Bonus weeks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jontek, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. Jontek New Player

    In my opinion the bonus weeks are trash. We get again lex coins next week but we had lex coins past 3 weeks. They should bring bonus weeks like double artefact xp and double source marks and not trash like lex coins.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We only get double Artifact XP before a new episode drops. And the bonus Lex Coin week coming up comes with additional BoP rewards.
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  3. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    You're forgetting Lex Coins not only buy regular gear and additional drops...but also the special catalyst to get the OP Amazballs (yeah, I'm calling him that) Legs.
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  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    What will happen if your demands are not met? Quit and comeback? Be greatful we even have bonus weeks, pal. They never had to give them to us in the first place. They're doing a lot more than what you are giving credit for.
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  5. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    One man's trash is another man's treasure.
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  6. Jontek New Player

    Im just saying that we had the lex coins past 3 weeks and we get it again imo thats trash cause double source marks makes more sense.
  7. Eve YouTuber

    That's abit ungrateful of you. They could do none of it as well. I'm sure there will be another bonus source marks.
    But Trash? nah, not even close.
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  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Bonus “Bonus Teaser Puzzle” Week.

    There. I said it.
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  9. nawanda Loyal Player

    I wonder if this space cadet is aware that if he holds on to Lex Coins for long enough, he will eventually be able to exchange them 1:1 for his precious source marks.
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  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Come on now really?

    Let's see so far we have had weeks where they gave us bonus for the Justice League dark DLC, Metal Part I and Metal Part 2 DLCs, bonus catalysts, and up next? BOP again. Add to that through Episode 35 all content is available to any player regardless of Subscription. There have been many more but that's just of the top of my head.

    So let's look at this. My MAIN in CR 304. So high up that short of armor drop I don't even get Source Marks along with the DLC currency anymore for anything BUT BOP and Thanagar. Add to that I was here playing when JL DARK and Metal 1 and 2 were brand new and have full sets of armor for the feat already completed when those WERE the End Game. About the only thing I have left to look forward to is when they allow us to convert that currency to SOURCE MARK... Oh and keep in mind I already have a ton of Catalysts bought off of Constantine and thousands of Source Marks sitting in my inventory.

    BUT I am not the only person playing this game... Sure Double rewards on Metal 1 content didn't do much for me at all but it helped anyone at the CR o grab armor faster and get to the next level.. And keep in mind a player above level 15 can be running the BOP content and earning addition XP, source Marks add Lex Coins they can save or use to buy unatuned gear from a vendor no to mention added feat points for more SKILL POINTS.

    They have provides so many ways for players to advance and have fun over these past weeks it is amazing. Keep in mind the new DLC will arrive some time in August so now is the time to get that BOP armor bought so you arrive at CR 304 or higher. Hey I have seven (yes I said 7) alt I play on a semi regular basis and as of today my main is CR 304, Three alts at 303, two alts at 302 and one lone alt to "struggling" at CR 301. LOL Oh it wil be such a tough time when the next DLS hits.
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  11. Jontek New Player

    My problem is and i think many people see this aswell that we are maxed out with this lex coins. My character has full gear etc and i dont need that lex coins AGAIN if we had this the second time ok but its the third time.
  12. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Must have used a lot of replay badges...
    I used quite a bit of replay badges I had, to get enough coins to buy full regular set, get feat, then got the elite version, feat, and set for my other role. Augments for both (2 free), and I still don't have enough lex coins to buy a 400lc costing material/Aura that they'll likely come out with.
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    We haven't had bonus Lex coins for the past 3 weeks. This week was bonus catalysts, last week was Thanagarian marks and the week before that was Dark Metal Coins.
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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Not to harp but .. well yeah to harp LOL Hey my main has a full set of armor from the vendor too including the weapon but I can still buy stuff for my 2nd role. And those sox alts I mentioned? Still have a few pieces of gear they need to buy. Plus look at it this way......... if you flat out don't need anything at all from the vendor eventually, just like all the other dlc currencies, those Lex Coins will be able to convert to Source Marks. Heck how do you think I have thousands of them? I've been converting Stuff from Atlantis, Titan Island, and even Earth 3. Between those 7 Alts, my main included, I will probably never have to worry about buying a catalyst again... i have tons in my shared bank.

