DCUO isn't going anywhere - by the numbers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magnificent, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Magnificent Loyal Player

    It has it correct on Page 15 (game portfolio), but yeah they missed it on the page with the summary of the combined group.
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  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    While the coronavirus has had a negative impact on all of our lives we have to take into consideration that this has been a good year for the gaming industry. Social distancing, lockdowns, additional and extended unemployment benefits have all contributed to people spending more money and time on games at home.

    This is not to say I'm unhappy with recent developments. Far from it. More I've learned from the past not to get my hopes up.

    I would have sent this message to you telepathically but my powers aren't working quite the way they should.
  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    If it's accounts it also counts everyone's alts they have another psn or multiple accounts tied to a pc launchpad. It also accounts for the 1000's of gold bots that have to create a new account each time it gets banned to be able to spam just as much across the USPS as EUPS and the xbox (not sure if switch has gold bots). I would put more confidence in the revenue statistics than active users because of data pool.
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  4. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Man 2020 was a rocky year obviously but it's good to know DCUO can just grow more and stick around awhile going into 2021.
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  5. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I've been playing since launch and have been hearing about the imminent doom of DCUO for nearly 10 years. it wouldn't surprise me if the BETA players were hearing it BEFORE launch.

    When they shut down the servers I'll believe it. Until then I plan to just keep playing.

    (I suspect that will be for some time to come)
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    It as well as DAU (daily) are common metrics for social and messaging platforms. It's a good litmus test of a platform's popularity but in games like social you have to take it with a grain of salt as it still includes bot or farming accounts.
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  7. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    That's all fine and dandy but if DI is doing so well and DCUO is thriving, why are they doing the bare minimum with a skeleton crew while relying on questionable business tactics to bring in the cash?
  8. Lugo Well-Known Player

    True, true. I would really never expect PVP to outperform PVE in DCUO, but really anything could happen. Black Desert is pretty popular and amazing looking and I think it's mainly PVP for its engame?

    But, yeah, 9/10 times when these companies and their defenders talk about how they can't afford to invest in making things better, what they really mean is that they can't afford it because most of the money is going to the bosses. BUT that's just speculation from me I gueeeessss~~
  9. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Are you privy to information that we aren't? How do you know they're doing the bare minimum? How do you know how many full time employees they have? As for questionable business tactics, that implies they're doing something illegal or almost illegal. What's being done that's tip toe-ing the line of legality?

    If your answers are what I think they are, it sounds like you're making assumptions based on your personal satisfaction or feelings toward optional things like Time Capsules. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.
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  10. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Every bit of that is exaggerated opinion. While I agree this DLC isn't exactly overflowing with content to accomplish, I wouldn't call it "the bare minimum". You provide no basis for your claim of a "skeleton crew" nor any examples of what you consider "questionable business tactics" and/or why they should be considered "questionable".
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  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Even funnier they don't consider the Switch a "console"? It is its own thing? Lol
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  12. Realist617 Active Player

    All of DCUO's money is blood money. If my ADD wasn't getting the best of me at this moment I would lay out ten paragraphs on how Daybreak cares nothing about it's community nor the quality of game they put out. Like, the grueling need to spend THOUSANDS of dollars per year on DCUO in order to keep up with relevant content is absurd. Don't even let me get started on what it costs to catch up to speed as a new player. Oh, and don't forget about the PLAYERS who control the in-game marketplace on all platforms and make almost as must revenue annually as Daybreak does while they do it. I know for a fact on the xbox server there is a group of people making tens of thousands of dollars every month selling in-game cash and rare time capsule items purchased in foreign regions that are then sold for American dollars. These people live in other countries where the money lets them live like royalty. Daybreak is also by and large has the worst customer service I have ever dealt with in 20 years of online gaming. I guess where I am going with this is numbers of Daybreaks' success mean nothing to the daily gamer when the game(as outstanding a concept as it is) is a nightmare in so many aspects. I moved on to ESO months ago and I will never look back. Anyone who doesn't want to sell their daughters booty on the corner in order to afford the next DLC should do the same.
  13. Tocimus Committed Player

    im waiting for it to be Marvel Heroes Omega Relaunch
  14. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Oooohh, JLA vs Avengers episode confirmed??? Lol, probably never gonna happen but hey, it happened in the comics so surely it's within the Devs remit, right?? (a girl can only hope lol....)
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How many bots are mixed that? How many unique users within the CR of the last 3 DLCs is my question. Yes they are doing good revenue, but what portion of that comes from the gamble boxes that shouldn't even be legal? Or Artifact system?

    Making money is a good thing, but not when its at the expense of your customer. That is capitalism at its worst.
  16. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Maybe they think of it as the El Camino of devices? :D
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  17. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Been here since beta, they were saying dc wouldn't even make it out the beta gate let alone 10 years. But yea it wasn't suppose to survive beta but here we are about to celebrate a decade of dcuo. I'll be here for that celebration!
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  18. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    ^ This! Absolutely true. I think some people want the game to die because they can't get their way......lol. Either way, been here from Alpha, Beta, and launch. I will stay until the lights go out........
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  19. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    The old saying was:
    Punk's not dead, it just smells that way.
  20. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    I have been playing this game since 2011. My credit card has basically been on auto pay for almost a decade. I have never played or subscribed to a game for this long. I’ve invested too much time and years into all of my characters to let go. To be fair though there are some months where I don’t even log into the game at all especially in recent years but nonetheless I still subscribe and log on whenever I get the urge. Now it’s mostly during the holiday events. I have been wondering lately how much longer I plan to keep this up. Knowing that this game could still go on it definitely doesn’t help my decision either.