New Episodes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LightningEl_, Apr 2, 2021.

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  1. LightningEl_ Level 30

    There's a reason why these new episodes don't really give us what we want

    It feels like the same reused locations etc

    The main reason for this is simple

    The story telling in DUCO sucks. There is no depth. Stories jump from one to another randomness creating this feeling of reused locations. Were focused on the locations and not the story telling

    I did see somewhere it was mentioned that they will try to tell a consistent story. If this is true that's the way to do it. Atleast keep one consistant arc going and we can visit others

    It baffles me that story telling sucks in a game based on DC COMICS

    I Watched the livestream today and felt nothing that's how bad it is compared to other games with new content reveals. For a moment I thought I was watching an ad for a mobile game
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  2. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    yh you right i mean they do some stuff but a real red line story telling is missed its more like well new enemys beat them and get some stuff

    other thing i got problems with an dcuo episode should give us more than just 1 or 2 iconic styles everytime in mean how will u feel the flashpoint if some of the icoics not there or u just dont get more than one or 2 styles everytime

    think sometimes they should take more time to get us an better feeling for each episode
  3. LightningEl_ Level 30

    I wonder if they can add actual cutscenes or the art like the core of the game. Must be a budget constraint. Still I think they can do better in part of the consistency. Maybe work on some new animations camera tech beef it up and do a consistent story

    But that's not all that needs attention there needs to be some serious world building to go along with it. These locations should not feel like locations if you know what I mean. This is kinda partly due to the graphics, certain textures is so outdated and lighting is not very good to create an atmosphere
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  4. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    i personally think they should do real open worlds flashpoint gotham central ctiy and thermcsira or how that calls...not some half maps full they can use that i firstpoint for stroys ....secnod yh i miss that cutsenes too the animation point...yes they do that same animatins for the char each time again even if it not match to what they say they wave around with her arms or such low working animatons...

    like i say first they should focus at maps

    after u got maps for ever episode put the full dc chars with there gears for the matching timeline on it

    give them a better (uique feeling) not just an (reaction like every other char)

    one other thing we go away to fast in the storylines

    lets come to orgins of the dc chars i remeber huntress and bizzaro

    but how can u call a game dcuo if u not focus on alot more origins of the main heroes and villians (didnt saw joker mr freeze penguin or twoface and many more i mean sure that would take time to do that but it would give us a better view over our iconic chars :(

    well tbh idk if i will go on here or stop most time i put so mutch hope in an episode and we get many stuff that feels like more copy and past as real spending (heartblood) at it
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  5. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    well i was in the test server minutes ago ....again just a small area with big copy and past feeling ...i think i leave dcuo for guys who like witch way this game is going fine but me i see just the same stuff again and again get nearly the same feel again and again nah that isnt worth my money anymore
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  6. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    I agree the story telling makes no sense right now and thats why I miss the triologies/metal, but thats not really enough to say a episode sucks really, the story is just a small part of the dcuo world
  7. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    mhm the story is the heart of an game and most important of DC Comics without her story dc is just an artwork if the story dont match u get a strange feel about an content witch brings u sooner or later to the point were u ask yourself ...uhm why ..why i run around in an dc game if i can do also other me the name dc is for many ppl the only reason why they are still here...cant be the gameplay
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  8. Wildcat Committed Player

    Looks like I need to wait 10 more years for a real Flashpoint episode.
    I'm disappointed. Flashpoint characters missing in flashpoint :confused:
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Whos not in?
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  10. LightningEl_ Level 30

    Theres a huge untapped potential here daybreak is not taking advantage of the property to tell a story that will keep interest in the game

    Something we can talk about, something we can theory about you have DC CHARACTERS do it right. Players are just running around in locations. I don't see this game lasting long until they notice there not getting any value. We can expect whats expected those things will always come. This is why story is important to go along with everything else

    Some people are asking for DCUO 2 but like whats the point what makes it DCUO 2 theres nothing here folks look closely your just running around wheres the value of DC. Your going nowhere. You hear that thats the sound of milking feeding on addiction sorry to say it

    I wouldn't say this if the game was designed different like in a sandbox way. But the design they have right now needs a proper consistent story to go with it
  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I feel like this thread speaks for me, "We" and It really doesn't. I think you should only speak for yourself, and not we as community or forums because not everyone share the same opinion.

