New Time Capsule Opinions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by catplaysxoxo, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Just saw the stream. We get a lot of emblems, my favorite is a Kryptonian emblem, at first it looked like Zero but then paying close attention I can see the shape of a Kryptonian emblem. I like the new hairstyle, I'll even wear it as a male character. Diana armor looks good but I think we all wanted her hair with the helmet unless you're able to wear it together without showing as being bald. The aura and chroma look cool but not for my taste. The number one thing that beat this stream was the lasso as a waist style.
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  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    ooh, glowy!

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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The Shade stuff is a nice surprise. Deep cut there. There's plenty of players who enjoy more random looks like that. I can see it being popular.

    The FP WW design is awful and they managed to make it sparkle like diamonds. It's gorgeous. I wish I had a use for it.

    Flash cowl is fun? Really nicely done too but not something I could use.

    I get my lasso (it looks amazing!!!) finally and a more appropriate gorgeous hairstyle! :) <3 I'm happy with that!
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  4. Doctor England New Player

    Is the lasso a super incredibly rare drop?
  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    It's a reward for one of the collections.
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  6. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Finaly flashpoint batman emblem,my batman character is almost complete :D
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  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    So in other words
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  8. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    If anyone missed the stream, they can check some screenshots here. :)
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  9. FsSquire New Player

    Im excited for flashpoint emblem i have a good batman costume with the cowl and hands and cape but i would like a good emblem
    so Im HYPED
  10. FsSquire New Player

    So when are these items dropping
  11. Jcal Dedicated Player

    The TC delivered. Flashpoint WW's armor looks great and I've been meaning to change the look of one of my tank armories. This set will do nicely. Wasn't expecting a new hairstyle. My god, it's amazing! The emblems look nice; the Batman one will go over well, the enhanced WW emblem looks phenomenal - so big and shiny lol.

    Now the lasso... ohh the lasso. It being a waist style might be a huge blow for me personally. From what I saw on stream, there's a generic, round gold waist style that comes with the lasso? Or if the lasso itself is the waist style, with no other adornment, that would be better for some styles, but not totally ideal for the look I had in mind. I really wanted the lasso to be an Accessory. Hera's Strength Waist + Lasso of Truth, damn it! So close. I guess we'll get a better look soon enough. Still glad we have something other than the Whip Belt style

    All in all, great styles and a variety of items.
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  12. Kuno Loyal Player

    I love the FP WW style, the hairstyle...
    And the lasso but I hate TC collections though, I will never finish it.

    And also I'm tired of the same silly restrictions when getting styles with hair. We got Huntress hood with hair (we already had many) and now we get the FP WW helmet without hair again.
    Can't be that hard to create an exact port of the NPC helmet WITH THE GODDAM HAIR.
    I wish the art devs would try and overcome those silly restrictions and give us the inspired styles from NPCs, not watered down bald options for every head piece and helmet.

    Meh. I am dissapointed.
  13. Megzilla Developer

    There is hair underneath the helmet, it is just short hair. Allowing the helmet to just show any hair underneath would have resulted in every hairstyle clipping. Yes it would have been perfect if we had had the time to build it in, but unfortunately that is not the case. That being said, I understand your frustration. However there were always be more opportunities, this isn't the last suit or helmet ever.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Additional wonder woman helmet confirmed!
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  15. Kuno Loyal Player

    Meg I know you guys have good intentions. But is it really that hard to just port the helmet as it is? Just with that exact hair included?
    Im not talking about making it available with every existing hair. Just FP WW hair, just the exact carbon copy the NPC has.
    Just add variants, maybe even as episode extra rewards. The helmet with her hair is just amazing, it doesnt feel the same without it :(
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  16. Megzilla Developer

    That is what I am saying, we ran out of the time to do so. To have the helmet built with the hair.
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  17. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I'd sacrifice the whole armor and take helmet with hair alone, but that's just me, not a fan of heavy/bulky armor (that's why I love the Grail style), love the lasso, mask (though, some say Kid Flash'es is a better option - alternative), cool emblems, material and aura seem cool and the new Hairstyle, awesome!
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  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Some of us want it with no hair though...
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

  20. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    I'm guessing the Half Ponytail Hair and Future Flash Cowl are also collection rewards?