Skillpoints Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iSuggest, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. iSuggest New Player

    i am suggesting an idea for skillpoints. As i see DC Universe Online progressing further and further while skillpoints are increasing.But the question is,how long will it take from 0 sp to 420 for new players?A long time.There are people who are like endgame type of people and want to run the hardest content possible but can't because they get kicked due to having low sp/not enough dps etc.
    You would have to wait and farm PvP feats (PvP doesn't pop so much),Legends PvE feats (Are a pain in the butt XD) and so on.So here is my suggestion.

    Make skillpoints buyable !!! (OH WAIT? Now you are thinking like ''Ahh more Pay 2 Win...'' I wouldn't say so,because of the idea i am about to suggest,actually the price will be up to DCUO)

    1) Everytime a new content gets released lets say between every 1-3 months,the old content feats will be made buyable.

    That will ensure enough time for people to catch up who are too far behind and during every new content players have 1-3 months or until next episode release to farm out the feats until the next episode gets released.

    2) Second version of it would be similar in a way. Make old content feats buyable except Elite Raid/Alert feats.

    The way i see it,dcuo is progressing fast and skillpoints get higher and higher.Think of yourself as a low level player starting from scratch.This could bring more players to play aswell.

    Feel free to give your opinions.
  2. iSuggest New Player

    Yea,but are you forgetting that the skillpoints are increasing? And please try to remain calm and contain your anger. Please don't come flame here. My point is that you look it from a ''New Player'' point of view.
  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    What is your goal in the game? To get 400 sp in 1 year then go play another game? Do you know what the term "delayed gratification" means?

    It applies to the game and life. You have to work for stuff you want.
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  4. iSuggest New Player

    Yea but what about people who don't sit infront of their PS/PC 24/7 and don't have that kind of time to reach to 400+ skillpoints?
    People that have reallife and little time to play. Lets say they log on for 1-3 hours to enjoy the game.
  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    How long have you been playing? How many sp do you have? Have you finished all the solo sp feats? Can you provide any information at all on your work ethic?
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  6. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    We were all "New Players" one day and had to work hard for our skill points. It's easier than ever to get SPs now and more than 100 of them can be acquired just by buying CR advance tokens and Time Capsules.

    I'm already mad with CR advance because many spent days to get some of the feats that are inside cr advance and now you want almost all of them available for ******** real-life money? Give me a break...

    This game has enough P2W already and we have good players leaving everyday because of it.
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  7. iSuggest New Player

    Also try considering,you need to find people who are up for the feat runs.And most people don't run old content for feats anymore.Don't forget that aswell.
  8. iSuggest New Player

    This is a suggestion thread,so what im saying is it doesn't have to be reallife money. It could be some new kind of ingame currency aswell that you use to unlock feats.I know that most people are like ''ahh i worked so hard for theese feats'' but you gotta think that the skillpoints are increasing with every content that drops.
  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Once again. Learn to read the feat menu. All of the sp don't come from raids and elite raids.
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  10. Ergotth Committed Player

    Just ignore him, he is one of those "Holier than thou", "pro players" who can't detach from his hours spent on a game just because he think new players are supposed to take the same "hard path" he took disregarding how different players react differently to difficulties on different levels.

    Your idea could use some balancing, like perhaps players could send Marks of Victory in buying new feats so they would have to grind for it, not to mention it can be a difficult decision, sometimes the player just decides to try and get the feats from the raid/alert he is already grinding marks for, and if he fails, he will have a plan B at hand. Also, players with too much ego won't complain like the one above.
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  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Theres a feat for killing black lanterns in the solo from the oa under under siege mission. Do you have that?
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  12. iSuggest New Player

    What im saying is those ''pro players'' are mostly 24/7 younger type players who have like alot of time to play. But you gotta think of people that have reallife.

    And yea marks of victory could be a good idea.As long as there is some work involved to keep you going to earn skillpoints.So if you are like someone who can play 2-3 hours a day or so on,you can get off your PS/PC saying ''ohh nice i made like 2-5 sp today !''
  13. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    If you join a league, many of them will help with feats. All you have to do is ask. Heck, there were a couple of leagues recruiting specifically for people looking for feat runs in the League Recruitment section of the forums within the last few days (both of the ones I'm thinking of were on the EU server, but I'm sure there are others).
  14. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    The only feats I think are too hard/almost impossible to get are the PvP 8v8 arena ones, for someone on EU or XBOX they are just a dream, and someone on US has to wait hours most of the times to get a queue. 3 years ago it was kind of common to see PvP 8v8 groups, now there are almost none, so yeah, they may be a problem.

    That said, I don't think giving them away (or selling) is a great option, there are many other ways out there.

    Anyways, I doubt the devs will change anything, people are asking for LPVE changes/feat changes for over a year and they have yet to do something about it.

    Some specific feats may need changes to make them easier to get, but PLEASE, PLEASE, stop asking for ways to buy feats, they are important to the game and I'm afraid what -"he"- may do if -"he"- thinks we approve this idea.
  15. iSuggest New Player

    Yea that is true but yet again it takes time. Also what about PvP feats,you need to get certain amount of wins but keep losing/PvP doesn't pop because people don't que for it much.So if you keep losing PvP constantly and are not a PvP player you get frustrated,including you only have 1-3 hours of playtime. There are alot of people who like PvE only over PvP.
  16. Trexlight Devoted Player

    With the Revamp restructure, the Artifacts helping increase Stats and Augments making the modding process easier, there isnt a reason to make Skill Points readily available in this matter. Making Skill Points purchasable in any form is 100% a no way jose. Old Content Feats are still achievable by finding players and playing the game. If folks want these Feats, they can either Get the CR170 Booster and get the Grindy Feats given to them or they just need to play the game...or simply ignore it and just play the game.

    The players wanting to complete all the Feats are the completionists and they already know the hard and heavy road they are going to travel. I suggest always to new players to just play the game, gain Feats as you go, keep them the same number as your CR and go enjoy yourself. If youre focusing on the 300+ Skill Points then you are failing straight from the start. Skill Points of course help but this is 7 years of gaming, if you make it then pat on your back but if not its nothing to stress about. There's more to this game than Skill Point chasing.
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  17. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    That's just how games usually work: People who play and spend time on the game get things faster.
  18. iSuggest New Player

    Well if they keep asking and nothing happens,then try to keep this thread alive so atleast something will happen.Overall if feats could be gotten easier would also see more people in lfg to run endgame content.
  19. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    or real life currency called "time".

    that in-game currency will still need playTIME, so either way, its just if you do or you don't have time.
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  20. iSuggest New Player

    Lets say you run a weekly and you need mark of victory for feats,you cap out pretty fast running weekly also if the run takes 10 minutes only. Some feats require good players and time,for example kill required amount of adds before killing boss/killing boss in different orders/killing 2-3 bosses at same time and all 3 of them have different mechanics/speed feats where you need to be quick at.
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