The golden age...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Barry Allen, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Aka the devs we have dont wanna waste their time on doing things they know nothing about. At least jens played the game like we did so he could relate to our pain in most cases.
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  2. DiscoSoup Active Player

    I honestly think that we are in for something good. I don't have any major complaints about the game myself. Maybe it would be nicer I could more reliably get people to connect on some older raids and such, but otherwise DCUO is pretty much always a fun way to unwind after a long day at work.
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  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    actually people cried about it non stop. there was a glitch that let knocked out players re enter so initially a lot of self professed beast leagues actually cheated their way to marks of krypton. also group leads could ninja switch the loot picker to master looter (or whatever that was called) just in case the prime helm dropped they could snatch it up along with everything else without giving anyone else a chance to roll on it (or anything else).

    personally i avoided the raid until the glitch got fixed.

    for me the best times of the olden days was reset day. with replays in place it doesnt carry the kind of weight it used to. everyone was so excited and stayed up extra late to run raids.
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  4. Barry Allen Well-Known Player

    Yes, the saddest thing is just that, despite the infinite amount of errors (which by the way were solved during the same "golden age") those times are still the best and the most absurd is that even today there are still errors that allow to leave a portal opened, in the 1st stage we had fun at least
  5. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    That was when jump cancelling was at it's height. Light and gadgets were the best burst and nature was right with them n if things had enuff health it was top dps.

    People would spend hrs learning the raids n I DNT believe there was a test server yet was there???
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  6. Barry Allen Well-Known Player

    That's right ... actually in those times Paradox Wave was so difficult that leagues like Individuals made videos explaining their strategies
  7. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I'd give anything to relive again the good old days. :cool:
  8. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I still go solo prime every week for nostalgia :)
    Man i miss the old days when FOS 2 an prime were massive headaches, ppl arguing in FOS2 hallways on what the issue was, ppl screaming “pancakes” into the mic......... like music to my ears!!!
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh the flashbacks xD
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  10. Tenacity New Player

    I miss these times dearly. Back when you would be stuck in wave for 3 hours and no one screamed at each other :(
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I still to this day call basically anything bosses put on the ground pancakes.
    Its funny cause u can immediatly tell who OG’s are hahaha
    OG’s move out of the way an newer peeps get dead hahaha
  12. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    I actually remember soloing it because everybody in my group kept dying. It took me like 10 minutes to beat it by myself and everybody was telling me to die because they thought I was doing nothing. It was weird because I used to struggle so hard on that instance just getting past the damn tentacles LMAO
  13. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    Damn, this really was beginning of the end for odyssey, we had some great moments but this was a disaster.

    When a feat was named after the league the officers and league leader thought were invincible . Now league as gone.
  14. Saami Loyal Player

    I miss old pvp.
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  15. BƖack Dedicated Player

  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Dont think i missed more then 5 FNL episodes
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Watching the stream today, Mepps mentioned he was rusty with the camera controls. I say we start a movement. #bringbackfnl
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