What's Your Most Hated Mission in the Game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jack T. Chance, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Out of all the missions this game has given us over the last nearly 9½ years, which one mission do you hate more than any other?

    It can be the one you found the hardest to beat. It can be the one you found the most pointless. It can be the one that was the most annoying to you for some reason.

    For me, it is Fun For Girls and Boys on Stryker's Island! I don't know what Mission Designer thought it was a good idea to give us such a ridiculously long obstacle course that's given so many stupid, cheap ways to cause us to fail and have to start over from the beginning, but whoever was responsible for it, they deserve to be flogged severely with a wet noodle! :mad:

    I've watched a walkthrough tutorial video on YouTube, the newest one I could find, which is from 2015. I've followed it, and this thing is still WAY too hard! Most annoying of all is when, on my best run, I got farther than I ever have before, I'm nearing the end of the mission, finally, I'm successfully avoiding all the obstacles, and then a cheap hit from an invisible source makes my power core explode, ending the mission! And you can't even run it as yourself, you have to run it as one of Toyman's stupid windup dolls with limited capabilities compared to your own character! :mad:

    The Devs have nerfed the initial Tutorial Mission at the start of the game numerous times and in numerous ways, resulting in newer players never learning some of the base mechanics of the game. But instead of nerfing this too long obstacle course, they've placed MORE obstacles in it compared to the video I watched! :mad:

    Anyway... what's your most hated mission?
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  2. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    Not sure if you're focusing on just regular missions, or if you want to include raids & alerts as well, perhaps even duos. When it comes to regular missions, one that's always grinded my gears is the Demon Run mission at Gotham U. Early on this one was a pain in the butt because you'd get so overwhelmed, I'd get knocked out numerous times.

    As for raids, the Kahndaq 8 player raid can be very frustrating. You'd think the novice version on Tier 2 would be easy. But of course, it's not. And I get and fully understand that it's designed that way. I don't know about anyone else, but I've personally dubbed that raid "Team Roles 101". It's not a Kobiyashi Maru, for you can beat it, and it is winnable. But it's designed to be difficult to test players. I've always understood it to essentially teach players to utilize their team roles to their fullest extent, and to effectively work as a team. Tanks, Controllers, and Healers are supposed to work cohesively as a team. Unfortunately, this does not happen. People either don't know how to effectively use their powers that are essential to their roles, or they don't care. Many go in there like it's an old fashioned hack n' slash, and go for the damage role. I've gone in this raid many times and see people struggle in that first part because the roles are not being used effectively.

    There are a few early duos that really grind my gears. Particularly the OMAC and the HIVE duos. When you hit these early on, you're trying to get source marks, to get better gear, to grind and level up your toons. But a lot of the times, unless you're grouped with a friend or league mate, you're paired randomly with another player that doesn't know what they're doing. They either leave you high & dry to fend for yourself for various reasons, or they trigger scenes too early that end up causing you to get knocked out and overwhelmed. Like the HIVE duo for example. When you get to that one room with the force field, many will go right to that console to deactivate it, forgetting that it starts the mini boss battle with Booster Gold. You need to clear the room first before doing this. The same with the final room in the OMAC duo. Many rookies go right to the consoles before clearing the room causing a ton of OMAC bots to appear, making you get overwhelmed.
  3. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    Booster Gold's exploration adventures.
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  4. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    The Huntress and Circe solos. These were incredibly painful to complete if you never did Legends before.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Anything where you get transformed, including the Iconic Anomaly solos, LPvP and LPvE. I absolutely hate it.
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  6. Brit Loyal Player

    For me, it is the mission where Etrigan turns us into a zombie and we have to destroy the 5 obelisks.

    First, it's a transformation, so I lose all my powers in favor of zombie powers. I also get changed over into brawling combos, which I don't enjoy. And I also lose the ability to have a movement power at all. Zombies doe not fly, superspeed, or Acrobatic.

    Second, it wasn't quite as bad when the game launched and there were more people leveling, but these days, the open world is a ghost town. There is just a ton of junk there, and it respawns so quickly. It's rough to fight any of the central obelisks because of non-stop adds respawning around the edge and instantly aggro'ing. The only way to consistently complete it solo without a death is to work your way up to the two obelisks on either side of the museum door, up the steps, and then rotate between them and waiting for respawns. Everywhere just has too many rapidly spawning adds.

