Batman and Robin Going To Hell

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Miss Martian, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    Hello dear community.
    I hope this is the last time we hear about this big terrible problem.
    Dear Developers please open your eyes and ears, Stop it, Stop these 2 legend characters block breaker attack's damage, If it continues we're going to hate Batman and Robin.
    Legend PvPs are awesome, but as my friend says Legend PvPs are shameful. First it was Catwoman then Wonder Woman and now these 2 annoying guys. I really love to enjoy some time on LPvP, But how with these 2 troublemakers?
    I know you have seen many examples before, but let developers know how a lot of people are amusing these characters.
    3 Batman and 1 Robin in 2 matches steady one after one. and 2 Robins teamed up together, one getting our heads the other one shooting stuff. These are the things I'm everyday seeing and if I'm sometimes lucky there is 1 alt between 3 Robins or Batmen.
    Do you know what is the funniest part?? When they have low health they go stealth or start Running around the area and escaping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just as a hateful reminder I say, Whoever uses these 2 characters in LPvP IS NOTHING except coward, some cowards who think that they will lose with other characters!!!
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    While we are at mentioning cheese legend characters that need to be fixed...

    Hi John Stewart and Two Face and any other legend character that has RIFLE as their weapon.

    Just go into any Legends Match and just keep doing tap melee combos, ho hold melee. Just keep tapping and see the stupid high DPS output.

    I was in a Match with Bizarro against a John Stewart player and my Brawling Combos even though they had more risk, couldn't keep up with simple and harmless rifle tap combos. Even Blocking wasn't really sufficient to deal with the high DPS output.. Needless to say, I ended up rage quitting against these guys.
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  3. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Did you ever go against a Bizarro and John Stewart in a 2v2? Me and a friend made LOTS of people rage quit as soon as they saw we were in their match lol
  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    No. I was in a 1V1 match type when this was happening.

    I wasn't doing any 2v2's because I was practicing using a Gamepad on DCUO for the first time since I've primarily played this game with a mouse and keyboard prior to this.

    I didn't immediately rage quit the fight either, I tried to knock out the guy and used all sorts of clipping and fundamentals; but the damage output I was doing with Bizarro compared to Rifle Tap melee combos was just not enough.
  5. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    How do you use Bizarro? Like how do YOU play him? Im experienced with him and beat many Johns throughout the week. Bizarro is op honestly
  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It'd be hard for me to demonstrate through pure text, but basically what I do with bizarro is adapt to what my opponent is doing for the most part.

    Tap 3 times for the fist melee combo-clip with the rock ability and hit the flight bouncy thing on your 4th ability.

    Do some mix ups with the tap 1, hold melee, and then clip that with another high damaging ability.

    Try to do the launching uppercut into haymaker and clip that with an abilitity if I can get it off.
    Opponent blocks, block break, clip with number 1.

    Never use Ice Vision or Flame Breath because those will give the opponent immunity. When I'm in trouble or taking damage, I'll use number 2 for some damage reflection; usually I'll time this with a soda.

    Again, impossible for me to demonstrate through pure text instead of gameplay. But I think I'm alright with bizarro.

    It's just in the case of simple rifle tapping it's OP, but I'll probably make a separate thread and video to showcase it's massive DPS output.
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  7. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Wanna see something?

    Clip the 1st and 3rd ability together. :) Enjoy
  8. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    You're literally right. These 2 characters, mostly Two-Face are terrible, and exatcly he's annoying barrel.
    This is too much sad to me why Circe and Doctor Fate and Cheetah that I have hardly been working to get enough marks to buy are that much much much weak against these noob old annoying legend character, there's nothing wrong that characters have same damage but these differences are not responsible.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player


    Rifle Melee Tapping isn't intentionally broken or OP as I thought it was.

    It's actually pretty slow and does about 790 damage, but the problem with that is that 790 damage can be pretty much be guaranteed because you can't counter your opponent. You can block them and reduce it, but you can't counter it.

    So you're right and I probably just need to get better with bizarro.

    I was playing pretty casually for the most part in this fight with two face, and if anything this just makes the case for Batman and Robin's BB breaker needing to be fixed.

    And if it says anything about my PVP skills... Eh guess I'm average lol.
  10. Eve YouTuber

    To be honest I doubt we will ever get them fixed. So many threads, even a issue ticket on the issue tracker, support,
    nothing. So I lost hope for PvP, even this little fix can't be done. This is a shame, as much as I love PvP I won't touch it
    anymore. Not more buying Legends skins either if all you need is Robin\Batman to win. Goodluck to everyone in 4v4 :D
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  11. Raven Roth Committed Player

    We've been begging for this to be fixed for months and nothing's been done
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  12. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    It's still bad, it's what experienced users can do. They block break people anticipating the rifle slam.
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  13. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Either leave as is or give away all LPvE feats since these two characters are just about required in LPvE league runs. They aren’t going to rebalance the content, and really the only people running lpvp are free to play losers who don’t pay and don’t have opinions that matter.
  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    TBH................ Batman & Robin should be some of the weakest ones considering they can be had for free. The reskins are another story.

  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Troll somewhere else guy
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  16. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Just sounds like an angry rant. I dont hate the batman and robin legends. They are a bit OP but otherwise, alright. Just sounds like you got beat a few times with people using them. Just buck up and lunge them to counter. Not that hard to do.
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  17. Eve YouTuber

    They are broken. Try doing 4v4. EVERYONE using them. She's right for posting it, but I doubt it will get them fixed.
    Guessing you were okay with Catwoman when she was broken, too.
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  18. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Yeah I was ok with Catwoman and Cheetah too. There will always be characters that will be much better in dmg then others. Its part of balance. Even tho Batman and Robin have a weapon attack that deals great dmg it has a great flaw of being lungeable. And even if the devs did scale down their dmg, ppl would be on the next witch hunt for the next set of legends characters to nerf. Soon we will all be using Legends characters that hit for 1 for each hit so ppl feel everything is fair lol
    Its because of these disagreements and calls for nerfs that devs have partially decided to stop working on pvp altogether. Ppl have different ideas to what is "fair" or bluntly whatever suits them and betters their chances in a fight. So the OP can post all they like but with the multiple threads that already exist that talk about the issue, its just not needed. Making additonal threads wont make a fix come faster or make up their minds if they even want to fix it.
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  19. Eve YouTuber

    So what you are saying is, no skills are required - take what is op and spam the hell out if it. Gotcha. #WhoNeedsSkillsInPvP
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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    You finally got it. Lol
    Enough threads have been made about it. If the devs wanna do something, they will. They dont need a push or nudge.