The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, this is quick and dirty, and not as good as I'd like. I'm also still trying to find a better Shoulder Style, 'cuz some of them "float" too far away from the chest armor, with no visible connection to it. But here's a Comic Style War Machine Punisher, with classic Iron Man/War Machine helmet:


    And if you want the Future Fight version, with Death's Head Skull on the helmet, you can do it, but it doesn't look quite right...


    The skull on that helmet looks weird, and the eye lenses are the wrong shape, but it's all we have to work with in this game.

    And I'm spent!
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  2. DOA40 New Player


    So, it's kind of hard to tell from the picture, but this is my Green Lantern by the name of Shah Lon.

    The basic premise is that Shah Lon comes from a planet in Sector 3859. Her species looks exactly like humans, save for the fact they have unique natural hair coloring. The green hair color that Shah and her family line possesses is considered of noble distinction. So, by all accounts, Shah could be considered a Princess by standard definitions.

    Sadly, Shah's planet has been embroiled in a war that has gone on for so long, that no one remembers exactly how it began in the first place. You see, much like in the Man of Steel movie, the people of Shah's planet are not born of a mother and father. They are grown in maturation chambers into full grown adults and are taught through advanced programs during their growth process, everything from weapons handling, hand to hand combat, battlefield tactics, etc. So, while Shah looks like a full grown adult, she is in actuality only 5 years old. The sad thing is, if she were to have died in battle, they would have just made another just like her to continue on the fight.

    For untold time, many Green Lanterns have come to Shah's planet in a vain attempt to quell the fighting between the factions. While they do succeed, it is only for a short period of time and then they are right back to fighting again. The Guardians have pretty much declared Shah's planet off limits, seeing it as a waste of Lantern resources to try an quell their pointless battle.

    Two years ago, the current Green Lantern for Shah's sector (an alien that looked like a human spider with four arms and four legs) ended up in a fierce battle with a Red Lantern of the same sector. He was mortally wounded and ended up crashing onto Shah's planet, right in the middle of the battlefield that Shah was currently fighting on. It was actually the Green Lantern's swan dive that caused both sides to quit fighting each other to figure out what had actually happened.

    Shah was the first one to reach the Green Lantern and, though she knew battlefield First Aid, she also knew that there was no way to save the creature in front of her. With it's final breath, it charged it's ring to find a suitable replacement from this planet. As its hand fell, the ring slipped off it's finger, declaring: "Green Lantern of Sector 3859 deceased. Scanning for suitable replacement."

    Shah was indeed quite shocked when the ring floated in front of her and declared: "Shah Lon of Sector 3859, you have the ability to overcome Great Fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

    The ring slid onto her finger as if it had been there all her short life and she was suddenly flooded with new information. However, she didn't have anytime to process this information, as the Red Lantern had followed the now dead previous Green Lantern to the planet's surface. When it saw Shah, it began to brutally attack her. Thankfully, all of Shah's previous skills and with a bit of help from the ring itself, she was able to utterly destroy her opponent and secure its ring before it could find another host. But, there was no rest for poor Shah, as the ring suddenly took control and blasted her off her planet and straight to Oa.

    Once the Guardians heard what had happened to the previous Green Lantern and how a barely wet behind the ears recruit had defeated a more experienced Red Lantern (capturing their ring in the process), they were quite literally shocked (or as shocked as emotionalless beings can be). However, when they found out what planet that Shah was from, they immediately wanted to discharge her from the Corps and have the ring find another candidate from a less "civilized" planet. Another Green Lantern from Sector 2640, whose own planet was much like Shah's (in that they were very war-like), stepped forward and asked the Guardians to give her a chance. "After all," the Green Lantern stated, "I was not unlike this young one when I first got my ring. The Corps showed me that there was more to my life than just fighting and if you give her a chance, I think the same can be shown to her."

    The Guardians reluctantly agree with the Green Lantern from Sector 2640, but they made it a proviso that they would be watching very closely her training. If she was unable to lose her military mindset, she would be dismissed from the Corps immedialy and returned to her home planet and that they would insure that any Green Lantern who perished in that Sector would be unable to have their ring select a candidate from their ever again.

    So, for the next 2 years, Shah was trained in the use of her powers. And while she didn't fully lose all of her military mindset, she was able to compartmentalize it with the new mindset she was given through her training. The Guardians begrudgingly allowed Shah to keep her ring, but decided it was best that she spend a few more years training under the Green Lanterns of Earth before she would be allowed to start performing her duties to her Sector. So, Shah was sent to Earth. But when she arrived, she found the planet in utter chaos. Heroes and Villains fighting against each other left and right and some robotic alien to be the cause of the this sudden turn of events. For Shah, battle is what she was created for and this is the greatest battle of them all. She will show the newly created villians just how much of a Green Lantern she truly is and she will let them know that those who worship evil's might, beware her power....GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!!!!

    The armor that Shah currently wears is the same armor that she had been wearing when she was chosen. It enhances to users speed, strength, etc. to Superman levels. It is pitted and ding in many places, showing the hard fought battles it has been in. The only real difference in it now is that it is now green like her hair, the color being added once she had been chosen to become a Green Lantern.

