Next-Gen DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by mrsmileman, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. mrsmileman New Player

    With the PS5 soon to be released by the end of the year, I think its safe to say DCUO could get a revamp (not completely remaking the game) to upgrade the graphics and visuals.
    UE5 could surpass the limitations Unreal Engine 3 had for this game, DCUO has been around for 10 years and I think its time we had a revamp making it look like an up-to-date game.

    If that isnt the case, we could have a DCUO sequel but I dont see that happening anytime soon.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    UE5 isnt a upgrade from UE3 (heavily modified no less), its different code and not modular. The game would basically have to be remade and that isn't happening.
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  3. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    People that have 500+ skill points would lose it all, just for a graphics upgrade, idk how many SP you have, but me I'm 4.5sp from 500 and I'm not cool with starting completely over just for updated graphics.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Personally, for a better game overall, learning from the mistakes of the past? Sure, ill remake Roll Ryuko for that. To have a chance to fall back in love with a game that made my character feel like something truly special? Take it...Its a small sacrifice for the greater good for the Devs AND the community to do it better the second time around.
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  5. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Not for me, it's just too much time put into my character that I'm just not willing to up so easily.
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  6. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Well either way you're going to lose them, it's either they remake or they shut down or discontinue support.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    A few points:
    • They have not announced any graphics update. This would have been pushed to test by now or at least announced to prepare. Previously, when PS4 launched, they gave a test update. It did include also gameplay and leveling changes, but still they needed to test everything.
    • The launch of the PS5 is in mid November, that's way too soon for a new platform to launch a new title. If they do a new title, it would probably be a year or two longer to go.
    • They've mentioned that Unreal 3 is here to stay for a lot longer. Jackster said this, IIRC. I know there are limitations and the devs have acknowledged them, but there are way too many threads they would have to tackle to upgrade that they I guess deemed not worth it to do.
    If they did introduce a new DCUO and there were no character or account transfer, I'd probably stop playing and cut my losses. They'd probably keep both running, but I don't think they would do any real updates to it and just let it be self reliant. I've seen what that does and would make for a poor experience for me.
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  8. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I'd rather lose them the natural way of servers shutting down then dcuo 2.0 releasing and shutting down the servers of this version of dcuo and FORCING us to have to redo it all over. I can assure you that alot of ppl wouldnt rejoin.

    And to upgrade to a updated engine will cost them big bucks that they will need all the income they see now x2 or x3
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  9. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    How would graphics improve the gameplay at all? This is an mmo, graphics aren’t the focal point of the experience
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thats the difference between me and you.
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  12. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Forcing people to refarm 500+ SP isnt the betterment of the game, because like I said, many would leave vs refarming.

    For argument sake how many SP do you have?
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If there was a DCUO 2 in the future what makes you think the progression would be exactly the same as this game? In other words, what if there was no SP progression? Naturally they wouldn't consider letting an entire population port their 500+ SP over on to a brand new game. Can you image us just plowing through beginner content while all the brand new people come here to complain of the unfairness?
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Isn't usually if they allow a port, it's more you get the name and some of the style appearances, but nothing really gameplay wise goes over.

    I don't mind losing the skill points as I'm sure the devs would probably not even use the same system, but I do mind losing my character.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Does it matter? Ive had this character for 9 years, i find this character inspires me on a personal level to the point where i found i could do things i never thought i could do because of the inspiration it gave. Of course you have more SP then i do, but this character means more to me then your SP could ever amount to you. Yet im still willing to give that up for a better game.
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  16. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    That's exactly why I dont see a 2nd dcuo installment happening. Because not only would they not wanna do it but at the same time if they didnt ppl who do have 500-550+ SP wouldnt go over to it therefore it's a massive money loss for them.
  17. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    It does, could be why you have 0 issues with restarting in a dcuo 2.0, so I ask again how many SP you at?
  18. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    You're 150sp 212cr, I wouldnt care to lose a lousy 150sp either as most of that is base game feats from leveling up and T1-T3
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its not about the SP, its about the value i find in the character itself and how much it truely means to me. Your SP is time spent to my love of the character, whats more valuable? And im willing to give up that character for a better game i can re-create her on.
  20. Saami Loyal Player

    What if they do DCUO 2, but keep this one as well? Similar to Everquest and Everquest 2. No one would lose their characters then.

    Dont worry about playerbase, if games are good they will have players. Plenty of people on earth.
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