Booster bundle pretty please ?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Fadi, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Hey devs

    I truly believe it’s time for BOOSTER bundle to come back .

    Who else agrees with me ?
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No one... No one agrees with you. There was a Booster Bundle just before the Dark Metal Time Capsule dropped.

    Maybe in December... Or better yet, January (although I'm sure some would prefer never again... But forget that noise).
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's a Resurgence Event coming soon.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player


    Just sell the style already, not stick in a lootbox
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  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I want purple ball lightning accessory so as long as that’s in it ;)
  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    There are enough micro transactions in this damn game as it is. Only someone who opens 100+ Time Capsules would want a Booster Bundle right now..............oh wait, now I remember you.
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  7. myandria Item Storage

    I thought you learned your lesson.... guess not.;)

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  8. Eve YouTuber

    Too soon for a booster bundle in my eyes. I'm fine if we keep Dark Knights capsule for awhile.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'll take a resurgence over a BB any day. Sitting on 100's of stabilzers between the accounts now. DOn't get me wrong, I like a BB over a TC, but a mega cap...that's different.

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  10. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Ill help you run your stabilizer event on your alt accounts. :p
  11. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    we live in some very very dark times where people would rather pay 10 dollars for a chance at an aura or materials.(that will never comeback thus forcing you to whale out on rng boxes)............ instead of just buying new auras and materials directly (that get the same amount of love as the Auras/materials locked behind a wall of rng and not throwaway great value edition auras/materials) But i'll let yall go on ahead and be treated like cattle
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Gif looks more like CATtle to me.


  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    They've tried aura packs before, plus got a LOT of pushback over pricing on some of the stuff they put out there (tough to forget the complaints on the Batman mask pricing).

    Had the auras sold better or the pricing pushback been, shall we say more subdued, maybe they would have continued along that route. But like any business they're gonna go for what gives them the best possible return to cover the costs, and if BBs and TCs result in more sales they'd be foolish not to pursue that.
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  14. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm...*devils's advocate horns growing...*

    Well, those time capsules contain items that can be sold on the broker for a lot of in game money, including those hard to get auras and materials. Most players are aware of the RNG and don't care; being able to sell the gear boxes and collection pieces make up for it for them. If EVERYTHING that dropped from a time capsule was account bound (for example), then players would not buy them so much (in my opinion) and they would be more receptive to purchasing items from the marketplace to get exactly what they want, instead of a random item they would be stuck with.

    So yeah, the devs are going to continue with the time capsules because they sell well, simple as that. The devs dont have to market them too hard either; some players ask about the next one before the devs can even speak about it. Until online games are forced to sell cosmetic items via in-game vendor or a Marketplace like they did in the past, there is no stopping or drying up this time capsule/loot box gravy train.
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  15. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    Call me skeptical but compare the auras/materials locked in capsules and bb's, then compare it to the ones we can purchase direct (liquid material vs iridescent) (void vs the gold) (Phoenix vs bronze) (cosmic vs silver) Smoke vs vapors name brand vs great value

    They put their very best behind a wall of rng and sadly people rip open their pockets but then will release some throw aways or items that in reality some will want but most will overlook and we're suppose to be punished because we all didn't support a direct purchase item that wasn't all that interesting to buy. And thinking about the batman mask being 20 dollars star wars the old republic is selling a sith lord (evil guys) mask for 8 dollars and dude drained the life out of a whole planet from his ship in space. Couldn't even speak coherent words because he flat out became a monster...... I like batman but come on lol
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  16. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    hate to throw swtor mmo (when the game has some massive issues in itself) in here again but they allow direct purchases off the marketplace to be sold/ You're right they will do what works best for them but how long till the whales have no more blubber to squeeze. I just think a new direction could be made where you can make money from more people and not just whales.
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  17. Raven Roth Committed Player

    If anything we don't need them anymore. Back in the good ole days of Dcuo you could actually earn nice rewards in game instead of it being behind a gigantic paywall
  18. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    my back after the cringe lol
  19. HELLLLLLPPME Well-Known Player

    Whats wrong with people opening TC ? Dont forget we are the one giving money to Daybreak so you could play. I know not everyone can't afford buying a lot of stabs. But dont start this ;) .
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  20. Brit Loyal Player

    The fact there are no feats in them is exactly why I, and many others like me, don't bother buying them.

    Time Capsule feats certainly annoy some players, but I have no doubt that Time Capsules sell better than Booster Bundles, because at the end of the day, Booster Bundles are just gambling for dress-up, while Time Capsules are feat hunting to increase your character's combat effectiveness.