Can We Please Transfer Our Money Again?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tabby Belle, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Can we please have the ability to send ourselves money from our alternate characters again, even if for only a week so we can consolidate our money onto our mains? Yes, I could maybe take a 5% hit by listing junk on the broker for millions, but that's still a 5% hit... and I don't want to get flagged for money laundering or whatever (since I'm told that's one of the tactics money-sellers use now). SO MANY people got wrongfully suspended/punished from the team's "thorough" investigation that they did when fixing the economy due to the exploiters.

    It's been several weeks since we've been able to transfer our money between our own characters. I have a decent amount of money left on alternates from when I used to use them for bank space and extra broker listings. I also just listed stuff I got on alternate characters to save time/convenience, instead of doing the whole tedious put in shared bank, log off alternate, log on main, list on broker, log off main, log back onto alternate to keep playing.

    (I still had less than the tax limit throughout all my characters in total, for those of you thinking I was splitting money between characters to be some kind of tax-dodger or wealth-hider. I just listed items that dropped on those characters, as said above, and sent my main money as it was needed.)
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  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    just do what i did before i retired. get a buddy u trust, log on alts, trade them the cash, then they trade it to ur main
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  3. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    @Psycho Doesn't help if one character is a hero and the other is a villain.
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I think I'll chime in here and second the request that Tabby is making. Allow me to explain.....

    As some who know me here are well aware I am an Alt-o-holic and create them when the mood hits me. Now let's examine my standard procedure.

    1. I go to the character creator and build a new alt

    2. I then hit the tutorial because I do NOT skip to higher CR. Far too many feats I can obtain at absoliutely no cost plus unlike many I actually enjoy the pre-30 level game where I run a mission ONCE and move to the next instead of doing the exact same missions over and over and over to obtain armor to increase CR.

    3. Prior to this latest insane attempt to curb the dreaded Gold Spammers at some point what I would do is EMAIL the new ALT some in game cash. Usually about 1 million. So I could buy armor from the vendors in the safe houses and even add a few more feats by going to the Watch Tower and buying up all the styles available. This would also leave me with cash left over for anything else as i continued leveling higher. You know like SODA and stuff.

    NOW? I can't send an ALT a dime? I am talking sending one character on my account cash from another character......... It is MY ACCOUNT and I earned that money but I can not email it to myself and help my own characters? Now let us add in that after all that time with the broker down ect.. Players that have never even met on line can still spend millions in cash buying an item from one another? And as mentioned here...

    As long as we get close to one another I can still TRADE cash to a total stranger?

    WOW huge fix wasn't it? So all the spammers have to do is actually arrange a meeting with another player and they can still sell in game cash for real money BUT I can't transfer cash to one of my own characters without arranging a go between?

    Now lets add in the fact that even before this latest issue took place on a few occasions the suggestion has been made to add the ability to add in game CASH to the shared bank. WHICH would allow a player to quickly send cash from one of their alts to another.

    End result? While this latest tactic may have made it a bit more involved I still see Gold Spammers every single day in game .. but once again a strategy to try and stop them has made in even harder for a regular member to aid their own characters.

    When are we just going to realize no matter what we do the Spammers will just keep finding ways around it? The only people getting seriously hurt are the normal HONEST players that have to live with even more restrictions.
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  5. nawanda Loyal Player

    I agree with Tabby Belle, without feeling the need to re-explain her complaint using as many words as possible, or using superfluous capitals for artificial emphasis.
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  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    didnt say i agreed with it, 1 of the many reasons i stopped playing. nothing that needs fixing is ever truly fixed
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    No no sorry if you took me using your post as a swipe at you or whatever.. I was just using it as an example of how this latest change has sort of back fired.

    So thew Gold Spammer just sends out an email to who ever has bought gold from them and set up a place to meet. They show up and just trade the in game cash to their customer. Now realistically do they care if that means it takes longer to find that player on line and deliver the cash/ heck no they already have the real money... so if it takes a week to get the in game cash delivered so what?

    Now on the other hand... a player has cash he wants to give to on of his or her own lats they need to find a friend on line and set everything up. Then Trade the cash to the friend, switch characters and meet with that friend to get that cash traded to the alt. Then if they really wanted to play with the alt that had the cash to send they need to switch characters again.

