Fix your game!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bobby Paul, May 25, 2020.

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  1. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Listen I (we) are getting really sick of you guys not making this game playable! Seriously this is old! Wtf are you guys not doing anything about all the lag in the game!!!!! How the h are we suppose to do feats and finish content when we are all freezing, lagging and disconnecting all the time! WE ARE GETTING SICK OF IT AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO QUIT PLAYING!!!!!!!! Back in the day you guys use to keep us informed about the state of the game. but not you dont even give a crap!!!! what are we suppose to think??? so SICK of this crap!!!
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  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    "We" who, exactly? Because, as far as I know, you speak only in your name, not in the name of others. Unless, of course, you have multiple personalities.
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    He's the character from Split. ;)

    But seriously.... the game has some UBER lag right now on US PS4 and is literally unplayable.
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  4. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    I do have friends on the game! If you gotta problem with that not my problem!!!
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    This was just added on the Forum page;
    Status: 5/25/2020 13:22 PDT - We are currently investigating a potential issue with server: US
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  6. Hullkliing New Player

    What happened? I literally had 0 lag yesterday..did someone over at Daybreak break something in last night's shut down?
  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I don`t know, we had a massive lag yesterday.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's not enough to 'make me quit' but it is quite frustrating. I had a few groups put together of the last few days working on feats, it's a long weekend while we are on quarrantine, so it's not unbelievable that people would be hitting things hard especially when the JLD bonus is not benefiting a lot of users, so it's doubly as bad as this was a 'get er done' weekend for many.

    Here's the funny thing. I work in IT. generally when things go 'bad' on the servers, it's not the hardware or the carrier, it's someone making changes to the code...often code that wasn't all the way tested. If the changes someone pushes out cause this kind of issue, you roll the changes back out...if the person making changes didn't have an approved change order, they are 'talked to' sternly....or worse. So who's making changes and why can't they just be reversed? I figured that was the reboot last night, a rollback. As of today it seems not.
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  9. Hullkliing New Player

    Oh strange, maybe I just missed the peak lag times yesterday then. Welp hope this gets addressed soon...:rolleyes:
  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

    It happened yesterday, between 11:50pm amd midnight UTC. We got one huge lag spike that lasted for like 2 minutes. The chat worked slowly, but the game itself was so slow that even npcs stopped appearing.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Logins were also not working. I had my PC account try and log in, while already in on PS4 and it could not after repeated attempts. I know others that could not get in as well on PC/PS4 both. Seemed ok-ish after reboot, but has been bad again over the last hour or 90 min. Gave up for a while...will revisit in a few hours. Cookout time I guess.
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  12. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Dude, calm down. Your sitting here wondering why the developers don't regularly update you guys on the game, and here you are making a post that's the equivalent of shouting at them.

    Shouting at them isn't going to make the process of them fixing the lag go any quicker than it already is.
  13. Dub T Well-Known Player

    I want to play too, but is it necessary to berate the developers? I know nothing about creating and maintaining a giant game (or any game for that matter) but I am sure it isnt as “easy” as everyone seems to think is.
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  14. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    I don't know, I feel like over 2 years is plenty of time to open a thread to get a discussion on which direction pvp should go
    Pvp'ers readying the riot gear
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  15. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Let's not act like dozens of people weren't complaining on the forums about the lag throughout half of April and into the first days of May... lol

    He's not alone in his frustration.
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  16. Wallachia Devoted Player

    The point stands: he doesn`t speak for others.
  17. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Lol I think you were just nitpicking and added nothing to the conversation. Almost as if you wanted to undercut the main concern (the lag). You know good and well what he meant. Just look at threads from the last month.

    Yes, he is not the designated community spokesperson. What a great revelation.

    His frustration is obviously shared, though. He is NOT the only one tired of the lag issues. This sentiment was prevalent right after BoP was released and there are still threads about lag.

    His approach was aggressive and exaggerated ("we will all quit"), and this post could be taken down as a result, but the complaint (about the lag) is evidently shared by multiple players.

    Don't know about the rest of his post though. The last bit is something different. His point about the lag still stands, though.
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  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Then why are we in this exchange if it adds nothing? You are helping perpretating a non-constructive conversation and slowly becoming part of the problem you point. Besides, before I posted, I reported the thread because, as you said, his approach was aggressive and this post could be taken down as a result, and, as others have noted, the way he made this post was just bad in general. I simply ignored those parts because they were obvious.. I also ignored the part about the lag for the exact same reason. You may want to notice that nobody contested his main point that the lag is worse and worse.

    It's not that I don`t agree with the critic made both by him and by the others, it's that I focused on the only remaining aspect of the argumentation shown here.
  19. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Fair enough.

    I just figured you were implying that he's the only one dealing with the lag and getting frustrated over it.
  20. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    I really can't understand you here, he I understand, you i can't.
    What are you waiting for? do you want us to hold an election for the official representative of all players in the DCUO community?
    I think he is simply angry, but it is very obvious who is the "We" in his speech, of course you besides minimizing the problem still mock what was said, his intervention does not help at all and weakens the position of those who complain, because neither the support of the rest of the 'us' the player has.
    A little common sense would be nice for you.

    You are absolutely wrong here.
    Lag yesterday started in the middle of the afternoon and was until almost 4:00 in the morning, practically no one was able to play, after 18:00 hrs (Brazilian time) there was a massive disconnection that lasted for hours, no one logged in, when it was logged it was impractical , today is the same.

    And neither do you, now that you have noticed that there is no 'legal representative of world players' stop speaking for me!
    And stop talking as if you represent those who feel harmed by the lag that the game has been presenting for over 1 month.
    If you only play a little on the weekend, don't give your opinion about what you don't know and don't say who's talking and who's not speaking for anyone.
    The post needs some support, not someone belittling and adding unreal facts.
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