    She is also never seen without her trusty pistols by her side. While the Guardians most definitely frowned upon her use of weapons and tried to h?ave them removed from her (which resulted in 4 more experienced Green Lanterns ending up in the hospital from their attempts), they allowed her to keep them under the order that they be modified to use Lantern energy instead of the plasma that they originally shot. This means that she has to charge her ring more often than other Lanterns, as she uses a combination of her weapons and her powers when she fights.

    Shah has no sense of emotions. She doesn't understand the concepts of joking, sarcasm, etc., but she knows anger very well (having seen it in the eyes and on the faces of her enemies many a time). She also has no sense of feminine modesty, as taking in the account that someone might be offended by another person's body parts if they are on display, is not something she was trained in (as her Battlefield First Aid left little to the imagination and stopping her treatment to take care not to expose someone's private parts could mean a matter of life or death). She can be very blunt as well and will always tell you like it is, without a filter between her brain and mouth (she is a bit like Drax in this regard).

    So there you go, there is Shah Lon the Green Lantern. She is ready to protect and serve on the planet Earth, no matter the cost. The question is, is the planet Earth ready for her?

    (At some point, I may posted an update image of her as I get some better armor skins. I want her to look more like a typical Green Lantern, while still incorporating some of the bits and pieces of her currently look. Haven't really decided yet. She's still sort of low level, as I just made her today. We'll see what I end up with as time progresses.)
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  3. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Great write up DOA40, you should add it to the Character Origin thread in the off-topic channel :D
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Still say Freezie's helmet fits the Cosmic Rider's look, butt, that is just POO and it's your character :D
  5. DOA40 New Player

    I'm like an insane writer. That was all of the top of my head.
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You would fit in perfectly in the Funhouse :D
  7. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    The psycho shoulders are to round and to few spikes to fit the style imho
  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Out of curiosity did you try the Elemental Android shoulders? Those might be a good match for what's in the example pics.
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  9. DOA40 New Player


    So, I updated Shah's look. I'm currently level 19 now on her toon, so I figured that I could probably justify that she had been on Earth long enough to drop bits and pieces of her original armor and start to look more like a sort of respectable GL.

    I honestly can't find a chest piece that I like, so the one she is wearing right now and has been from the beginning, is the one I'm trying to work everything else around. I changed out the gloves for Sinestro's and I like the way they look.

    I can't find a decent shoulder piece (yet) that I like, so I went with the Speed Force Spectrum one as a temporary replacement to my previous one (plus, I kinda got tired of watching the flames from the Metallio's Maw shoulder piece constantly when I was flying).

    I really can't find a decent back piece (once again, yet) that I really like. I've been using the one from Metallio's Maw, but they're really aren't very many back pieces that I have seen that aren't capes, wings, or something else (like backpacks and jetpacks) that I think goes well with her outfit.

    I'm hoping once I start being able to run some of the higher tier stuff (specifically stuff that has more GL inspired things, I will be able to find a backpiece I like.

    Pretty much everything else from the waist down is still the same. I dig the pants and the boots, because it sorta looks like the energy from her power battery is just flowing through it all.

    For now, though, I really do like this look. It's not a typical GL, but it looks like it could fit in.
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Pretty sure they're one of the ones that "floats" too far away from his actual shoulder, but I'll double-check again.
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    POO, butt every Lantern should be unique: Blacque is still wearing the same outfit from creation (Reverse Slimline chest & pants, Urban Slick boots, Metalhead hands & waist and Dashing Crusader head), the only thing she has added is the Speed-Force Spectrum jetpack because it is a jetpack that lights up when in flight (plus it has that 'Starship Enterprise' look to it :p)
  12. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    my mental fear knight style :)
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  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, I went ahead and Style Unlocked those for him. Here's the Preview image that shows what I'm talking about. With this Chest Style, they look like they're floating in mid-air 2-3 inches above his actual shoulders:


    Next, I tried Disciple of Parallax, and they just don't have the right texture on them. They don't look like metal armor, more like fabric. Those may be revisited if I get a Material at some point that will make them look more armor-like. So, for the moment, I'm sticking with the Snake Shoulders until I stumble upon a better style.
  14. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I changed my mental style a bit more,switched the helmet for skull head and added a bit more color variation :)
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Inspired by Genos from One Punch Man
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Seeing that Cosmic Ghost Rider and peoples attempt to recreate that look inspired me to do my own version....what do y'all think? :D



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  17. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Energy based lifeforms wear clothes and have cybernetic implants too.
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  18. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    And I know it’s been done and I might have already posted it but I gotta get ready for the JLD [IMG]
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  19. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    Genos: "i'm sure it can't be that bad....." saitama holds up his hero exam score. Genos: "blasphemy!!!".
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  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If people only posted what hadn't been done before, this thread would be about 10k shorter :p
    Nothing wrong with doing your own version of a popular character :D
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