Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. ALB Dedicated Player

    DC #1 problem is exploits and cheese. You all let them continue for so long. They go on for so long that when they're fixed people look at it as a nerf. Players actually equate exploits as skill. some cheese and exploits seem to he easy fixes. New st cheese is using any consumable and DW-bow wm. Pet trinkets were nerfed because of consumables. 3ven though it had nothing to do with it and now it's back. Consumables shouldn't be treated as a beneficial power. How is that a hard fix? Some pets shouldn't be treated as a beneficial power and be allowed to use as a clip. Never mind it take 0 power to use. With current cheese, dw-bow is doing 40k st damage. Dw-bow used correctly is not op, but with current cheese it's terrible and make current elite raids a breeze. Especially Crown e. I know what's going to happen though. The devs will nerf DW-bow wm, punish the entire prec player base, and the exploiters will move on to the next cheese. I wish the cheese was fixed and the weapon combo is left as is.
    Devs please get better at exploits. It's the top problem in DC imo
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  2. Draconiano Committed Player

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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    First day of the new year and Nerfstradamus has spoken! Yay fear and panic!!
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  4. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    Dw-bow isn't doing 40k st damage. I've done water and gadgets with and without the exploit and both of them parse roughly the same because of the rotation and how it works. You get more combos off, but the issue is that it drops ticks from the wm combo which only produces a noticeable difference if it's done for an extended time period from a power that isn't clipping anything often like rage or elec. I was at 22-24k (cog passive alone) back when my precision was like 21k and now I can hit up to 26k w/ demon fang (no cog passive or troll) without the exploit as water now that I'm at 23k base precision. I ran throne e yesterday and as 258 water I was beating a 260 rage prec dps using the exploit by 400k after 1st boss and maintained it through the first few wipes in 2nd boss even when I missed orbitals because of Corum's phase out. When I started being safe and only orbital'ing at certain times I stretched it to a 1mil+ lead. Tell anyone that claims to parse 30-40k using the exploit to dps comp me in Crown/Throne E and we can see if they actually parse at 50%+ more damage than me. Because more than likely they're referring to in content with a compound, 10% precision buff from the passive corals, and the sparring ai proc'd and not them by themselves or with a troll at a sparring target.
  5. loupblanc Dedicated Player

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  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    Few things. You're using water, PD, and jc out dw-bow combo. So you beating a rage dps by 400k don't mean anything. Water and gadgets are the 2 best powers for prec bevause how they work. Another thing, you're part of the problem because you're jc out of a WM combo and clipping it with various powers which will get it nerfed and you and players like you will move on to the next cheese. Which you admitted that you use awhile back. The diffrence from 258 to 260 is minimal at best. Cheese is cheese. Water and gadgets dps are the 2 cheesiest prec dps powers.
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  7. August Moon Well-Known Player

    soooo... are you upset that you cant jump cancel properly , or that your power doesnt allow you to clip to keep up in damage ?
  8. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    I'm part of the problem because I'm jc'ing a wm combo that's been jc'able since it first released and I was using it in Throne and AF1 for troll lol The only reason people didn't jc back then was because you were clipping it with a power for the WM bonus. I was using DW->Flurry as troll over brawling inside of hard content just because I could jc it and roll to avoid a mechanic while brawling couldn't. I'm a controller main and my toon is based on Silver Sable from Spiderman. I actually have a reason to go gadgets when I want to. I started as nature because everyone was sleeping on it until eye of gemini came out and I switched away to gadgets. And after I got tired of people complaining about gadgets precision, I switched to water prec because I consider myself to own that because I was the first person to bring it out back in TTBE that could compete with gadgets when people thought water was a joke and could only go might based and would still suck even then. I water heal, nature heal, and troll, so unless I'm going mental, every other precision power is a joke relatively besides Ice because of a cheese it has as well that people like you would complain about as well. I'm not spending 1-2 hours in elite runs just hitting a weapon buff and jc'ing flurry and using nothing else in my loadout because it lowers my dps. Anytime I've seen regular dots added to flurry, it's decreased damage on a consistent basis. The only exception might, MIGHT be a nature prec dps and I prefer might nature because of how fun gorilla st is. And I've held the same stance as CrappyHeals since I first started testing revamp on test server. I don't care about add damage/total damage. People can run gemini's and boo trinkets and rage spam all they want. Because at the end of the day, bosses are what drop loot and single target is what matters. You don't wipe on adds in the hallway for 1-2 hours but you will wipe for 1-2 hours on a boss if your burn is lacking and people aren't disciplined enough to avoid mechanics for an extended time period. I care about carrying at a boss fight so I'm only going to play powers that I know have the potential for high st damage that are significantly above average. That limits me to might based HL and Nature, and prec based water, gadgets, mental possibly, and ice.
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  9. ALB Dedicated Player

