Can't Report Racism

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tabby Belle, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    There was a bunch of racist chatter on LFG, and I wanted to report people, but when I tried to go through the support ticket site, I would always get the following when trying to sign in to see activities (which you have to do to start a ticket).

    "Sorry, we are unable to process this request.

    The system has encountered an error. Please come back and try again later."

    Please make it easier for us to report bad behavior that ruins the game experience for many.
    • Like x 3
  2. myandria Item Storage

    I just tried the support website and I did not come across this issue; I got the drop down menu of support topics to choose from. Perhaps try it again later on today and see if it is still not working for you.
  3. The Mighty Heap New Player

    Ignore is your friend and thats the best you can do in game
  4. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm..I disagree with that one. No one should ignore racist, sexist, harassing, bullying chat that often occurs in this game. If more people reported that type of chat then chatting in game would be a better experience. Ignore is for players that keep begging for free items.
    • Like x 13
  5. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    I was able to report it and send in the screenshot. Took a while, but the ticket reporting thing has always been that way, I guess. I did put the person on ignore, but I still wanted to report it, as that person will likely continue the abuse for others to experience. I wonder if reporting through the Daybreak site will do anything anymore as well, now that Developers and game staff are not part of Daybreak?
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    yeah they'll still get on those tickets