    Third, it has TWO side-missions there, and they cannot be done at the same time. Instead, they are one after another. First, do the dumpsters/hot dog carts. THEN do the 10 magic cages. This means you have to spend twice as long in this annoying area. But don't take too long, mind you, or your zombie transformation will expire and then you have to go clear back to the beginning, talk to Etrigan again, and then navigate the whole army of adds a second time, because without the transformation, you cannot enter the Museum.

    And this is one of those leveling missions which is cloned for Heroes and Villains. Every single character, every single mentor, is going to have to run it.

    And because of the way their leveling XP works, there is simply no way to skip it. You can't say bugger this and go to a different area. There is a single linear path of leveling, and every character has to suffer through this thing.

    I mean, I hate the triple transformations on villainside Robinson Park mission as well, turning us into Demons, but at least that is villain only so it only effects about 2% of the total game's population. Gotham Museum is painful for every single character, every single time.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Spindrift Station I'm all done with it. Didn't matter if it was Event, Regular or Elite it was a major pain in the porpoise. Even the last boss Morgwar which might have had the most straightforward mechanics is still a spamfest where everyone's gotta kite in a small area. And don't get me started on the Black Manta everyone but the Tank must hit toggles or the Air Supply room where you really needed every role and then some. It also wasn't very interesting in the way the adds were dispersed in the halls leading up to the rooms so it's kinda boring minus the boss fights to boot too. Just dreaded it
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    You just had to plan out which below level 30 missions you would do so you'd hit a Booster kiosk while you were in the area. Granted first time players probably didn't think of that at first
  9. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Something worse than booster gold missions even more worse than joker saying same line in the vault Every single Mister Mxyzptlk mission hearing that voice repeat same lines over and over in that broken ascent with every interaction then hearing it go on about toilet paper repeatibly seven times a week for a fortnight is a traumatic stress breaking point no one deserves ... well basically any long cutscene in game that I cannot skipped ,Thankfully there is a mute audio voice option in settings turning off music too and you can hear collection nodes from an imaginary mile away .
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  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    You know I was not sure exactly how to respond until I rad this but Great Architect has it right. Pick any one of those missions where suddenly I am transformed into anything or anyone besides my own character and all MY powers go poof and I get to work with a bunch of new one and I grumble the whole way through.

    It is especially annoying because between the armor I own which means next to nothing in those mission my artifacts and augment either are shut off or reduced. because what REALLY ticks me off is struggling through and thinking to myself. "If I was doing this stupid thing as ME I'd be tearing up."

    So yeah my choice is the transformation missions as well. Hey I designed the outfit my character is wearing because I like THAT look. If I wanted to look like Bizzaro I'd have designed a character that looks like him. And I spent 30 levels earning and learning how my attack work, picking the ones I wanted to use and practicing so I got better at them. If I wanted a different power set I'd just create ALY with those powers.. Well the ones even available.. lest I checked no power set gives anyone the ability to make a copy of themselves like Circe does.
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  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    the solo for metal part 1, most annoying boss fights, have constantly around like a chicken with no head to avoid speed force damage, then gets immunity where you can't damage them for about 10-15 seconds
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  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay first off Dominic makes a great point this is what I do.. Now of course at some point you had to just run those things to discover which missions they are close o but hey I have a ton of ALT anhave done those on every single on. I KNOW when to grab and do that mission.

    Next up do not forget the rewards. Every one of those things hands you a source mark you can use to but whatever.. supply drop, orbital strike, Tach mods, side kick and armor from venors.

    ]Is it annoying listening to Booster? Oh heck yeah but shhhhhh I'll pass along a tip a former League mate that no longer plays the game shared with me. TURN OFF THE SOUND so you can't hear what he is saying.. Now add to that the fact that these days the Devs even added an option where you can click and just avoid the cut scene as well. I forget how many of those there are but you get 50 feat points for doing all the ones in Metropolis and another 50 point for Gotham PLUS all those darn near free marks.

    Think about it. You get a mission from a contact belong level 30. You run 2 or 3 outdoor mission to get to that final mission and you get a whole 1 source mark for beating the final boss. You click on three consoles located reasonably close together .. never have to fire off a shot or take any damage and use up sodas and get... 1 source Mark. Not a bad deal

    LOL.. I agree listening to Booster over and over can drive you insane but PLAN your trips to occur while you are in the area .. Hey they all are located near one mission arc or another. And just TURN off the sound and click to skip the cut scene. Problem Solved :D
  13. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Oddly Enough there was a way to get past that Fun with Boys and Girls mission (which probably counts as an exploit) but you needed 2 things...1) a player who was actually good at doing the obstacle course and 2) he had to agree to let you do it. You couldn't team up in the thing BUT if you didnt change into a Doll and simply followed the Doll player very closely, you couldnt get knocked out of the run and if he made it...You got credit for it too if you were there when the way points were passed. That was years ago...they may have changed it.
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  14. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    The Later version of the Felix Faust/Isis Mission is my number 1 hated mission.

