What's happening with this game on the playstation 5?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Justice League USA, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. Justice League USA Well-Known Player

    Is there any work being done to migrate this game to ps5?
  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    But... the console should have backward compatibility?
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  3. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    if the console is actually backwards compatable there may not be a need to worry about this right away.
  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Hopefully nothing. Hopefully it ends with ps4
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  5. Krytin Active Player

    Look the game has been going for how long now. And already migrated from the ps3 to the ps4 PC used to be alone and most likely they will combine all platforms to the same servers. After that who knows
  6. Wildcat Committed Player

    This game is going to work on PS5

    This game needs massive graphics updates, daybreak should hire about 10 graphic artists to make this game attractive for more people:
    - update all cities and add / remove some objects like phoneboxes?
    - update all npc's
    - player characters
    - gear
    - legends
    - powers graphic update
    and more.

    - fixing all pvp/legends powers, npc's, etc.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I don't understand this weird "let it end" mentality. If you're dissatisfied with the game's direction (as is your right to be), continue to play while advocating for change or move on. Why should this game end just because you're no longer happy??? What about the rest of us who are ok with the game...we're supposed to just have nothing just cause you're feeling crusty??? What kind of..."thinking" is this???
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Are you prepared to fund a brand new game??? Because that's what it would cost for everything you're asking for.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you're talking about making it playable on the PS5, the PS5 is supposed to be backwards compatible, therefore nothing to work on. If you're talking about the pipe dreams everyone else talks about....that's a big fat no. Why? Because Daybreak would have to wait years before they saw any returns on that kind of investment. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it is what it is.
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  10. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Agreed. This crap needs to end.
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  11. Wildcat Committed Player

    i know lol
  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The console's still nearly a year away, so it's much too soon for any announcement about the game getting an updated PS5 version! We don't even have the full, final specs for it or the new Xbox Series X yet! :rolleyes:

    Besides, they really should be focusing on making the PC version look at least as good as the game does on PS4 and Xbox One before they worry about updating the console editions! It's absolutely ridiculous that the higher resolution textures for the console editions still haven't come to PC! :p
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  13. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Oh it can continue just not on ps5 seeing as nothing ever changes to make it worth being put on a next gen consoles. Except for devs getting greedier to some how make up for moving to next gen. So yes I say let it end on ps4, and not go to ps5.
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  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    But sense the Ps5 will be backwards compatible, it doesn't matter. Get a Ps5 or stick with a Ps4, you'll still be able to keep playing.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    As far as I understand it and as others have said the PS5 has been announced as backwards compatible, that means the software will just install and run on the PS5 seamlessly without even considering whether there is some sort of change in hardware, whether it's a PS4 or PS5 is entirely irrelevant, just keeps working.
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There's nothing to move on the PS5. Just like when the PS4 dropped, all you'll have to do is re-download the game and continue where you left off. So what you're saying is ridiculous. Also, are you so salty that you'd rather have absolutely nothing instead of what we have??? Because maybe you don't realize that if/when this game ends, that's it...nothing else is coming to replace DCUO. There are no worthy Superhero MMOs out there...particularly on consoles, and none on the horizon.
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  17. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    While these things would be good for this game, DB would hire 10 but would probably give DC 1 graphic designer if that.

    Without knowing the numbers and how much revenue this game brings in, DB throws money at other games under their title to shore those games up.

    Quite simply this game should be their flagship game with the others being carried as they probably already are now.

    But then again, bias may be present and this game may not be leading with profits and users as I may believe.
  18. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    No, leave those or Superman won't have anywhere to change.

    The funny thing they do need to change...The thief who gloats, "This is MY TV now!"

    Seriously, take this guy to Arkham. Who in this day and age gloats about stealing a CRT television?
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  19. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Ps5 is rumored to support not just ps4 but ps3 and ps2 games ,Although I'm uncertain what Sony plan is for psnow maybe they have a vr vita handheld device to pair PS5 "ready player one", Not just the game but the actual unreal engine it self is definitely out dated for PS5 spec , ps4 port should run just fine as is on ps5 .
  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Don`t worry. When PS4 was released they said nothing of those could be done because PS3 was holding them back. Now, with the upcoming PS5, they will simply say that none of those will be done because PS4 is holding them back.

    Just wait and see.
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