New Feats for Teen Titans Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brother Allen, Oct 25, 2018.

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  1. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    So there is a Feat now for the hair, the dog, the material, and the aura. Which is fine and understandable, gives completionist another carrot to chase. However, I have to say it was a little unsettling to see such high marked items only be worth 1 star a piece. Yet, we turn around and look at Time Capsules and their feats and almost all of them are worth 3 stars a piece. Am I the only one that feels maybe it should be reversed in a sense? You are talking about in game prizes that take hours of farming to get enough marks for that are worth a measly 10 feat points. Yet, there are numerous feats in the game that come from time capsules that are gained by doing nothing but spending money...lots and lots of money. It almost feels as though Daybreak is worried that DLCs can only generate a certain amount of progression because if it exceeds a certain amount, then the Time Capsule progression will have to be cut back a little and that isn't cool. Time Capsule progression should take a back seat to actual in game progression.

    Look I get it, Time Capsules makes Daybreak money from players who just want to throw dollars at them for a chance at random loot and I've come to terms with the fact that Time Capsules are not going anywhere. However, can we, the players, be at least rewarded for our time and dedication in game with proper feat point progression?
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    Couldn't agree more. Or maybe reduce the prices after one time we got it?
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  3. Gladiator Ultimate New Player

    I’m currently at work and can’t feats, the feat for aura and material is it any of materials for example I have an alt that already has magma and ember, or do I need the 2 materials added today.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Any of the Teen Titan materials.
  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Wow......those 150+ mark items are 10 points feats?

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  6. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Does any feats complete if we have the hair and a previous material(like magma)?
  7. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I would hope so. Doesn't seem fair not to grant feats for those.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Feats just make these already awesome items just a little better. Enjoy.
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  9. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Then Dad always told me there was no such thing as fair. Fair is where you ride rides and play games.
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Extremely well expressed.
  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Mepps, why can't that be the case with Time Capsules? Why do Time Capsule Feats trump in game feats which require much more work in game to acquire?
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  12. Ekart Committed Player

    No they don't. Why am I forced to farm 640 marks for items I DON'T WANT and DON'T NEED?!

    I don't mind the extra additions, just adding feats to them is plain and simple stupid.
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  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I disagree, not everything needs a feat attached to it. A nice looking cosmetic doesn't need forced progression to be sold, people will grind for it if they like the look of it.

    The only other incentive would be to make all of the added Vendor-items tradable, that way people can grind for it to make some extra in-game cash IF they want to. No more incentive than that should be needed, especially not when a new, exciting episode is right around the corner and about to hit Test.

    I highly appreciate the approach of added Cosmetics on the Vendor, but the added feats are not really necessary IMO.
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  14. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The only issue with that and what no one has mentioned is that all these multiple hundreds of marks we have to spend to get these feats where we otherwise wouldn't have to except for the style items are marks we can't put towards buying extra gear pieces to salvage to get the exobytes to level up augments and most likely the augment increase coming on the horizon with the new DLC. This is a giant mark commitment and replay badge sink before a DLC for very little reward essentially.
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  15. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    650 marks worth of feats 2 weeks in advance of the new DLC is a bit ridiculous. If this was at the beginning of the DLC, even then it would be a bit ridiculous, but at least people would be motivated enough to grind those marks. Feel bad for anyone who spent their marks already on extra gear because they thought they had no use for them anymore.
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  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It's a nice little cash grab before the DLC though. ;)
  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    For us or Daybreak?
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  18. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Age of Justice DLC had this same thing, albeit not at the end of the DLC, but the 3 style items that were originally multiple 100's of marks for a 10 star feat and those were changed due to the same type of backlash we are seeing here for time commitment vs reward and the DLC already having a huge mark commitment already. They were all changed to 20-50 marks etc, I just don't see why it can't be repeated here.

    I can 100% certain players would rather get these rewards in a Time Capsule or buy it straight from the marketplace than have to save up and farm 600+ Marks for a few simple feats right before they will have to spend 1000's of replays on a new DLC
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  19. Mazahs Loyal Player

    The responses you've received makes me not believe this.
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  20. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    The only disappointing thing for me is that I stopped running Teen Titans a while ago after I got everything and had no real need or want for the materials and hair style, even though I'm a fire toon.. Now I'm kicking myself in the *** for not going for them, especially as a fire toon.

    Oh well, on a positive note, at least I have something to do again.
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