories are not an issue, but thats just in case I want to pop on an iconic power one off, or keep the SP for the occasional weapon drop that has a style I don't have, and I need the point to use the weapon and claim it. Why 10+? No idea.
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    While we're discussing armories, I just want to note that I'd kill to be able to access 8 in the field instead of 4. I recognize that technical limitations on consoles probably precludes this as either too difficult to code or as outright impossible, but I wanted to go on record with the request/desire.

    I have 16 armories for my main, all with a different purpose or look. I'd love to be able to switch more of them on the fly.

    That is all. Carry on.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't see an issue with this request, as long as it would be technically possible. I only rock 4 on my mains, 2-3 on most alts, but I might go 5 or 6 if I had a way to use them all at once. I don't do the dress up thing, so there are only so many gear/power/sp/arti combos I can think of.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Hi Guys,

    You actually can't do this, when you try it gives you an error after attempting to confirm, the armory requires that you spend a certain percentage of your SP to imprint.

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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I have armories for "current favorite," "DPS solo single boss," "DPS group single boss," "DPS group adds," "DPS solo adds." "Healer group single boss," "healer group adds," PVP versions of the previous, plus one for outside use, and just some variants with different artifacts and loadouts, such as a couple focused on pets and supercharges and others not.

    Some are really mostly just for cosmetic differences, but there are so many ways to mix up load-outs to try out, sometimes just for the sake of variety and slightly different play-style. I'd get bored sticking strictly to just "dps/role," but that's me. One really only needs two, or four, but there's no harm in having more. I'd love to make switching on the fly more inclusive of my full range of choices, rather than having to choose which of four bases I have to go to first for the remaining 12.

    Next time there's a sale, I'll probably get another base or two to add to my four, and stock yet some more armories just because I've gotten lots of tokens accumulated over the past decade.
  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Hmm, so it does. Just logged in and confirmed it. I seem to remember being able to do that, but...well...I'm old. Wouldn't be the first thing I misremembered. I know if you have it set and then overlevel it, you can just leave it and activate it at your leisure.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea if it gets left behind if you over level it then it will stay there as is until ever imprinted over, but chances are you won't leave it long because of the gear that would sit in your inventory or bank associated with it, if you force deleted that gear, you'd equally end up with a totally useless armory.

    The magic number also apoears to be 10sp, the moment you have 11sp accumulated that you haven't spent your armories become invalid and you have to spend more sp and reprint all your armories to make them valid again.

    Pro-tip, if this happens that's when you go to your base and manually activate them again, so you don't need to respec everything from scratch :)
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is correct. If you imprinted at 100 SP, then never wanted to field switch or imprint again, you should always be able to go back and re-activate at the actual armory eve if you get all the way up to 600+ SP.

    Why? That's still a good question.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    2 things. First, the work around for that gear issue is imprint naked. I do this with farmers as I don't care about them advancing or whatever, but want to open and salvage the gear. This way you can always apply new gear, then salvage without a return trip for imprint. And yes, you can imprint at 0 CR as long as your SP are applied...I've heard some people say you cannot...I have several toons that would beg to differ though.

    Second, It does not actually happen the 'moment' you hit 11SP. You can be over 10 SP off as long as the overage happens in that session. So if you start the session with a functioning 9 SP differential, then go get 3 sp, you can still field activate. The moment you log off and back on though, it's invalid. If you feel like testing this, next time you are bringing up an alt, buy the SP you are buying and test activate once you are over 10 SP difference...I've done it with as much as 19 or 20 SP as long as 11 of those were garnered in that session. Maybe there's a cap on that too, but it's not 10....unless that was a funky glitch just for me (multiple times)

    Question still is why, but that's up to the user.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Imprinting without gear is impractical because it means you have to manually put all that gear on when you want to run something, unless of course you were planning on using some even lower set you've saved.

    You are correct regarding it being the session, sorry, i just didn't clarify that in my previous post, the moment you have 11 sp unspent and you log out, the next time you log in your armories will be invalid.