    It's always one exploiter who always want to use dps numbers as an excuse.
    If you want to exploit, do it. Exploits are for people who not good enough to keep up using the intended mechanics. I'm upset because exploits bring people to the forums to complain about how easy the game is, the devs listen, and try to balance gameplay around those complaints, while those complaining have used dps, artifact, Tc exploits, etc. I'm not upset, it's just a major problem in DC
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  10. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    tc exploit isn't even relevant to the conversation. as for artifacts, while there are a lot of people running around with 800-4mil xp inside of 1 artifact, most cheese strats/powers only require you to have a 120 artifact. The closest exception being gemini cheese as a tank. Even a healer can get away with just 120 for sc spam groups.
  11. August Moon Well-Known Player

    haven't used any exploit, barely know of them , dont care for them . but as for jump canceling and clipping . those two functions have been in the game for a while know . support roles still clip powers while jump canceling for your prec weapon master combos ( dw-bow specifically) isnt something to get huffy about . you lose the extra hits for your combo but gain the ability to be more mobile or do the combo again if you so choose. i dont really see the problem with it
  12. majosea Dedicated Player

    I hate say it , but the chesse / nerf this . buff that cycle has been going on for this long .
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  13. ALB Dedicated Player

    This post prove my point. You've been exploiting so long that you think it's ok. You can't jc out of any other wm combo except for brawling, which you can just clip, and get full damage. Regular DW WM combo do 23-25k, but people who exploit is the reason it will be nerfed while those said people find another cheese to destroy another power or combo when that is fixed.
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  14. ALB Dedicated Player

    Getting exploits fixed will never stop. No one said anything about nerfing anything, but again this is the problem with letting exploits go on for to long. Players start thinking it's a nerf instead of a fix
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's pretty ironic that you're speaking about this now, when previous threads that dared to mention the mere topic of the WM prec-cheese wagon was regularly attacked by yourself and a few others. Maybe we can now agree that the cheese is an issue (no matter if it's from a Pftt or WM prec-playstyle view) and aknowledge the importance of players speaking up on it so that the devs can actually do something to the actual issues at hand.
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  16. majosea Dedicated Player

    the revamp was a nerf ,
    it fixing cliping , and then heat vision , nerf
    buff it by artifacts - bow is op nerf
    buff it more artifacts -

    know the different between a nerf and exploits
  17. ALB Dedicated Player

    Dw-bow is not a cheese. The way players are using it now is. Gadgets, fire, HL, and nature can keep up with the regular combo. Anyway, if you want to complain about prec, go start a thread about it. This is about exploits, not balance issues
  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    This thread is about exploits. Not balance. Ty
  19. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    "exploiting so long I think it's ok" -> Yeah, let's say clipping powers full stop is an exploit because it wasn't intended and the devs just rolled with it after players figured out and it's been allowed for over 6 years now, but it's still an exploit so every player on this game is horrible and cheats to complete content.

    "can't jc out of any wm combo and get full damage" -> Because 90%+ of WM combos aren't several ticks. They're 1 tick so either you get full damage or none. And even in those cases you can clip regular powers at the tail end of the animation after that first tick. When they're not just 1 tick, they're channels like HB pulse or doom spin which are ticks per sec that can be jump cancel'd and you get the damage up to that point. DW->Flurry falls into a mix of both of these becaues it's short and the way the ticks are scripted. You cancel flurry at various points and get various ticks (even doing the exploit you're referring to only gets 2 ticks of flurry instead of 4 tick per use). It can be jump cancel'ing at any point, but it has a long dovetail at the end like smokebomb or ma uppercut or any other regular burst wm. Instead of clipping that dovetail with a power, we're just jumping instead because that's how the weapon works. You can't call a mechanic 4 years old that's never even been touched or discussed by a dev at all an exploit.
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  20. majosea Dedicated Player

    exploits report the person and move on,