BoP extended content / new bounty ideas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kuno, May 15, 2020.

  1. Kuno Loyal Player

    I think BoP episode could use some extra content like we've seen in Atlantis, JLD, or Metal I&II episodes.
    I know that usually the extra missions are released with the extra rewards, but I wanted to share my opinion.

    I think the new bounty should be the Oracle robot or at least Brimstone, since his design is more threatening than the metahuman experiment, its too small and regular (I think he should be bigger and have a distintive aura or something...)

    I was thinking it was a pity that this episode is so heavily focused on Superman, Metropolis and Lex.
    Could have used Lady Shiva, even the Apokolis furies since there is some mentions of Apokolis.
    A fight between BoP and Gotham City Sirens, then after that they all work together againts the furies, all badass female fight. This could have been a 4 people operation.

    I also thought about a duo or alert, similar to the pvp mechanic. Some kind of arena where we fight a few rounds of female iconic controlled characters, think this episode of the JLU:

    Some of the characters that could be used are: Lady Blackhawk, Vixen, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Huntress, Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

    I think I would have enjoyed a Legends like solo, like the Huntress one, this time featuring Babs Batgirl and her adventures as Batgirl, in the Fun House or Arkham.
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  2. Brit Loyal Player

    I figure the next bounty will be a metahuman experiment on Iron Kurtain or Captain Kruel.
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I'm guessing Captain Kruel. I'd like it to be Amazo, but I'm guessing Captain Kruel.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just as long as it doesn't share the same spawn point as Trenton, I'd be fine with any of them. Same spawn good.
  5. Wildcat Committed Player

    They should change the name of the DLC to Superman vs Lex ;)

    Next bounty? Captain Kruel probably.
  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I’m betting on open world Lobo. We never really finished him off
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  7. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    If this episode is actually centred on BoP or Oracle vs Calculator,
    it'd be awesome when the latter releases a counter-robot inspired by his old goofy costume.

    Oh well...
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