Fix for Ice

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Apolloin, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Thats honestly really poor. You need frost blast. Apollin (OP) hits 15-20k with frost blast in his LO on a single target.
  2. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Magnitudue is one thing, because people's stats differ, how does it match relatively on one's own toon.

    30s parse, non buffed, no pets, no SC, no kandor cola. Can keep the artifacts on. A real simple single target baseline load out; alternate Frost Blast and heat vision. Back n forth, back n forth. Can jump cancel HV when next Frost Blast is ready. Does this come to 11-12k/s? A real simple one.

    And then, 'relavely speaking' if folks have their special sauce single target loadout, how does it compare to that simple SS loadout above? Is much or just marginally better.

    If doing your regular range multitarget L/O on a single target, how does it compare.
  3. DeRiize New Player

    Its 11k per second, you don't hit frost blast in under 1 second, post parses as you guys seem to love this, might based loadout without heat vision or frost blast is what I have used. That's my parse on single target with aoe loadout
  4. DeRiize New Player

    This is with 31893 might, 27k might its about 9.5k parse on average hope it explains a little, prec on any power will beat ice might based on single target, heatvison 160 artefact aswell as boulder and avalanche will also beat this loadout. This loadout is a might based aoe loadout not set for single target, as I use prec personally on single target.
  5. DeRiize New Player

    Just tested heatvison & frostblast loadout on single target, I can more damage with artifc gust and boulder, with a few variations, also just spamming boulder, frost snipe with weapon attacks In between is more damage than frost blast and heatvision
  6. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Well share this magical loadout...that doesnt use frost blast
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  7. DeRiize New Player

    I cant, my argument is frostblast is bad If I give you my loadout, all will have top ice loadout and it will get nerfed
  8. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Thank you. Theres a reason I didnt reply to him after I saw his parse lol.
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  9. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    You arent a good Ice dps lol. You claim you are the best and yet provide no proof to back up your argument. Ive given my proof. Others have given theirs. Where is yours? I could care less about your loadout because I know mine parses higher.
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  10. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    No its not lol
  11. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Also, you clearly state that you have the most op loadout, but yet then state that your parse is what you get on single target with an AoE loadout. You make absolutely no sense. You are a troll my dude.
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  12. DeRiize New Player

    You the type of guys that get over excited by numbers, do some testing and you would be surprised really, anyone who says frost blast is good clearly has not tested all powers on ice...
  13. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    You dont really seem to be listening man. I'm a fire dps. I do between 18-21k single target damage. Nearly double yours. Apollin who started this thread hangs right there beside me. There are ice dps in this thread who do nearly double your single target damage using frost blast.
  14. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Firstly, appreciate the testing. Due to work, I couldn't respond as quickly I'd like. I put this simple single-target loadout, not because it was the best one, but because you had screenshot earlier of a friend doing a 11k rotation. Since heat vision and frost blast have been mentioned in earlier posts, I gave an easy frost blast SS rotation that can also go at 11k-ish. It wasn't a referendum to say those moves are better (or bad) depending on your view, it was more of an open invitation to help validate testing conditions, and to see folks can get numbers in the same ballpark.

    This is to rule out cases, where for example, someone get a sparring target health near death, and spam 30% finisher single target channel move, with other moves filling the gap to get a decent parse. I suppose that's ok situationally, but not necessary good on a base SS rotation, which i think is what everyone is talking about. Not saying you're doing that, just listing a random example.

    For that base rotation keeping frost blast, adding PI can easily bump up the average to 12k/13k average; as far as the rotation if both FB and PI applicator comes off cooldown near the same time; opt for FB first. Loadout-wise, user can also keep FB, but swap out HV for other moves that can still get comparable numbers.

    Few powers in DC varies depending on mechanics, my current approach to ICE is a little bit like doing offense for a basketball team. We have 6 moves for a loadout; let's call it starting 5 + sixth man. Your franchise player gets the highest usage rate (ball touches... shot attempts ...etc). Sometimes you put a PI applicator (point guard assist :p ). Other times you bring in a closer ( 35% finisher). Maybe a beneficial power to clip with ( set a pick, get rebounds for 2nd shot attempts :p ). Frost blast is a valid #1 on the opening roster for a number of load outs. But hey, if folks have moves they think should should be top 1, i think everyone's open to listen. :)
  15. SupesUpp Level 30

    Is this guy a real person?
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  16. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Elaborate please. I know Ice inside and out. Frost Blast IS the hardest hitting power it has.
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  17. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    He real but he is also full of digested cow food.....

    Back to the topic, i would be happy if they sped up the cast time for frost blast. That guy will get no more of my time and you guys should do the same :)
  18. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    It would also be nice for Avalanche to have a power interaction with Frostbitten enemies.

    And maybe a new Supercharge for Ice? I think Deep Freeze and the one one is useless. (Not Blizzard or Ice Elemental or Hibernation)
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  19. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Most powers get four supercharges; ice get one more with ice giant, not as many as nature but above average in # of SCs. Deep freeze being a channel power locks user in animation so it's lost in DPS opposed to something like blizzard where after a cast can go back to Frost blasting. It's also only single target. It's dmg should get buffed to compensate.

    Deep freeze tracks the target as he moves around. As far as use cases, I can see players using it during TTB/e last boss Starro Conqureor, or earth3 Johnny Quick, coz they dart all over the arena. But use cases are pretty limited.
  20. ALB Dedicated Player

    Frost blast might do better on sparring targets without interrupts and targets standing still, but idk if that translates to higher numbers in content. If you're adding in movement or iconic powers, is that really ice dps? I switched my ice toon to a tank