More Episodes For Underused Characters

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Oceanly, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    It's been along time since I've seen Joker in a episode and Circe being apart of Wonderverse was good but that was basically at the end of of WV which was kinda cheating her i feel like she should've been in a bigger part of it since She is also a god (In some versions) so yeah i would like to see different episodes for underused characters
  2. Eve YouTuber

    I don't know about Joker, I think it has to do with the voice actor (Mark Hamill) who quit voicing him completely.
    Circe was used in a lot of content to be fair so she is not underused. (Sons of Trigon, Amazon Fury Trilogy, Wonderverse, etc.)
    We got Legion now which was never used before, just not in the form of proper episode. I do hope to see Green Arrow and Black Canary used more (It was great seeing her in Birds of Prey with her remodel), Maybe Martian Manhunter could get some love. White Martians invasion episode would be insane.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He didn't quit. They had something in the works right before this pandemic.
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    Ah ok, this was a rumor then.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah because he was still voicing Joker and Trickster for an animated series.
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  6. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    i mean i havn't seen her in a while in recent years besides WV
  7. LLSmoothJ Active Player

    If you want to talk about underused characters, there is no one who's been underused than Batgirl.
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  8. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    oop and powergi
    oop and powergirl
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  9. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Underused? Lets talk about this guy:

  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Martian Manhunter is probably the most in need of attention. As mentioned, the Hyperclan / White Martian invasion is probably the perfect vehicle for an episode.

    Monsieur Mallah and The Brain are barely used, and they would work for a Doom Patrol episode.

    The Spectre is also under-used for the kind of character he is. An out of control Spectre could bring in all sorts of characters for an episode - Justice League Dark, the Justice Society and even Hal Jordan / Green Arrow. They could actually combine a few ideas - like Final Night and Day of Vengeance - to make an epic episode.

    The Renee Montoya Question model has barely been used, and the finished Captain Atom model has never been used. They could do an episode that plays with the idea of Watchmen but using the Charlton characters as Alan Moore intended. Just add in Nightshade, the Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Peacemaker (soon to be in The Suicide Squad movie). Would need to find someone for the Peter Cannon role; but they could just use Ozymandius crossing over into DC and the Charlton characters band together to stop him. Throw in some other under used DCUO characters like Major Force and you’ve got an episode.


    I would argue that Booster Gold is under-used too. An episode could feature the Rip Hunter time traveling series as Booster fixes history. The DCUO twist could be that he’s fixing things that went wrong in older DCUO episodes, so we could travel through a ton of old content.
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  11. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    lol theres no one there
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    General Immortus is also in the game. A reskinned Giganta could would as Madam Rouge to round out the Brotherhood of Evil. Give her some kind of big arm stretchy aoe attack.

    I love the idea of a dlc using the Charlton characters. Especially if we could somehow make it as an homage to Steve Ditko but thn I woud want to see the Creeper and hawk and Dove and they'd be new characters.

    the Giffen era of the Justice League is not one of my favorite iterations but most of the characters are in game~we would need Ice and the Blue Beetle. J'onn, Guy Gardner, Fire, Booster, Mr.Miracle and Big Barda. I'm loathe to suggest it but if done properly could make for zany antics.
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  13. Wildcat Committed Player

    Captain Atom
    Power Girl
    Reverse Flash / Zoom
    Kid Flash
    Plastic Man
    Doctor Sivana
    Major Force

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  14. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    Static Shock to he's been in like what two dlc's and has had the smallest role in both of them i mean show my boy some love devs
  15. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We have plans for a few of these characters listed in 2021. Some, real, real soon - others, not towards the end of the year but planned nonetheless. Some are planned for refreshes, from minor to major, when we they take stage again. And of course some brand new ones that are classic in DC.
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Sounds super cool. I'm glad you guys add more DC icons as you go but double back and do characters that need some more love too. A lot of us didn't think you'd do Aquaman, Constantine and the Legion etc but here we are today. So looking forward to what you guys have cooked up next.
  17. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We're always monitoring the situation for refreshes for our old or never used characters (Amazo) and who we can bring into the fold from the comics. We've gotten the green light for a few out of this world characters that have been asked for.

    I might have tried too hard to drop some hints. Not enough coffee yet.
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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I get it ;)
  19. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Only hint I got was monitoring lol. I need a mocha freezer from Ellianos.
  20. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    Yess A Powergirl Episode would bee so cooool