Some people are killing the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Superman1955, Sep 5, 2018.

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  1. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    A low cr tank is definitely not acceptable by the community on average. Try it out, they'll kick you.
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  2. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    I don’t mean they have to be at exactly 240. All I’m saying is atleast put a little work into raising your cr instead of coming in for the carry at 230. Or go run the event version for your marks. Or as mentioned go some some duos and alerts n get the green blue gear. Put some effort into making yourself a better player before you come burden the rest of the group.
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  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    Since this thread still has not been closed, here is my opinion.....

    Event raids, alerts and duos are made for casuals. If you're a casual player and try to play normal or elite raid forming a group don't try it because there is a high risk to get kicked by someone else. Just play event and so we avoid unnecessary problems.
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  4. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    It’s not that it can’t be done because it’s hard. I just don’t like the fact that your trying to get carried thru the content. With the players I run with the 230cr would be at the bottom of everything. I don’t want to hear the it’s on 10% difference cause it’s a dumb excuse. If you would like to prove me wrong feel free to run a raid with me with your lower cr and see if you can keep up
  5. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    what i'd like to point out is that even the REQUIRED cr for most tier content has ALWAYS been 10 cr points too low for said content's bosses/mobs, if they're 10 cr too low don't blame the player, blame the people who programmed the game for being too dumb to count right. or would that be a programming error? either way somebody was bad at their job on the company end.
  6. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    There is no easy way to know some one skill level. That is why people look for higher CR hoping it will make up for skill. When my CR is low I run support roles and can get my job done. I can tank Hive regular at 236 with out being squishy. Not everyone can though. Now I carry people and don't mind as long as the group is not struggling. Try running Hive Elite with a group full of minimum CR. Have to be realistic.
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  7. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    as for everybody else, if he wants to kick it isn't ENTIRELY his doing that a player gets kicked, the WHOLE GROUP agreed to it. you can't just kick someone without the group voting on it AFTER a player initiates the vote. you might not SEE the voting process but even then it's usually cause the vote is done in private beforehand. that speaks more to me of the ignorance of the player community as a whole, and there is a TON of that at every tier, in every mission, i don;t pick up people as a healer who die repeatedly, why? cause they take up heals which can go to players who can actually BENEFIT from staying alive, i'm a nature healer not a necromancer.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Let’s ask ourselves this tho how many times is the burn the issue ? This isn’t the days of nexus and doc where yes the burn was a huge issue.

    Most the times it’s deaths and the slowness it is to get pickups going... granted lower cr means lower defense and health... but I’ve been the low guy many times coming back from hiatus and I’m usually the last man standing ... and usually number one on the pick ups score ... I don’t wait til the last second like I see a lot of people do begrudgingly picking people up ...

    I’d at least give the guy a shot before kicking if he’s dead constantly than sure it’s time to go but if he’s rarely the problem ... then he gets to stay
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  9. |The 3rror Committed Player

    i give them a chance tbh :/ if you doing better than the other role than you can stay :) sometimes it be the higher cr are the worst cause people cr skip 170 and few hours later be 240+ and not know how to do they role (idk how) some even shout support role but be in dps gear :(
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  10. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    Light, while I don't agree with your opinion, it is your opinion and your choice to play the game that way.
    Though I have few things that I think you would want to think about. First this person may have run all the lower content to gear up and this content may be the last thing they need to run. Now running the Event you will still get gear and titan cred, but at 230 cr you are now missing MOV. So the region content is the best thing for them to run overall. Second if you allow this person to run in your group you have the opportunity to help make this player a stronger player by passing along what you know about this raid and the mechanics to the lower cr person. This helps the entire community. Or we can let this person hear up and still not know the mechanics when they are at your min acceptable cr or higher.
    I understand that you believe that that is for leagues and such. But the was a time in this that everyone needed help or was new.
    Again just cause I don't agree with your opinion does not mean I don't understand why you do it.
    It's a game, enjoy it your way.
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  11. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    LOL. Guys read between the lines, Liightmare wants to BE carried. Buoyed on a wave of high cr/sp players. He doesn't want to work with lower CR because he's not capable of it, and needs powerful players to carry him. Hilarious.
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  12. |The 3rror Committed Player

    thats a good point :3
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  13. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    If u think that’s the case inv me to your raid run.
  14. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    Don't take it personally he ment it as a joke
  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    See, that's a pretty bold claim/blanket assumption to be making about other players, especially when you're making it based ONLY on a number. It's the kind of sentiment from other players that reminds me why I stick mainly to solo content, but that's neither here nor there.

    Unless you've done something like take a comprehensive poll of players about their intentions or reasons for coming into a certain piece of content at entry level CR, you might want to hold back from asserting that someone coming into content at entry level is trying to get carried. Otherwise it's likely that you will be viewed as talking out of a body orifice not intended for human speech.
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    As someone who has 8+ alts at varying levels of endgame, I can tell you I've tanked and healed (trolling is iffy because of power output/consumption based on CR) at minimum CR many times successfully in PUGs. Not just that, but I'm actually the one explaining to the group where to stand, why Gentleman Ghost is killing people, the importance of lunging the joker bats, what to do when Talia slealths, etc. Oh, and solo tanking all raids at the same time. I mean, we're talking normal, lol. Not elite. It's not rocket science.

    Basing judgments solely on CR is just obtuse, in my opinion. It's different if you're running with a tank who has wiped the group several times, or a healer whose output is less than the tanks. As for dps, they have 0 - that's right, 0 - effect on the groups' success in normal content. The only reason to kick them based on CR has to do with ego, or some inflated sense of superiority.

    The funny thing with that is that many times high CR players are the ones making the group wipe because they have no idea what to do/don't know where to stand/focus on dps over mechanics.

    I'm not saying that's your case, just that CR means next to nothing when talking about "carrying" or "success." Not since CR differential went away.
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  17. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    Shark he's just one of those people who won't admit that they are wrong even when they are proved wrong
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  18. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    How can my opinion be wrong? Like I’ve said you don’t have to agree with me but I’m not a robot and I have my own way of doing things. If you don’t like it don’t join my group and go start your own group.
  19. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    I am not going to fall for your bait...
  20. Roocck Committed Player

    Why don't we just make it a little bit more fun? Dev's should fix it to where CR 240 should only do tier 9. I mean some cr 240 don't like to carry lazy lower cr toons right? Wouldn't it be the same a cr 240 going into tier 6,7 and 8 duos, alerts and raids be considered carrying lazy lower cr anyways?
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