SM Round 30 Completed Video Review

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ObsidianChill, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    If anyone was interested in the full footage for Survival Mode Season 1 Round 30 Completion and just a general commentary review of Season 1 SM it can be found above. It is from the POV of a battle gadgets controller, my spec details can be found in end screen link in the video.

    N u's Ice Tank POV

    Elusian's Round 30 Twitch Video
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    THE GOOD NEWS: Ultraman's freezing mechanic seems to be working just fine in round 30

    THE BAD NEWS: It's broken AF in round 10 thus preventing me from even getting there.
  3. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    obsidian does a fine job with his videos even if you dont agree with everything he says or shows, his loadouts are good enough to help the average dc player and his tips arent bad at all

    congrats on completing level 30
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  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

  6. Vindex Active Player

    Gratz and Props to Select Few w/ NU, Britteny, Ms. Universe and Noxious w/ ObsidianChill.
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  7. Nu31 Well-Known Player

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  8. Gromm865s Active Player

    Waiting for the "Sm round 30 too easy, increase difficulty" thread to pop up now that it's been beaten...
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  9. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I'll forever wait for Deathmike to post a video soloing SM.
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  10. Domi Well-Known Player

    Huge Congratz! :)
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  11. inferno Loyal Player

    I'm not going to defend Obsidian, the guy can most definitely defend himself more properly. I am posting to express my gratitude to a person that TAKES his personal time to copy, edit, comment and post videos that has information that can be helpful to the rest of the community. I may not always agree/like his comments or opinions. I may not agree/like the way he puts them out. But it's on me to go past that and look through the information he's provided and use it whether I like it or not. The question for me is whether the information he has provided helps me as a player. And all his videos always have information about the game. There are so many videos out there, with just some crappy background music and nothing but glorified "I did it" videos; which are completely useless to me.

    I'm glad there are enough DCUO players who take their time and effort to CARE about the community and the game to make a proper youtube video to help out. To be honest, I sometimes don't even care to post comments on threads. Most times I formulate my reply in my little brain but as I'm about to type it, the thoughts: "It'll just make somebody upset." or "It won't change a thing." or "You just can't fix stupid." And I care less to post at that point. For people to do all that work, all that time and effort: Thank you!!

    Is he making money? Good!!! I hope so but I don't think he's making much. If he is, it's probably around 10 cents an hour.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Speaking of, what ever happened to him?
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  13. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Congratz. There should be a bet next time they say that round 30 isn't achievable
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  14. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Being blunt or forward is a personality trait just like being shy and bashful. Yes, we should all theoretically strive to always maintain acceptable levels of tolerance and patience.....but you also can't say you have never lost your patience with someone.

    You can compare the way people from NYC speak as opposed to a valley girl from CA. People just communicate differently
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  15. Nu31 Well-Known Player

    If you don't get encased, it is because you're either out of range, your tank popped an immunity and that would be 100% the tanks fault, or you broke out on your own. The mechanic works perfectly fine; however, sometimes its poor/lazy timing if a tank pops their group breakout.
  16. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I like Mr smooth voice :) His guides and tips and tricks and treats are very helpful. I would say congrats on beating LV 30 and I would also say like 70% of his content for me I take his advice and the other 30% I add my own spin on it but you say what you want about Smooth voice aka Obsidian but the guy has a gift and is a skilled player :).
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I was definitely not out of range and didn't get frozen to begin with so couldn't have broken out. The odds that a handful of different tanks all popped immunity that many times at that exact instance is astronomically low.
  18. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Do you have auto breakout mod in your D affinity? I forgot when I switched troll and left it in and died a bunch of times on 10 to auto breaking out of the ice before I realized and changed it out.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Many inappropriate posts have been removed from this thread. Grats, thanks for the videos, or move on.
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  20. AV Loyal Player

    If you, for whatever reason, get broken out, you can jump on another ice cube to avoid all damage. Hiding behind also works but is less reliable. You can also range the laser by running directly to the wall.
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