    Also regarding your earlier comment about imprinting 100sp correct, but only if you actually imprinted it years or however long before acquiring the other 500sp, if you have more sp then the armory system simply doesn't let you imprint, you get the error I screenshot earlier, you must spend at least all your SP minus 10 before imprinting.
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  12. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I see what you did there! :D
    Humble brag LOLz
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Schucks you caught me :D
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, I never said it was practical did I? It works for me on farmers as I don't feel like going to reimprint...ever...but I get a lot of different gear drops. So I do this to get my gear, then salvage or sell the old gear without going back to base to update the armory. Works fine for that...point was it does work IF you had some need.

    And it wouldn't take years to go from 100SP to 500SP....I know people who've done it in one sitting while buying feats. If someone really wanted to lock in at low SP (again...why?) and they did the no gear process, it is conceivable to have an armory you could leave at 100 SP...never have to re-imprint and could still activate by stopping by the base. Most of my newer skip farmers are locked in at 77 or 80 SP, straight out of the CR skip box. They are imprinted naked and will NEVER re-visit their bases more than likely...and I've got a few of those around the 200 SP mark now...just farming and queuing up things for my other accounts.

    Again, unsure why someone would want to do this...if I have a toon with 500 SP, and for some reason I wanted 100, I'd just respec and apply a short amount then go about my business.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    If you made a fresh toon with the foresight of setting up something like this sure, players who have been playing for years do not have that foresight unless of course we're talking about them making an alt with that intention in mind.

    It's all rather irrelevant though, because the main point being made is that if you have more SP and no armory pre-set you cannot imprint the armory without spending all SP minus 10. :)

    You're right though if you wanted to do this the quicker way is to simply respec, however the better way is to probably set as many SP as possible in SP slots you don't want, care about or provide you with any primary benefit.

    For example if you were wanting to pretend you're a 100SP Tank and have 400SP then slap as many SP as you can in to Vitalization for example and weapon trees for weapons you'll never use, then imprint :), as a DPS perhaps dump everything into resto, vit and and weapons etc :)
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I did say I didn't know why anyone would want to do such a thing....but mad scientists abound out there. I guess on those farmers I just had ample foresight. Not much chance they will ever reach 500 SP, but they are all well past the 10 SP differential by now....and have never re-imprinted or returned to base for that matter.

    But yes for someone wanting to 'weaken' their toon. Buying every weapon spec would be a good SP sink for sure. Has to be about 150-180 SP just in those points. The rest in a non beneficial you say...would finish the job and allow for re-imprint.

    Long story short, no matter how you slice it, no point to the 'enhancement' request. At least not until we've whittled the list down from the many more beneficial ones we've seen come through.
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  17. timetrapper52 Well-Known Player

    How about we get a popup to pay the respec fee so we can activate it or is that also bypass I guess. This happen to me a few times and one time I needed to switch to healer and that one was invalid rip especially when I farm feats. I don't see this as game breaking its a Quality of Life change
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You do not need to respec your character to activate your armory. If your armory is locked out (invalid) because you forgot to allocate any new SP in your last game session follow these steps:

    Step 1. Go to your base.
    Step 2. Go to the invalid armory. From the armory options select Activate All.
    Step 3. Allocate your unspent skill points, do not leave more than 10 unspent.
    Step 4. Go to the invalid armory. From the armory options select Imprint All.

    Your armory is now valid and unlocked. If you have more than one invalid armory repeat steps 2-4 as necessary.
  19. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Activate the armory onto yourself, update your Sp then imprint.

    That being said.. armories really can be a pain int he butt.

    If you're the type that has many armories, (i.e. different PVP loadouts, different support role loadouts, diferent DPS loadouts...), then think twice before doing something such as changing your movement type.

    You will have to redo all of them from scratch. At least that's been my experience. If there's an easier way around this, please let me know.
  20. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    An Armory can be imprinted with 10 unspent SP, and then activated at any point in time. When you over level it, even to 20 SP, you CAN still activate it, BUT only for the current login session. During the current login session, if you activate the armory, and then spend all remaining unspent SP (after over levelling it), and then log out for the day or switch to another character, you cannot activate the armory upon logging back in and must re-imprint.

    I don't know whether the armory remains active if you activate it with 10 unspent SP then over level it without allocating any of the unspent SP and then relog. Guessing the armory becomes inactive once you relog.