Some people are killing the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Superman1955, Sep 5, 2018.

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  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    This thread is one of those threads that should have been closed and deleted a4 pages ago, right after the OP posted it.

    It is the poster job of the current state of the game.

    Toxic and very nasty.

    Full of personal attacks and full blown threats over an opinion of 1 persons vision of the game.

    While the kick issue has been hyperboled, it has caused some problems of its own with the current model.

    In a sense it kills the enjoyment of the game either way.

    Like it or not the 1 person being flamed on never outright threaten anyone to be placed in the ever growing list of vial scum, ignore infamous list.

    Some of you all would use it at the drop of a hat the kick button but on such a public platform I can read the hypocrisy is strong in this one and shows the truly darkside of the game.
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    That's totally fine for me. You might want to try keeping things a little more civil next time.
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  3. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Everybody is entice to their opinion but be aware for it.

    There is a lot of players always trashing, kicking, other players, but what I find really interesting, is the fact that they are mostly bad players, that think or feel they need to be surrounded by the best to finish an instance, usually those are the players that play by the numbers instead of the game, that doesn`t bother to pick up, to activate or deactivate something, that want to win by skipping all mechanics trough burn etc.

    I have found in my experience the best players, are team players, willing to stop and give assistance or guide you through the instance, but yeah there are less and less each day.

    The most loud and egocentric players are usually the worst, as we can see in this thread, even ignorant they are, who fail to see a bigger picture other than simply the CR.

    Its just sad.
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  4. Balton hero Committed Player

    Y'know..........this topic has been going on for a while.....and since the elitist over there was kind enough to share his toon names to be widely put on ignore for his.....well, word I probably can't say on here but it ends with baggery....I'm STILL wondering what's up with those names? Liightmare? So you're a horse made of light? And watermare......isnt that just a seahorse? I guess you took the opposite route that Batman did with his persona. Or...wait, were you terrorized or molested as a youth by a seahorse? I'm so sorry. Or maybe you're a brony? I don't get it. I must know. I MUST KNOW!
  5. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Doesn't that cut both ways?

    Why else would 1 want to join such a group anyway but to do just that.

    I personally don't see groups that need everybody maxed out to complete any content as being 100% fail proof.

    But I too have to also admit that such players are in the game and usually stick to themselves and the few who do form groups in LFG are not trying to be egocentric players but can be very helpful.

    Using the only person who said they would kick a 230 CR player as the target of aggression should throw major red flags as to the toxicity of the player base on a much smaller scale, being he did not personally attack anybody but did actually speak to the issue of exactly what I would advise any player increasing their chances of success.

    It is ok to challenge yourself, I do but I also would not be a hindrance to others who feel they need or have some other knowledge of how they were successful in completing content.

    Thread should be locked already it is not doing anything but being non-constructive and extremely negative on the players at both levels.
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Content is not hard enough to kick people because of CR. You can 4 man the normal version of these raids. There's really no excuse for it besides being egotistical and acting as if you're the best thing since sliced bread, which there is alot of that in this game.
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  7. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Don’t worry about it dude. They’re not being sensitive, they’re just jumping on any excuse for a moan. It a pastime around here.

    It’s been the general consensus, not just in game but especially on the forums, that trying to do content at minimum requirement CR isn’t a good idea. It was spoke about alot 6-7+ years ago to the point even the devs (Spytle I think) said, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” on a livestream, and the majority agreed. That quote was subsequently used alot to shoot people down when this subject came up again. Plenty of short memories around here.

    Pretty sure most who have a problem with what you said were agreeing with the above sentiment all those years ago. If you go far back enough you will be able to find these theeads.

    I completely agree with you. And so do most of your naysayers, on the downlow.

    Although, admittedly it’s a bit late in the DLC to care about a 230cr trying their luck and sneaking into a group. But damn, at least put some effort in and run the open world stuff, duo and alert first. That’s what? 23 marks, and plenty of unatuned gear to at least grab a couple of CR before jumping into a raid.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You mean back when cr differential was a thing? Yeah that's a really good comparison...
  9. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    AMs were out in 2011-12 huh? Like I said, 6-7+ years ago. Do you even maths?

    Don’t even try that nonsense. You’ve been around long enough to know what I said was 100% true.
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Back then the minimal cr to get into content was like 4 cr lower than the max cr of the previous tier. Yes I remember Spytles qoute, but guess what? He's no longer with daybreak and the game has drastically changed since then.

    They tried that with origin crisis, making you grind alerts before going into the raids and it failed. They ended up nerfing Nexus and Wave into the ground. Your post was a very desperate attempt to try to make people look hypocritical over something that hasn't been relevant since before 2014. The game in it's current state* there is no excuse to kick someone for being at minimal cr. With how easy content is, and the minimal stat difference, there really is no good reason to boot someone over that. Feel free to try to change my mind, or don't. I don't really care either way. Unless the devs change it, I'm keeping that mentality.
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  11. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    I don’t need to try and make people look hypocritical around here, they do a good enough job on their own. Your post is just a desperate attempt to try and devalue my point to add value to your own.

    Nobody mentioned grinding for gear either. Don’t twist my words. Doing the open world, a duo and an alert, once, once you hit 230 isn’t grinding. I guess grabbing a little extra something before you inflict yourself on others is a bad thing in your book? How dare somebody put a little effort in, right? It’s something I would do. I have respect for myself and others in game, I would NEVER try to slip into a raid at minimum CR, I expect the same courtesy.

    And nobody is trying to change your mind, but don’t bother trying to change mine. I pointed out simple facts, deal with it. Your opinion on how relevant those facts are in the current state of the game are irrelevant.

    By all means though, go find 7 fresh 230s who haven’t seen the lastest content before and see if you can get through the new raids. Would be interesting to witness that disaster.
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You really think a group of 230s can't figure these raids out and beat them? There's like a 10% performance difference between 230 and 240 and that's being friendly, it's probably less. Those 230s will figure it out just like we all did the first day the dlc came out.
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  13. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    I’ll believe it when I see it.
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  14. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    A skilled group of players could but that is far and extremely few.

    The vast majority struggle with the event version hint the need to even get in with a group of maxed out players to even beat the content.

    Major hyperbole by the way, but is some what true.
  15. JackUSPS Well-Known Player

    Your definition of must have gear and nax cr is off compared to the developers of this game. 240 includes elite gear and op items. Those things are not a part of mandatory progression. Its nore around 237 or 236 even.
  16. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    Similar thing happened to me a few days ago I joined a DWF Group for a chance at Op Chest and I immediately got kicked for being 211 cr which then he said "Is that cr even Dps" lmaoo these noobs looking for carries these days
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Anyone who kicks based on cr is not someone I wanna run with... we used to laugh at people back when my league was active we’d be making groups and we’d always take one of our really low cr league mates who was just at the cr requirement and we’d queue up get 1 or 2 randoms in and watch them either walk out or argue with us when they question the cr
  18. ALB Dedicated Player

    I just want to point out that the event content in this dlc is for players under 230. Not at 230.
  19. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea, if you want to mess with people, put on the movement gear from the vault.

    While waiting for a group to form I'd farm with the joker backback on and get guff.

    The same thing with pvp gear. It lowers the cr to 0 or 32 and freaks people out.
  20. ALB Dedicated Player

    1 230 player in a group full of players 240-250 wouldn't be noticed. A 230 tank will probably be iffy, but if everyone know what they are doing, it wouldn't be noticed.
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