New orbital idea

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Cyro, May 7, 2020.

  1. Cyro Committed Player

    Before people get upset about how its not the best time to ask for stuff i would like to say that this post is to just bring up an idea that hopefully the devs will use down the line.

    I think every single one of us has seen at least some degree of loonely toons and wasnt it always so funny seeing an anvil or big weight with how heavy it is written on the side(like hard lights) fall on someone? Well wouldnt it be cool if we had one or both as an orbital you could even add looney toons inspired sound effects if they wouldnt get the devs sued of course.

    We already have hard lights weight not sure if it would take a lot of work making it opaque and we have anvils as base items and in god of monsters and false idols second boss so id dont think it would be too hard to add into the game
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  2. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    Time Capsule your enemy over the head to death...and anything friend or foe next to her/him...with a falling stream of all the time capsules they cant afford to open...might as well get some use out of them...
  3. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    A giant gag glove coming from the sky punching the (insert adjective) out of the enemy.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I want an April Fool's Orbital, pastel rainbow, music, a giant unicorn trinket comes crashing down and explodes into smaller bite sized unicorns.
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  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Falling piano orbital. :D With appropriate sound effect.
    Or a tsunami with fish splashing around. Or giant whales, sharks, you name it...

    Though I really wish for a blue colored orbital. :oops: Something like Power of Starheart, only in blue.
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