    Now, the games population seems to be healthy. The Devs are making income from creating capsules, artifacts and styles and memberships. This is VALUE when there are paying members.

    I personally find this episode intriguing, and giving us a lot of new things previous content didn't have. And I thought Legion was badly designed, but I loved Wonderverse because they tried new things (Bounties, which only worked for Wonderverse in my eyes).

    DCUO's storytelling is not 100% accurate to comics but inspired by comics. Their vision is to create their own stories based on big events in the comics. The main story of the game was revolved around Brainiac and the future event where he takes over Earth and superheroes and villains die. This is connects to every story so far because we prevent big events from destroying reality and eventually everything prevents Brainiac from taking over. It will be boring in my eyes to stick to one bad guy for the whole life cycle of the game.

    If, in your personal opinion the game doesn't keep you interest or pull you in, perhaps you need to think if you want to continue playing or if you want to maybe take a break until you find something that pulls you back in again. Breaks are good, I take them myself sometimes when needed. As for the old cutscenes, they don't do these anymore, I think the answer was that It's just too expensive.
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  12. LightningEl_ Level 30

    They don't need to stick with one bad guy. I think the problem is its too short. We dont feel any of the stages of story telling

    I dont think you got my point about consistent story. Its as if no events connect to each other your moving between randomness. Where's the tone, Where's the consequence

    This has nothing to do with the content it self like bounties

    The three parts they had going for what was it Hall of Power, Amazon Fury, War of the Light & ill mention Metal.
    These actually worked it created an atmosphere

    Setting the Scene, The Climax & Resolution

    I don't actually know if this flashpoint episode has more than 1 more parts and thats also part of the problem
    The content planing itself is inconsistent
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  13. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Missed a chance to make Flash more of the focus and add onto the Central City map. But instead we get more Batman and the same rehashed Gotham. No wonder this episode is free
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    How is Flash not the focus in this episode?
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  15. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Im soooo sick of gotham. Enough is enough
  16. nawanda Loyal Player

    A lot of the storylines have made little sense to me in the last 2-3 years, I rarely know what’s going on or why we are fighting someone, and the whole fighting a mind controlled hero trope is incredibly poor, it feels low rent and borderline obnoxious, but personally, the story doesn’t really bother me. I’m here for the gameplay, the quality of the raids and alert combat, the challenge, the teamwork and so on.
  17. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    The stories can tend to be lackluster bc its an entire comic art condensed into a solo alert and raid. You learn about the problem in the solo and have it handled by the time you beat the first raid. Agreed part 1 and 2 episodes are better and story is an area of weakness for the game.
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  18. Shalayah Committed Player

    The story doesn’t really interest me tbh lol. The storytelling is definitely not that good, but it is what it is. As long as the gameplay is good that’s all that matters to me
  19. LightningEl_ Level 30

    The gameplay is good. Just wanted to point this out as to why content feels recycled. The story is nowhere to be found were just visiting locations without much rhyme or reason

    its like here we go again were in the same place doing more of the same gameplay things which is nice and all but soon enough you will notice the line
  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I've only seen the reveal once and even then i was surfing around a little.
    I didn't like Flashpoint. It was the beginning of the end of DC for me.
    Having it be the basis of a dlc so many years after the fact is kind of a buzzkill.
    It also ruins the narrative I have for my own characters and why we're here and where we really are in the DCU...

    There is a lot of rehashing going on. You can't even try to say otherwise. I mean Brrainiac. srsly.

    The gorillas do look awesome though.

    I thought Gotham looked great. I love the Iceberg lounge. It should be unbottled and made its own little area you can enter (open to both factions) with its own amenities and vendors and even a few casino games players can waste marks on...(I also think we should see more of the Gotham Zoo too).

    Including Bart Allen as Kid Flash goes a very long way in the free pass department. He looks fantastic. Wish we went with a classic basque waist on his tunic. Most important we must have a Kid Flash cowl appear as a new vendor purchase. A Kid Flash emblem wouldn't hurt either (a lightning bolt without the background circle).
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