Seal of Preservation..Veiled Crystals?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by the solowing, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    3:15 please watch.

  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    In before lock.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't play any other MMOs, but from what I've read the recent augments and artifacts changes were pretty much taken from other games examples for upgrading.....including the 'seals' system. Pretty much jives with what the video shows.

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  4. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I really don't mind this type of system. It's just the whole part about seals only being available for purchase through the marketplace with no actual in game way to obtain them. Hopefully the supposed issue that caused this to change is fixed sooner than later.
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  5. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I'm in agreement with my dude Erl. There has to be a way beyond marketplace to acquire seals. Old content like we did catalysts for awhile would be fine with me, or drops in loot. Makem account bound, idrc, I just need a way to get seals without having to use real money to break through with my newly acquired artifacts. I got 4 just sitting idle while I wait to get more seals.
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  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    If the Seals could be obtained in game without having to buy the Seals from the marketplace the Artifact system would be fine. However, since we essentially have to buy the seals of completion once you get to the likes of a 140-160 Breakthrough it is a money grubbing system. I also don't care who you are, moderator, die hard DCUO player, fanboy, casual player, elitist know it all, etc...if you say that you do not "have" to have a Seal of Completion at 160 you are outright trying to justify the system through bull**** reasoning. Everyone knows very well that at a 90% chance of failure no one is going to risk that amount of catalyst. When I got my artifacts up to 160 on Test Server it took me roughly 35-40 Seals of Preservation for each Artifact before it finally succeeded (as Test Server oddly does not have Seals of Completion).

    I believe it is also, and if I am wrong please correct me, the only progression we have ever had in DCUO where you are essentially forced to buy something from the marketplace in order to achieve the progression. Stabilizers are close, but the SP that is granted from Stabilizers can be bought with in-game money and playing the game. However, the way that Artifacts are set-up is borderline impossible to achieve full progression without buying the Seals from the Marketplace.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I leveled one up the other day at 160, no seals just risked the catalysts and boom, first try. ok yep that was just luck lol, so um... yep... umm as you were.

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  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Don't have any on me currently (thanks level 120 solar amplifier!!), but I thought they were account bound. The issue here is that they were never created to be account bound, but were tradable after purchase in the MP. There is even a category in the broker for 'seals' under Fortify. However some ding dongs who were apparently glitching duplicates somehow, then flooding the marketplace with them made it so they had to be set to account bound (not a lot of reason to have 400 seals for yourself I guess). I was perfectly fine with the fact that some other guy would buy from the MP, then put in the broker to make some quick cash in game...hey, it probably helped combat the 'They who shall not be named'-chat cloggers as well. DBG made some money...good for them....I get to buy seals from the broker vs with RL cash...good for me. If they re-instituted the system as it was intended I think we'd be fine.

    I for one am boycotting the change by NOT worrying about getting an arti to 160 past the one I needed for the feat....and that's done now. I had 2 completions I got before the block, and those are gone now. I may still buy preservations with my loyalty points, but that's it. Other than that I'll take my chances on the cats and bad RNG percentages.

    Fix the glitch and get them back in the broker.

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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    A pox on you and your good luck....that 'one and done' probably upped my chances of a failure by 1000%

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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I get a free seal of completion every month..

    Getting more with the slightest of slightest chances in content would be neat though. I hope, people who want them to drop in content don't expect "Exceptional Receovery Kit"-drop rates. Not gonna happen :D
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Are you saying you buy a 'free' seal with your loyalty points? If so, I wouldn't call that free....just deferred payment. If you are somehow finding them....please expound on where and how?

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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I don't spend loyalty points since I play on the superior platform hihi :p

    But yeah, it's one of my perks as a subscriber that I get 500DBC per month and can spend it on whatever I want. I chose Seal of Completion. I rarely need anything else. The point is, that there is a way to get seals without paying additional money. Everyone is free to do it that way or not.
    Before they were made account bound I didn't buy a single one with DBC. I just bought 15 or so from the broker.

    Sure, there are many arguments as to why "this is not the same". On the other hand I would have some perspectives as to why it is still okay. Opinions are opinions.
  14. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Breakthroughs and Seals are THE shadiest thing they have ever done.
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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Why exactly is it shady? It is pretty clear to me that the breakthroughs get lower and that the highest breakthrough has 10% success rate. It's not shady, it's statistically exact. You can get around 100+ catalysts over a few months (to the next double event) and can get even more by playing alts or getting them from the broker.
    They have items that prevent destruction of catalysts and that increase the success rate to 100%. This is also exactly how it is displayed.

    It would be shady if they would not show the chances on breakthroughs. It's as shady as players buying replays to get rare gear faster.

    Time Capsules are shady, Artifacts are not (imo). Unless they display all the %chances of getting stuff from TCs, they will remain that way.
  16. SteelMachineZero Well-Known Player

    I had 12 fails in a row. I wonder is this likely to make me spend more money or less? Shady aint the word for it. theft is a better word. Speaking of they also need to increase the metal drops. What drops now was fine when we had one artifact that leveled to 100, now its just too little
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah, that's definitely loot boxes because they're hidden behind concealed RNG and odds.

    The Breakthroughs and Seals are at least transparent in what they require. Thre's nothing "shady" about forcing people to spend, shadiness only comes in to play when details are omitted and hidden.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Sounds to me like you should've bought a $5 seal of completion instead of $6 worth of seals of preservation ;)
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  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I had 4 failures in a row on a 90% chance. I stopped doing the artifacts after that. xD I said screw that not doing that again.

    If we could get the seals like we do the TC's then I would do this and pay for extra stuff. But.............. I refuse to pay or participate if I have to pay.
  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Percentage based chances don't ensure success after the nth attepmt. (pun totally accidental). You can have a 99.9% chance of success and fail twelve times in a row. Neither shady, nor theft, that's how chances work.