    So instead of just sending that email to basically themselves they need to make all those arrangements. While the spammer? could not care less how long it takes the cash to get to the customer.. They already have the real money. As already mentioned the end result is the Spammer is hardly hurt at all... the other players in game suffer more inconvenience. Typical of so many of these changes the Devs have created to stop Gold Spammers... the regular players get punished more than they do.

    How about a few real solutions that might help without hurting the entire player base...

    1. As has already been suggested many times add the ability to stick cash into the shared bank. Now only another alt made by that same player can get that cash so it makes it simple to transfer in game cash between alts and makes it even faster to do so.

    2. Establish a global name for every player . Then set up the email system so cash can be transferred to any alt assigned to that global name. Oh this also will help in cracking down on the spammers.. When anyone reports a spammer they can go in and ban that global account. Then if that guy has 10 0r more spam bits assigned to that same global account every single one of them is gone. One spam bot gets turned in and 10 get banned in one stroke.

    3. How about establishing a fast and easy way to make a report of any kind in game. let's face it /report does almost nothing .. only way to get results is to go to the web site and file a report with customer service. So how about a system that send that same web site report by clicking a few buttons in game? Might even increase the number of reports they get.. How many players just ignore the problem because its too much of a hassle to stop what they are doing just to bring up the web site and file outside the game itself?

    Oh by the way every suggestion listed above has been brought up here on the forums numerous times before and never enacted.
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  8. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Well... I really needed some money that was on my alternate, so I posted a "junk" item on the broker with my main character, and bought it on my alternate with the money. The money wasn't transferred to my main character, but it was removed from my alternate character. It's been over ten minutes.

    So now we can't even transfer our own money to ourselves in that way? Can we PLEASE have a way to give our own money to our other characters already? It's been like two or more months since we lost that ability.
  9. nawanda Loyal Player

    Get a trusted friend to act as a mule.
  10. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    This really needs to happen.

    I have 30 alts. Any trusted friend would become an enemy if I made them wait around while I logged in and out that many times.
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  11. Nichalus Active Player

    Wow...just WOW! I returned from a 1+ year hiatus, and the Gold Spammers get us all screwed over again, and WE are being punished by not being able to send money to our own characters. If the DEVs, would have started banning, silencing the Gold Spammers years ago, we would not be where we are today. We complained, reported and posted about them since this game started, and yet...nothing..was done to curb them. But yet, they throw this half-***** fix out there, punishing us...but yet...I logged in first day back, and STILL the spammers are posting in the WT. Incredible that us 'paying' customers have to continue to put up with this AND get punished by them.
  12. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    Totally agree op . my work around to give my villain cash was that i put a super common collection in broker for a nice sum and buy it with my main. lose out on some money but thats a way if you dont have anyone trustworthy enough in game
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    This doesn't really have much to do with the gold sites, more to do with the PS players who discovered a money glitch. The gold sites have discovered a new way to transfer money to their customers so they're pretty much unstoppable at this point.
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  14. Brit Loyal Player

    I will reiterate that the ability to trade currency is listed on the Daybreak website as being a membership benefit.

    This is a feature of the Legendary Subscription that we are paying for, and yet we are not allowed to access. Customers have a right to be upset when they pay for something and then it doesn't get delivered.

    The cost of our subscriptions was raised last year, and yet no new features were added to justify that that price increase. Instead, features have been removed, or given away to Premium players for free, while we are required to pay more money and given less in return.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Are you PC or PS, I didn't see a price increase and the prices look the same to me right now, it's always been $14.99 p.m and flowed from there down to $9.99 p.m - where has it changed?
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There was an issue on PS where the PS store hadn't been charging the appropriate amount for Canadians. And I believe there is an extra tax for some states in the US.
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  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I agree with you 100%, however my optimistic side wants to believe they are implementing a smoother way for us to transfer funds between toons.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    So it wasn't a price increase it was a tax correction, that people had been inadvertantly avoiding for some time, not really the same thing...

    So acting outraged like benefits should have been added is probably misplaced.

    Also the reason mail was disabled was because of a glitch, we don't know what they're doing or why it's taking so long to re-enable but we're pretending like we don't know the reason?
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  19. Brit Loyal Player

    I'm a PC guy. Originally we were 12.99, but last year it bumped up to 14.99
  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The whole incident was handled poorly and DBG didn't even know what was going on until someone looked at their bank statement.