Stabilizer run ignore person report?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Punkpirate, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    Is there a report button for people like these?

    IM still in the run but i wont carry that person 25min and ongoing

    image upload site
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Might want to blur out/obscure the name, as showing the other player's name could be considered a blacklisting attempt. That's frowned upon.

    As for what to do? Last time I ran into something like that I got stubborn and waited the other person out. Took about 100 minutes or so, but unfortunately for the other player I had all the time in the world to work with and they gave up first. :D
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  3. Fwames Well-Known Player

    Wrong section buddy. It is against ToS to blacklist someone even if it is unintentional. You could at least cover the names up
  4. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    thanks guys yeah im doing same waiting 1h now and hes not even "away" xD and ofc ther is no option to edit my own post? wtf cant remove screen now
  5. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    And devs are protecting people like this then, didnt know about ToS , thats extra sad now
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    You've usually got a 30 minute window to edit posts, so that might be why you can't pull the pic down now.

    As for protecting, it's actually done to protect everyone from unfair or untrue accusations. As frustrating as it is to deal with folks like that, it's also way too easy to come into the forums say, "So-and-so did this horrible thing in game, don't ever have any dealings with them" when all they may have done is the electronic equivalent of looking at you cross-eyed. And if that other player doesn't frequent or even use the forums, they've got no way of defending themselves against such accusations, much less even knowing they've had accusations leveled against them.

    It's not perfect as it may allow some players to get away with less-than-ideal behavior, but in the forums it is the fairest way of dealing with that kind of thing.

    EDIT: best you can probably do now is send a PM to Mepps or ask if he can remove the pic for you. Otherwise the thread will likely go poof.
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  7. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    well deleted from source not sure why they still show here, removed "him" now [IMG] how is that normal human behaviour he is literally there all time
  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    First of all. You can't report someone for this. They didn't do anything wrong. They weren't griefing you. They were AFK. Intentionally or not it doesn't matter. Then you decided to be petty. Then they decided to be petty back. Then you proceeded to waste your in game time over what? To make a point? I mean I get it man, but it aint that serious and it just isnt worth it. My advice next time just move on, do the stabilizer mission solo and get on with your day.
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  9. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    They werent afk thats the ppoint hes moving around and yes its to make a point , after searching forum you can see this is a actual problem :

    Yes i can move on anytime i want but if this happens weekly then its a issue on game development side they can fix this and punish these type of players.
  10. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    No man, just no. Move on. This is not a punishable offense. Again, they didn't do anything technically wrong or against ToS. People go AFK all the time. If this person did it on purpose it still doesn't matter. You can be upset about it thats fine. But no action will be taken against them. It just won't. You will encounter this in any game you play. It is not worth your time. You can't change how players in an online game are going to play. As long as they arent breaking any rules there is literally nothing to be done. They decided to be petty then you decided to be petty back. Thats the end of the story. If its really that important to you they dont get a freebie just leave the instance and try again. Dont sit there and waste your time. It's too valuable.
  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Honestly why would anyone waste so much game time being petty an trying to prove a point that obviously the other party doesnt care about?
    I get the mentality of not wanting to carry someone u dont know but the reality is that the stabilizer mission is easily solo’d an wont even take 2 whole min. Y’all are saying you wasted over an hour on principle to prove a point........ i fail to see what was accomplished? I see what wasn't accomplished (you got nothing done during that game time) but what was the goal? How does this achieve the goal? Was the goal accomplished?
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  12. Fwames Well-Known Player

    Just treat stabilizer runs like those street hookers. Get in and get out. Don't care about the other party, just care about you've finished.

    Stop the pettiness already!
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can report players here:
    Don't do it here on the forums because people like to defend this crap.
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  14. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Just get in and out.

    yup. last call hook up.
  15. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Actually you can report someone for this and they did do something wrong. They were violating the ToS by griefing another user.
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  16. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    I think the guys who says here "dont report nothing to report" are ones who afk themselves :D but glad to see people on my side as well <3
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  17. mouseymouse1976 Active Player

    I agree with you ;)
  18. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    Personally I do find those guys annoying and it would be nice if they got no reward + were loot locked out of the stabilizer runs but that’s the petty side of me. I’m just there to get my stabilizer and get out. If the other person doesn’t contribute. Welp so be it. If they wanna pull that bs in actual content then they’re getting kicked.

    But it’s no point wasting your time on a stabilizer run just to prove a point. You could’ve spent that time bettering your character or something lol.
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  19. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    This happened to me last night. No skin off of my back. Just went through and plowed through it alone. Took about the same amount of time. I do see it as a problem but nothing that is going to ruin my experience. Now if this were an Elite Raid or a regular Duo then yeah they got to go, but the Stabilizer Fragmentation is like the Vault to me. No risk, easy rewards.
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  20. Noble One Committed Player

    stopped reading right here because thats BS. its a KNOWN FACT that there are people that PURPOSELY stand at the beginning of this and do NOTHING. they DID do something wrong. they ARE griefing. how anyone could say this isnt wrong is beyond baffling. also if the person is truly afk then the game would label and remove them. obviously this person (and many others like them) is not.

    OP yes these people suck for doing this and no at the moment you cant report them for it. next time just block them and leave as doing this will make it so its harder to queue with that person. its not a report but it will save you a headache in the future. the only reason i could see tht you cant report them for this is because of loads of fake reports. its just easier to block and leave.
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