    Particularly, the part where you have to be a Zombie for the duration free the students that are trapped in magic cages, or eat them as a villain(which is worse because it's not instant like it is to free the students on the heroes side.)

    You got so many NPC's crowded around that one area that'll interrupt you, gang up on you, and in my opinion that's the mission that totally ruins the flow of the leveling system.

    Because trust me, you do this mission; your leveling experience will go from fun to tedious in about a few minutes doing this one particular mission.
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  15. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    Yeah, doesn't change a thing- those are still the missions I hate the most.
  16. Mazahs Loyal Player

    For me it has changed over time.
    Waaaay back when, I would have said Toyman missions. SO much so I never actually did them more than a couple of times (glad we got that feat auto granted a while back)

    Then it became Paradox Wave T5 Raid. Our league was one of the first PS4 to ever complete it (I remember people uplaoding it when they did beat it) It was such a glitch and lag fest on the PS3 That once I got all the purple gear from there I refused to go back for years. Later it became fun to go hulk out being so overgeared but I digress.

    In the near future I'm gonna go ahead and say the new BOP outdoor dailies. Not a fan of outdoor dailies already, but the SAME darn 3 everyday ( I have 3 main toons also) the monotony already setting in!
  17. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I personally hate the leveling lantern mission. This quest is so annoying to complete with the opposite faction killing your recruits. Not sure if they fixed it, either way I saw people griefing there on purpose, and I try to avoid this mission as much as possible.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed with a few of the others...any missions I get transformed for, including Etrigan zombie mission, LPVE or Iconic solos, even some of the stuff like the DD mission where you vacuum up the doomsday spores. I didn't work on my gear and powers to run around vacuuming up junk like the guy cleaning the leaves out of my office building shrubbery.

    Of all those missions though I hate the 'Fire in the Sky' Gotham under Siege mission the most. The mission is already semi-long just having to do the pickups around the inconsequential adds who can somehow knock you off the pickups....one of which is an exploding bomb that will take out the other pickup items you needed. Then you get the glorious task of flying around like a screeching eagle that moves slow and bulky, knocking out 20 adds on the bridge which seem to never group up more than 2 at a time...and when they do some NPC bomb comes along right when you are about to throw yours and steals the pile of adds. Add to this that apparently recently someone announced that this bridge where the adds are is a good place to farm Nth metal caches, killing the adds as they spawn. You know cause there is no where else in the game where adds spawn constantly and are squishy (Reapers anyone? Brainiac bots at the PDs? New gen?) So when you are trying to get your 20, some ding-dong on the bridge is knocking them out before they can even move...meaning you might need 40 passes in your glorious eagle form to get your 20 kills. All this so you can basically move the needle 1 mission to get to the 5 day/15 mission weekly where you WON'T get the one bounty you wanted (I'm looking at you Cheetah!).

    Ironic thing, personally I always liked the strykers race (even with the transforms). Once I practiced it a few times I can pretty much do it in 60 seconds...on the whole the 3 island missions take me about 5 min in and out for 3 quick loot boxes. On an alt I'll always do these all the way to 100 as it's 5 min a day, I get 3 source marks and later prestige/Victory tokens and it's a few feats I don't pay for....but I'm weird that way.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I dislike them less now that you can skip the videos. I'd be fine with them more if you could just get them all at once from a single kiosk(once you are over level 30)...then run around town hitting them and turn them all in at once.....the back and forth is what sucks, some of the videos are actually kind of funny in moderation. Unfortunately I can't stand things undone in my journal, or the exclamation point staring at me when I go to a PD/Club, so eventually I do them all on all toons I play. Even mild OCD is a scourge in an MMO. One thing that is nice about doing them is each one is normally near some briefs/investigations and in going to them you'll knock out most of the Gotham/Metro exploration feats (not booster exploration...the district explorations).
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  20. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah that Solo was pretty annoying especially since it had a School of Hard Knocks feat and a ultra rare collection drop. Add to those facts it had the same side quests and mechanics you had to do every time like the Flash museum puzzle.