Famous Last Words

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fawkes2574, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    This fun little thread talks about the one liners, or whatever, that many of the NPC's in the game say as you progress through it. These could be ones that make you laugh, or even ones that leave ya a little triggered cause they're either that annoying or they make you go "Double you tee eff?" So please share which ones that you remember from the game in the comments below. You can also share a funny one liner that you find yourself saying in response to it, if you have one.
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    So Batman sent you? Good times.
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  3. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    One in particular that always gets me:

    "You'll never defeat me!" This coming from the guy that I just defeated. This is said by many of Faust's minions in the early Wonder Woman storyline missions.

    "The Justice League will get you!" I find this coming from many of the citizens in South Gotham on one of the Brainiac missions that you complete once you've reached tier 2. These weirdos are screaming & yelling as you attack them (they're already turned) and saying "I hope the Justice League kicks your ***!" Its like "Hello?! I am the justice league!" :p

    My favorite though is one of Circe's:
    "I know your name, I know your face, and I KNOW YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!!" I usually follow that up with "Of course my days are numbered you idiot! Its called a calendar!!" :p
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Supes: "So Diana, do you think your evil doppelganger has a VISIBLE jet?"
    WW: "Only if yours has a sense of humor"

    I think they're both incredibly boring characters, but that made me chuckle
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  5. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Anything brainiac servo says, I'll mimic at this point lol
    Here's some of the stuff he says

    Side note, any thing calculator says is awesome too
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  6. Dene Devoted Player

    Calculator all excited at start of one of the Batcave raids.. made me laugh everytime

    I do not have a villain anymore, I kinda miss him and his lines
  7. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Demon: "No. Wait, stop!"
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  8. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Terra: Who are you? Leeroy Jenkins?
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  9. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Nightwing: We could always use another hero.

    Uhm yeah. Tina Turner might disagree with you on that one. :p
  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    My comment from a previous thread on this subject...

    I have to laugh when the Valentine Event comes around. An NPC says, "If he's not going to propose I will."
    Then I'll see that same NPC on a ledge trying to commit suicide. Guess we know what his answer was.
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  11. dresserball Dedicated Player

    The best is the added content to BN, which we got that cut scene.

    It isn't easy.
    It never is.

    Such a profound way to end the lanterns content.

    I still laugh at how bad it is. It is famous for all the wrong reasons.
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    when Donna Troy hits the shower and Tera does a flirt emote.


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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    "Thanks" you can figure out who and when.
  14. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    "Batman, Future Batman, out"
  15. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Scarecrow: I'll get you myself! GET THEM!
  16. Blazing Bacon Well-Known Player

    "Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal!"
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  17. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Just some that come to mind I've always liked.

    At Metro hospital. "Why you little PUNK!"

    All the complaining Terra does about the menial tasks being handed out at Titans Tower.

    In Gotham Under Siege, I think its the 'Rescue prisoners' mission, Circe says "Be a peach, and go rescue them." Not so much what is said, just the way its said.

    Also like some NPC comments at Ace Chemicals; Could you also go and do this to the bad guys? Since you're gonna be beating them up anyway..."

    Love the various NPC comments in Earth 3, like "Hey Ultraman! You suck!" or "I really hate. . . Mondays."

    Also like the comments GCPD make when you put Joker bombs on them. "You think you can pay me off?" Then "Wait... I CHANGED MY MIND!"
  18. High Troller Loyal Player

    I felt that through my armor, said the mercenary
  19. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player

    I believe Socrates put it best when he said "I drank what now?"

    ...Oh, you mean in the game.
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  20. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player