    Hey you dojn't need Lex Coins.. fine but all that armor that drops is unatuned so until until everything you have slotted is at 265 it can still be used not to mention even if its too low to be slotted.. it still can be salvaged for exobytes to make your augment stronger.

    Or just take the week off and watch stuff on Netflix. LOL
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  15. dresserball Dedicated Player

    They don't have too, but they need to keep the paying customers happy at the same time. I stopped paying them for a full year until they changed an issue I had. People come and go all the time and just because you tell them to be grateful won't change what they will do.
  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Excuse me but last I checked Bonus Weekends were meant for Everyone, not just you.

    You wanna know what I think? I say Artifact XP weekends are bad, because why? You spend all that time getting up your artifact XP only to be halted in your tracks least til you get enough catalyst and seals to ensure you breakthrough.

    I've never needed an artifact XP weekend, but if one were to come up; I wouldn't gripe about it.. You need to understand what these bonus weekends are and who they are meant for; in this case, it's clearly not for you but it doesn't mean it's trash.

    Except your logic is wrong, it's dead wrong. Customers aren't paying for Bonus Weekends, they were never a sub perk; they were never something you could buy off the marketplace, they were never apart of some PS Plus Bundle; do I need to say more?

    Your going on and on about "making paying customers happy" when people aren't paying for these bonus weekends to begin with, that's a fact.

    Bonus Weekends aren't an issue, I'll say it again; they aren't meant to cater towards an individual: All Because YOU had all your marks and gear maxed out, doesn't mean everyone else had it; or maybe it can be a good time to stockpile on some marks incase they do any extra rewards.

    There are more reasons for marks and these bonus weekends, but "Ugh, I got everything I wanted; so I'mma ruin it for everyone else." Mentality takes-over.

    And FYI: People come and go because they see good ideas like the bonus weekend events go away because someone wants to open up pansoapa's box it. Move on and wait your turn if this bonus weekend does not cater to your needs.

    They rotate weekends frequently enough to where this isn't an issue. "Telling people to be grateful won't change what they will do."

    Ohh yes, because how dare the development team actually make the grind easier to deal with? How dare they do such a generous act that everyone can be apart of and not have to pay for?

    The Self entitlement in this thread is complete baloney.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You could say it's disappointing (to YOU only). Calling it "Trash" goes a step beyond "fair" criticism and falls straight into insult territory.

    As for "making sense", bonus lex coins makes more sense than bonus source marks given that this episode is close to ending and new vendor rewards are about to be added. By the time this particular bonus week appears it will have been 4 weeks since the last bonus lex coins. This bonus week (along with the vendor rewards) will bring back some of the players who had nothing else to really play for (reward wise).

    There will be more bonus Source Marks weeks again soon enough, so there's no need to create unnecessary negative threads.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So you're saying you're sitting at 999,999 Lex Coins??? Because I ruly doubt that. And to say "many people" are done is rather presumptuous considering that some people needed to buy regular vendor gear as well as Elite vendor gear, vendor catalysts for the OP legs, and the current vendor additions (some of which have feats). Not everyone was replaying their way to the end of the Episode, and some people have multiple toons that need to catch up.

    Again, it may be disappointing to some (like you apparently), but there are other players besides yourself who can easily benefit from yet another bonus Lex Coins week. You might want to think about how childish and entitled you sound making these statements.
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  19. myandria Item Storage

    Well, I am NOT one of those players who has maxed out on Lex Coins and Vendor Gear and I am sure that there are plenty of players who are not as well, especially if they have alts that are still working through that content.

    The devs are gracious enough to give EVERYONE a chance to catch up on previous content before launching the new one, as the game is for EVERYONE, not just for the few who finish well before the new content launches.

    Every event offering may not be to your liking and that is ok, as there are other things to do in this game. I didn't like the Legends Event week, as I do not like or play that content. So, I didn't participate. I didn't participate in the Justice League Dark Event Week either, as I still have to catch up my alts up to that point. So, I worked on that instead. Simple.

    If your feelings are so strong against this week's event, then perhaps you should take a break and not play it or work on an alt if you have one. Perhaps there are feats you can concentrate on with others that are in the same situation as you are.
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  20. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Lex Coins cap at 999, like any other episode currency. Only Source Marks cap at 999 999.
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