Base Items and decorating

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    So I had some thoughts regards it and how it can possibly improve.
    We get a bunch of Base Items with each episode right? so It is usually themed.
    Is it possible to add some new themed base items to Market Place? Limited time (Or not).
    Maybe like future techy inspired items - Statues, computers, etc. Maybe even simple things like a single bed, Windows (Star - Shaped for example, or a window to Central City\Metropolis) and maybe a "Suicide Squad" Inspired base items by the movies? Like Harley's mallets maybe in different shapes hanging against the wall and some other weapons. And maybe more musical themed items like a guitar. And more base pets to choose from. (Ace the bathound? Kanga the Kangaroo? and plenty more super-pets).

    And another thing I was thinking about was giving us the option to color base items. At least have a palette to choose form Instead lots of base items cluttering the base items window. (If it makes sense) and the option to put items on items (Like a book on a table, for example, instead of on the ground). These probably not possible, but was worth asking about it.

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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    the one single thing they could do for me that would make my base-life complete would be to allow me to change the size of things. just that, & I'm all set. I know that's a design thing rather than something they could sell on the MP, but still.

    more windows, or portals, or open doorways, with different views would be nice. always always up for more non-branded tech / computers. also, something I've been wanting for a long long time: an option to change the colour / texture of your walls in the basic dive base ( so, brick, or vine, or wood, or tech, or ancient stone, etc, that kind of thing ). I'd happily pay for a set of base wall themes. or alternatively, a set of base designs related to the individual power sets, same size as the Volcano one we got when BOP came out. I'd buy them. all of them, most likely. I'm all for anything base-related being added to the MP or the game. I love it when a base comes together.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    They have such a thing that could work with bases and even make some money off it. Me, You, and people who like the aspect of decorating their bases, will happily buy new themes and base items if they offered them on Market Place. Maybe even offer items that didn't make it into an episode. Yes, changing sizes would be great! I didn't think of it myself. I really hope it's possible for them.
    Yeah and if they can't give us a way to change wall themes, at least release more lair themes that we can take advantage of,
    with different rooms etc.
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  4. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Forgive me for being confused but I thought you were taking a long break from this game?
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yeah I posted a few days ago that I want to continue playing, took two weeks off and did some thinking with myself. I tend to change my mind, I thought it might be weird to some, don't worry!
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  6. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Oh, I see.
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