Is it me or are all powers the same now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    All the powers seen to have the same effects with only thing being unique is their power interection element.

    Fire - burning, Ice- frostbite or whatever, Mental Terror and Daze (?), Light - Daze, etc.

    Every power have a weapon buff, and every power set have the same abilities but with different effects. The only power that seem to have the most "fun" loadout and the only one that feels oldschool is Electric where you can Throw all 4 Dots, do electrify debuff and can use two other powers while the DoTs are ticking.

    But the rest? Meh. Light you throw train construct and use chainsaw, then you have lightbarrier, Daze debuff, and we are left with 3 slots to add some fillers, like the beyblade lightweight, the construct slashes and (?) the iconic robot maybe?

    Anyway, the thing is, it seems that all the powers are lackluster, they don't seem unique anymore, everyone does the same thing with a different flavor.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    *Celestial, Water, and Rage left the chat*

    I get what you're saying though, since we most likely won't get anymore new powers, it would be nice if they added new abilities to the existing ones to help them stand out more.
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I can see a few crossovers, but really... ehhh. clones? No.
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  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i'd have to echo the other's sentiments; nature is still the only powerset that allows one to turn into a dog and stuff, celestial has it's cursed to purified combos, water has it's ebb and shield mechanics, atomic has it's unique abilities, quantum teleports, etc etc. some do bleed together a bit, however with powers like celestial and sorcery this is to be expected given the influences of their sources since most celestial entities in DC (raven, eclipso, spectre, fate, etc) all not only use darkness and light powers but usually also magic supplemented by it or vice versa.
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  5. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    They still do the same thing.

    Rage pukes and do combos that increases damage on targets that have the puke on.

    Celestial purify and throw attacks that increases dmg on purified enemies.

    I don't have water, but I guess it the same thing anyway.

    Take for example HardLight when it was first released, it was very unique. The ability of using your powers without using power due the combo chain factor was really special back in the day, it also introduced massive clipping, and very faster players that could clip through animations with Hardlight were kings in pvp.

    Electric applying dots.

    Rage with the undying mechanic (unless you get stunned and crash)

    These things made the powers unique. Now they all play the same, use X debuff - use abilities that increase the damage on targets that has X debuff on.

    Now every power has a weapon buff too, etc.
  6. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Been waiting years for celest to get a demon and angel related ability

    I'll wait for another century if I have to
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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    *inserts "its's been 84 years" gif*
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  8. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah bro I agree no new power's and nothing probably will not be added to what we have now.
  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    for a game thats set in the dc universe with us making up our own super heroes and villains to fight alongside the justice league it sure hates its super powers.
  10. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    If they really wanted to bring attention to the game, they SHOULD add new powers. At least then, we wouldn't be bored and you'd have experienced testers trying to figure out the best LO for each scenario, ect. At least thats what I would do. Testing new powers in different scenarios is what makes it fun for me. They really expect to go 2-4 more years without any new powers or changes to the current setup? If they do, you can bet we will see a decline in activity over the next few yours.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The "balance" everyone was looking for xD
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I think one factor to keep in mind is a person's preferred playstyle across characters and power sets.

    I love the variety that comes with the different powers, but when I step back and look at how I play and what powers I prefer I see myself going for the same types of powers. I do my best to mix things up on characters, but it shows through at times. So if that's something a player is doing unconsciously, it may be that they just aren't giving themselves the variety they might seek.

    Plus when "everyone" seems to be doing the same thing, that may just be a matter of folks chasing whatever meta is out there and determined to be "the best," and sometimes there's just no helping that.

    Best advice I'd give is don't chase the meta. Explore what a power set has to offer. Dip into movement and iconic powers every so often. And maybe take a step back to see if that sameness among the powers might be a result of going for the same types of powers rather than the power sets being the same.
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  13. Brit Loyal Player

    There are definitely two major differences that I immediately notice in powersets. Some require me to do the 1-left click-left click-right click-2-3-3-left click. And some allow you to push a power and it just does what it's supposed to do.

    I would rather have a 6 second channel than have a 1 second power that I then have to properly click 5 times afterwards. Just a matter of personal preference. So powers like Hard Light, Rage, and Water, totally not for me. Maybe they're easier on the controller for console players, but as a mouse-and-keyboard PC player, I just do not care for it. I want to hit powers and do weapon combos, but not these weird power-click-combinations.
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  14. Dene Devoted Player

    Pretty much!

    Too much diversity in how powers work and balancing issues occur or are invented by others lol

    This is why, as cool as they look, i will never try powers like Hard Light, Celestial, Rage, and Water - combo stuff just goes over my head and seems so fiddly
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    some of the powers play very differently but i get your point
    the main reason for it is ballance, they will say its too hard to keep even the idea of balance when powers are too varied

    not that it wouldn't be nice i just doubt it will change much
  16. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    I think it depends on your role. I know the ways to tank are very different. Controllers all have the same functionality, but also feel incredibly different to play and excel at different things. Healers also seem to have different mechanics (i.e. water vs nature)

    Don't play dps, so i can't speak on it.