State of the Game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jeff Bond, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Does steam take into account PS players? If not then this is a very flawed way of looking at population. Not to mention I'm a PC player and I do not log in through Steam... and I guarantee you that I'm not unique.
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  2. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'm PC &......
    I despise STEAM or any program that insists on running in the background when it is not needed.
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  3. Yaiba Committed Player

    If you're on EU you will know how low is it, just saying. You don't have to trust the number on steamchart, but it's kinda true for EU server.
  4. Ringz Dedicated Player

  5. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Question is, what did they do to lose everybody, and is it salvageable? I, for sure, have noticed a massive change for the worse in the population since I started. I blame it on the bipolar way the game operated over the years in regards to combat. ‘This is meta, now THIS is meta, now THIS!’ Then monthly content promised at launch, to twice a year, to quarterly, to monthly, to quarterly, then ‘when we push it out.’

    The unfulfilled promises and disregard for things like pvp, lpve (which should be easy to fix. A dev once said that he created these on a lunch break) UI update, and other Qol issues. Getting peoples hopes up and not delivering drives them away in droves. Also neglecting 50% of your game and saying you will never fix it will cost you 50% of your population roughly. I remember some people back in the day only saying they play for the pvp. Once that ended, they left.

    Reused areas hurt. I remember people leaving because of that. And then all the complaints about this. ‘We don’t want rehashed content.’ ‘Here, have a go in Metropolis again!’ Or Gotham, this time in daylight!’ For such a massive library to pull from, DC didn’t feel like a universe, rather a small town or two.

    Hard content killed it. My second favorite dlc with Paradox wave split the community and did the most damage. When this dlc came out I remember tons of people quitting because this was to date the toughest content we ever got at the time. People couldn’t handle it without glitching feats (don’t act like you didn’t do it. I have memories of certain ‘elite’ posters begging to glitch for feats and gear). The forum wars were epic over this as well.

    Time capsules put another dent in as well. I hate them with a passion and quit for a very long tme after they were put into the game. This to me reeks of desperation and feels like them milking us before shutting the game down. I saw it before in other games shortly before server shutdowns and hope it doesn’t happen here. Putting feats in these lottery boxes is the biggest ‘eff you’ to the playerbase that I ever saw in my experience as a gamer. It’s disgusting, and dirty. The playerbase responded. The cash grab greed of these is reminiscent of an ios game. That’s all I’ll say on these.

    Can this be fixed? Probably too late. They’d have to spend money advertising with promises of a fixed game pretty much everywhere. And they would have to actually fix the game which takes time. Both of these things they flat out said they have no intention of doing. So yea, enjoy it while you can. It’s my personal favorite game of all time even with all its flaws, which is why I came back. To enjoy it while I can.
  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You make a big deal about silly questions and answers along with supposed misinformation and "biased opinons".... Then you say THAT. Such a shame! :p

    Balance updates going from one thing to another, then back again. Going from DLC's to monthly content, and then back again. Looking at the current state of the game, how long will it take before another Revamp will be needed? You can sugar coat it all you like, but this game haven't really had a clear and solid direction FORWARD in a while, it's more or less a mix of a few steps forward and then a few steps back again. Rinse and repeat.

    The OP asked if the game and its gameplay is more of the same since he left after the Revamp. It is more of the same since then, as several players stated, what is NOT a fact about it? That you still happen to enjoy the game despite that? It doesn't work like that.
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  7. L T Devoted Player

    I'm guessing steam is about 1/3 of the PC population, which has been traditionally about 30% of the total game population.
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I started in December 11th 2011 the game was cheesy but a fun type of cheesy now to me it appears greedy and cheesy while simultaneously trying to cut corners
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  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Mostly California and Texas, I believe.
  10. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    So you would say that there is an average of 5000 players daily? Definitely likely that it's false since I'm unsure if you know for a fact that PC makes 30% of the population nor that 1/3 logs in through Steam. Also, I'm trash at math.

    But from what I just read...

    500 players are active through steam and that makes up 1/3 of the PC population. Meaning 1500 active PC players. Then 1,500 only make up 30% of the population, putting the total population at 5000.

    P.S don't laugh if my basic maths are off lol.
  11. L T Devoted Player

    Not laughing off anything. A green name one said here on these forums that PS was about 70% of the player base.

    I don't know for sure if that's still true.

    I also don't know for sure how many PC users use Steam. 1/3 was an educated guess based on players I've spoken to over the years. Steam is an extremely popular PC gaming platform, but almost none of the players I've spoken to use it for DCUO.
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