Devs: Increased limit for Lairs & League Halls??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zneeak, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I know, forum regulars will tell me to stop asking the same questions over and over, and the Devs can feel free to do so too because that means there's finally some form of answer at all lately from their end on this... But seriously, Devs, where do we stand on this?

    Both Lairs and League Halls are in need of an increase in the amount of base items you can place. Some of the obvious hurdles such as Lair Battles was bypassed with the NEW Lair themes that comes with an additional room added to the layout on top of it, but with a measly 500 items you can't do the NEW Lair themes any true justice... It just seems like a waste of potential (and sales) to make a thing out of NEW Lair themes (especially popular themes like Atlantean) and seemingly not do anything about the obvious item-restrictions currently hindering any dedicated decorator. I'd LOVE to see more Lair themes be implemented, but without a Base item-Increase I can make more use out of the older Lairs.

    I want an increased limit for all Lair themes and League Halls, but the new Lair themes in particular are in the most need of this with the added layout, and I can't think of any real reason as to why it wouldn't work on atleast those. Please, make this change happen and truly sell your new Lair themes!

    So how about it, Devs? Is it possible? Is it in the works? I'd like an official answer on this, because I'm not the only one eager to get a change in the current Base item-limit and I think we deserve to atleast know if it's in the works at all. Thank you in advance.
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  2. AerovengerReturns Level 30

    Yes, this needs to happen.

    I have too many base items - statues, bumper cars and garbage (literally a garbage bag).
    I did fill a base as a warehouse with everything in to free up my base inventory but even then it used a base slot.

    We need the ability to buy more than 4 bases... or increase base items per base... or delete base items off our inventory.
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  3. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Yes, being able to carry more than 4 bases per toon is also something they should increase! I mentioned this aswell in another thread of mine regarding a list of Base deco QoL's/Update requests. It's another one of those things that I can't grasp as to why they haven't made it possible. It means more Deed-purchases which means more revenue for them, so why not? :eek:
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Yep definitely needs to be increased!
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  5. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    I also agree being able to put more items in our Bases should be allowed.

    big *Yes*.
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  6. Hollows Active Player

    One can hope. Many can wish. I conscript to both.
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  7. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    If there is no increase in limit then at least offer larger pieces? I would definitely pay for league sized flooring. Water, grass, sand, grating, etc. I'm at my limits in the league hall but the rooms are still more than half empty. League sized flooring packs would sell as much as Dynasty packs, etc. C'mon Devs, hook us up!
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  8. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Please sneak a new league theme some day too

    But bigger base items for league, bigger placement caps are my top wish for league halls
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  9. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    Or at least the ability to remove certain base items so that they can be sold on the broker or to a vendor. At least to be able to get rid of unwanted items. Doing so will give you room for items you do want.
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  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    This would be fine if they did an optimisation pass on the game.
  11. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    I'd even be ok with crafting base items. Example: 4 coluan obelisks plus exobits = a wall of obelisks. Or 4 Cherry Blossom sprawling ceiling pcs + exobits = 1 larger ceiling piece. That way it is still only 1 base item but it takes up more space. Or 4 water puddles + exobits = 1 larger water puddle. I know crafting and base items aren't currently connected and I'm not sure if it even possible or how hard it would be but I know I would love it!
  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It would be mighty nice to get an updated Dev-response on the matter.
  13. AV Loyal Player

    It's also way past time they added broker/respec/R&D & Soder vendor/personal bank to League Halls. Their excuse as to why it isn't there (so people still use Watchtower) makes zero sense condsidering all of those things are in our Lairs... With the amount of effort that's gone into our league hall it'd be great if it could at least have the same level of utility as a lair. People will always go to watchtower for other things (ie. vendors).
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  14. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    For pete sakes, yes.


    And Yes.


    The newer lair themes are essentially the cost of a 1 month membership, if I'm paying $15 for a lair instead of $10 It's not unreasonable to think that I would expect some perks for the price increase, and one of those perks being an increase in the base item limit would suit me just fine.

    That's a bad argument all around because from what I've seen, some of the instances don't even display any of the base items or decorations you place in the league halls/lairs in DCUO.

    Not to mention, the newer lairs don't even work with lair battles; and lair battles which is an instance never features any form of base items; just the lair theme you chose.

    And They've made it very clear that they don't want to use league halls for anything past tier 6 content which was years ago, so if they need to tweak it; then they need to tweak it.

    No excuse given.
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  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I would like more stuff but I understand that it's not going to happen.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is very high on our quality of life improvements we want to get in.
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    FINALLY! Thank you! Does this actually mean it is in the works or something you are looking into/about to look into? :)

    Anything you can add about this would be highly appreciated.
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  18. Hollows Active Player

    It's good to see a response from a dev on this as increasing the limit is seriously needed.
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  19. Quantile Well-Known Player

    I’ve been begging for a raise on the league hall base placing cap for longer than I can remember! It’s truly awesome to hear that’s in the plans at some point! Hopefully sooner rather than later..
  20. Chicken Well-Known Player

    It would be nice if they let us buy additional League Hall bank slots as well. (with prestige of course)