"Poached" feat in Underworld Trials not working on multiple attempts.

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Reinheld, Jan 13, 2019.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So I was in a feat getting group yesterday. Wanted to knock out a bunch of the 'must have 4 players paying attention' alert feats. One of those is the 'Poached' feat to get all the eggs in UT. Went about it the normal way, getting 2 eggs for the Phoenix fight (so she ends up in the final battle for the other feat), then after Medusa, doubled back and got the other 2 eggs in the 3rd room and in the secret room off to the left in the Labyrinth 'color' room. Went to the circles entered the 5th egg secret room, killed the birds and...and...and...nothing. No circle to get the final egg. Someone suggested that we could not do it after Medusa, which again, has always worked in the past, so we went back through and this time got all the eggs on the first pass, then doubled back to the circles, entered the secret area and still....nothing. No pickup circle.

    Anyone else find this happening? Guess it could have been something else, but I've done this feat in the past and either method has always worked, before or after Medusa. I was probably going to try again today and I'll record the video but wondered if anyone else already saw this or reported it.

  2. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    My most recent attempt (back in November 2018) was collecting the final eggs after defeating the Medusa. It popped the feat as normal back then.
  3. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I recently got it for a buddy after defeating Medusa and it popped for us, this was maybe a week or two ago.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...it's always worked the same way. Kind of irked me that it failed....I'll try again I guess.

  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    I did that feat for my friends a couple of weeks ago, but we collected all eggs before fighting Medusa.
    You can get three eggs before Phoenix fight, so she doesn't enrage after you defeat her, and then two eggs after Phoenix.

    Everytime we went for eggs after fighting Medusa, game would kick us out cause we couldn't find them all in time.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, the way we always did it was how I described in the original post. You clear all the adds and collect only 2 eggs to get the bird in the final fight...then just swing back for the final 2 eggs, open the secret room and get the 5th. Finding the eggs was not the issue.

    Unless I'm mis-remembering collecting the final 'secret' egg. I thought it was a pickup, just like the others. In this case there was no pickup available on either attempt.
