Why we can't see which power players have when we inspect them?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    As far as I can remember, there hasn't been a change to the PIs between players. One can still setup the PI for others. (Hence, consumable PI activators.) The things I remember changing was how the damage overwrote. Especially with fields and dots. One can overwrite another's damage, this was fixed a long time ago. I believe during the AM era. Also they changed how PIs were represented in combat. Originally, the damage was listed as a second tick, now it is just joined into the original hit. Probably how they fixed the overwriting issue.

    PIs are usually not in the forefront of people's minds anymore though. Most really worry more about how artifacts do burst damage as well as help create more damage over time.

    @OP, I'm not against this. Personally I wondered why it wasn't in the game to start with way before we even had the API census forced on us and basically abandoned by daybreak. I'd wager that this would not be a little task to complete for how clunky our UI is. Wait until after PS5 native launch happens. They just hired a UX designer (User Experience think UI) and all platforms might benefit from it. If they do revamp the UI and actually make it modular, additions like this would be rather easy for them to add.
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's also not really needed and there are honestly bigger fish to fry in regards to the game and things that it needs.

    We've got all kinds of visual cues to work with already and if someone's really that curious and HAS to know they can just go ahead and ask.
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  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    How long does it take to figure out from the visuals and effects?

    I'd say "under five seconds," but that's me.
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  4. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    would be nice I usually wanna know what power people are that has a cosplay toon i.e dbz , dc,,marvel , other anime etc . lol I just send a tell but wouldn't mind that added
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  5. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I just asked two simple questions in this and the other thread and not sure why so much hate about them?
    You guys just show how really broken this community is. You jump on me that i complain a lot okay but you are not any better.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Players claim to hate the way most things in this game are setup but if you even question changing it, they lose their mind. If you want everyone to like you, you'll have to ask about chromas and ask devs for more and more chroma spots. Maybe even suggest chroma styles. Chromassssss!!!! That's actually what the C in DC stands for.
  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I also still don't see the issue with it op, think it would be sort of handy for just inspecting randoms in watchtower or what not. But quick story about some friends and I running sffe on sunday. We were all the roles so in our own chat. The dps were in their own. So while waiting for someone to relog due to lag, someone from my side was looking at the scoreboard. This was a great group all around, all dps within a mil or 2 of each other. One had a name signifying water toon/ build. We're all like no way is any water toon keeping up with munitions and electric. Plus we haven't seen a single shark and we're already at 3rd boss. Clearly we could ask but since we were just sitting there, we'd have never found out if they had left. So fight starts, still don't see sharks. Their really wanting to know so they're paying close attention. Still can't figure it out lol. Finally, the troll finally spots it, electric. Like 3 or 4 other people in there so it was a pain to figure out while still doing you job in elite.
    I don't get the hate you're receiving for this. Back in pvp days, this would be a godsend. Heck, even now you'd know to walk away from a gadgets player
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's not that people don't want changes, most people are fine with changes. Many people don't like changes that are probably going to be most useful to people for the wrong reasons. Snooping on someone's power, styles, broker listings, SP...etc...will NOT primarily be used by people wanting to cosplay or like in your case, just wondering what someone's power is cause they are apparently OP.

    And you could have asked him...maybe got no answer, but you were just standing there waiting anyway. Or checked his head/legs mods...I'd guess they were electric related.

    And I'm not sure just having a differing opinion on a suggestion is 'losing their mind'. Most detractors of this idea have stated 2 main reasons. 1) they don't see the need for it (there are other methods of finding out...least of which is just asking) and 2) It's a QOL suggestion few need vs the many, many better QOL suggestions out there already...or god forbid...after some bugs are fixed. And those aren't wrong statements.

    Throw it on the list of QOL? Sure, but it better come out after we have a shared bank, adjustable queue size, better broker search/sort, style names on unattuned gear boxes....and a bunch of other things that have been requested more often and would benefit a lot more users than this request would. And that's not even including bug fixes.

    And I thought the C stood for 'Connect'....as in Dis-Connect Universe Online.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I always forget about white mods. I personally didn't even look because I never really cared. I was too busy laughing at them trying to figure out what power they were because "no fn way this dude is water" while thinking about this post.

    Do I think it's needed, no. Would it bother me? Not at all. I'm guessing by the amount of trade canceled notifications I get in wt that I'm getting inspected often. As I said before tho, at least 1 of my toons has no powerset specific white mods. But anyway, yeah this is all small potatoes and I'm not really caring. What I'm seeing is a simple request being turned into a rather brutal argument. The player base needs to do better. It's a game, stay calm and talk it out.
    It would not be upset to see this in QoL updates. But yes, down on the list.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Okay, interpreting the acts of individuals as if they were a coordinated group, to be addressed as "you," is divorced from reality.

    Individuals post the same thing because it's an entirely obvious point that they are independently sharing. That a bunch of individuals have the same reaction to is something to be learned from, not attacked as if there were a specific bunch of people out to get you.

    There's no "hate" involved. You said a dumb thing. People naturally react. The best thing to do in such a situation is learn and thank people. The second best is to say nothing.

    The third choice is not a good choice. (If anyone else makes a similar point, it's not because we're members of the Hate Wossname Club.)

    There's nothing wrong with the community. There is something wrong with interpreting the speech of individuals as a group attack.

    Here's a helpful bonus tip: posting to argue about this point will be unlikely to be helpful to you. Nobody is attacking you as a person. Nobody actually cares about you. We simply react to things people post. If you don't want a post commented on, don't post it. If you do post it, complaining about the reactions is pointless.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Wait, what?
  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'll be standing next to bank/ broker/ email and get trade canceled notifications. Fairly often, enough to wonder why. I was inspecting someone (has happened a few times now) and since the game lags demands/ inputs if you're too fast for it, I ended up selecting trade with instead of inspect.
  13. C3alix Committed Player

    funny story. When the game was launched for the PS4, we were able to because our controller lights would light up according to the player's power closest to us. But if you were in watch tower, it was like a rave.
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Oh, gotcha. Sorry for being a bit slow. Thanks for explaining. I've had that happen, though only maybe twice a year or so.

    More common to me are just requests out of the blue to buy people items that cost at least tens of millions on the broker.
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lol it could be that too. Tho those messages usually make it thru. I'm not 100% sure it's from a messed up inspection but it's happened in raids and random spots too so it's my assumption. And we know how assumptions go