Second Chance Vendor For Time Cap Items Coming In GU87

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Just shown on the stream, all items from the first two time caps along with some new enhanced versions of gear and emblems from those will be available for Quarks. Looked like the Phoenix Material was 5000something :D
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  2. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Looks like enhanced Lantern emblems and some textured Future Crusader styles too :eek:
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  3. inferno Loyal Player

    Finally, this will definitely help players with a way to get those materials attached to feats and hopefully lessen the discouragement of ever attaining the materials they want.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    inB4 - "Did you see the prices? Great job devs for messing up something we've asked for forever!"
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  5. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    All those people who didnt sold all those stuff from old TC will just quit the game :) becouse who gona buy it now ?
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  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I am so glad that the devs have been listening to this request. This is going to make so many people so much happier, I think.

    With that said, I do have to admit to a smidgen of disappointment. I was hoping these vendors would sell the rare collection pieces so that I can finish the collections (OCD represent!).

    Now of course, those could still be on the vendor - they didn't scroll down far enough to see - or they could be added later.

    Either way, it's still a great day in DCUO. Thank you, devs! :D
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  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Not entirely true when speaking of the material. If it is 5,000+ quarks that is A LOT. I imagine the Phoenix will still sell for a good chunk of change, however, the armor and emblem styles will obviously drop in price and that is not a bad thing. Plenty of other stuff to make $$ in this game with.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    it will still sell, it'll just take a bit of a hit in terms of price and value... So what... you mean it won't go for 200mil now? There's no reason to cry here unless you were rorting other players.
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  9. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I wonder if the rare extra drops will end up on this vendor-- Orbital Skins, Magic Crystal Supply Drop, Luminous Gaze, etc...
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  10. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Cheack out what happend with artifact XP ( stones and nth metal ) after they added XP in to MP no one is buying that anymore .
    So they sale TC and then they make all stuff worthless whats the point of buying this TC ?
    Good im quiting this game so those BS going on its not my problem anymore .
  11. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Oh, I hope so!
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  12. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    You must feel very relieved. When's your departure date?
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    It's all about the pricing and it has to be reasonable.

    The worst case cost scenario would be something along the lines of

    5,500 quarks for an item = 275 capsule opens 13.75 20 packs = $275

    This is very rough math, because I haven't taken into account discounts or extra stabilizers but you get the idea.

    A 1,500 quark aura would be 75 stabilizers = 3.75 packs = $75

    It's probably higher than some people would 'like' because everyone likes stuff as cheap as possible but you have to remember too it's a second chance vendor not a "primary vendor".

    I think it's sitting about right.
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  14. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    23 sept that is last day of my membership .
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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Whelp, as long as the enhanced future crusader does not grant the feat (same for emblems) people will still buy them.
    Same goes for the Phoenix Material. Some players are better at making 200mil+ ingame cash than opening as much TCs to get to 5,7k quarks :3

    I'm happy for the guys and gals who yearned for the Phoenix Material and who are now able to get it. Still takes much time but it is not as much out of reach as it was before
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's also in-line with the prices for other materials on the regular Quark vendor.
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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I can understand you frustration. I HAD a few thousand white TC mods on bank toons. Stuff happens just like in real life. You invest in things. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Get over it an move on or sit and cry about something that is not changing back.

    IMO the white TC mods are better served being put into the mainframe upgrade anyway. It's better for the game as a whole and that's why I just said my peace and tossed everything in the trash. The game is better for moving all of the gear mods out of the TC's anyway. Players can now spend 5 bucks and get exactly what they want and not feel like they were given the shaft.
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  18. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Can I have your stuff
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  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Claiming that the Material will plummet in it's price shows that you have no idea of how the game works.
    Try to think the other way around and imagine what the Quarks Aura+Material Box would be worth if it was actually sellable ingame...

    But did you see the bonus two seconds after everyone closed the twitch stream? They said that your stuff that you got from old TCs will all be changed to 10XP since they noticed your posts and realized that 20XP was way too much.
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  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Not worth the effort. It just has a cumulated value of 20XP.
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