Create your own lantern corps and emotional entity origin!

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Chaos Evolution, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. JKwak Well-Known Player

    The element Lantern corp
    Not an actual lantern Corp but when scientists, of there origin planet, first encountert the green lantern they tried to create there own lantern corps. unfortunately the whole emotional spectrum was already occupied by already existing lantern corps so they created instead rings that allow his bearer to use one of the 4 elements like the Hard light constructs of a Lantern. (yeah even hard fire and wind)

    The Mandarinestro corps (Amalgamuniverse)
    Basically the Sinestro corps but with copies of the Mandarin rings instead of yellow fear rings

    Green Nova Corps (Amalgamuniverse)
    amalgam of nova corps and green lantern corps.
    Uses not only the power of will but also the Nova force.
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  2. myandria Item Storage


    I'll try it...

    The Diamond Lantern Corps

    From warm chocolate to the brilliant white,
    We defend our spectrum brothers and sisters with might.
    All heroes and villains will covet us upon sight,
    The hardest and most brilliant, the Diamond's Light!

    The Diamond Lantern Corp was created after the original Wars of Light ended. Rings that were lost or thought destroyed found new owners on an unknown planet just outside Earth's Solar System. Although the rings came from every color in the emotional spectrum, their new owners were not subject to the entities that ruled them. Instead, an enormous Diamond within a power battery controls these rings and it controls them with neutrality. Therefore, the Diamond Corps will only go into battle when they are truly needed and they will help both hero and villain alike. They live in a peaceful utopia, for they do not want another War of Light to happen. If a visitor comes t their planet, the Diamond Light will either influence that visitor to stay or remove the memory of the whereabouts of the planet if the visitor decides to leave.
  3. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    To piggy back on my main, GoldenPawn, I'd like to create the Golden Corps. Their emotion would be kindness.

    "When disrespect is all the rage
    Be kind to others is our way
    With a kind heart you shall rule
    And always live by the Golden Rule"

    The Corps leader, GoldenPawn, was once a member of the Red Lantern Corps but found quickly that venting rage isn't the way to win hearts and minds and he was able to renounce his membership in the Red Lantern Corp and being the son of a pastor he was well educated in the Golden Rule which is "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" so he disciplined himself to let go of his rage and focused on being kind to others. His philosophy is almost like Cain from Kung Fu and also the Coward of the County, the popular song by Kenny Rogers which famously says, "Sometimes you have to fight when you're a man". After mastering this philosophy this emotion proved to be so strong that the Great Heart Lantern created the Golden Ring and the ring found it's way to GoldenPawn. Although the ring cannot create constructs like the other rings in the emotional spectrum, the power of the Golden Ring is to keep it's wearer grounded and calm as the wearer emits an energy that sends kind thoughts to whomever they are made to confront that, as long as the wearer keeps their emotions in check, will calm their would be opponent.

    His first major test was when he met his former lover and fellow Red Lantern member Bleez in a chance meeting which almost caused Bleez's heart/ring to stop working nearly killing her so Pawn forced himself to distance himself from her and hopes in the future he can find a way to bring her to the Golden Light. Currently he's the only Golden Corp member as he now goes on a quest to find other members.
  4. Legendcore56triton New Player

    Spirit corps:

    oath: For those in mind that seek the truth. watch the hunger games and find rue. the lord will protect us all. forget that now for it's in your soul.

    colour: Turquoise

    description Founded by Joshua Visser. the spirit lantern corps is an all female lantern corps similar to the star sapphires except this lantern corps have power rings that will change a males gender to female forever. and it was created by a blank power ring witch one of the guardians of the universe has the power to create out of all lantern corps power rings minus the black, white and orange lanterns.

    entity: Lockstorm. this entity was formed when the first spiritual reaction happened and looks like a dragon.

    powers: the same as all the other lantern corps
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  5. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    hey wow that's actually pretty cool!
  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    The Apathy Corp:

    With hearts of...meh, who cares.
  7. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    Okay but consider: Trigon attempts to recreate a Lantern ring to escape his prison in Hell (it is the most powerful weapon in the universe, after all). So, he splits his power and forges Lantern rings from hellfire. This, in turn, creates the Sin Lanterns. The entities are, of course, his own children, who he trusts to use that power to release him (Evil Raven for pride, of course, causing yet another existential crisis, no doubt). But, his children realize the power they have been given and escape, themselves, to wreak havok on the universe.
    The Wrath and Greed Lanterns are pitted against the Red and Orange Lanterns, of course. Same with Lust Lanterns and Star Sapphires. Pride, Sloth, Envy, and Gluttony just kind of do what they want. I think it'd make an intersting comic story arc, if nothing else.
    And their colors:
    Wrath: a blood orange. Not quite red or orange. Or, a very intense dark red
    Greed: A dark, intense orange (probably more orange than Larfleeze, which might be the center of that conflict)
    Lust: Hot pink
    Pride: Deep purple
    Sloth: Grey, no debate there
    Envy: Light green
    Gluttony: an orange so dark it's actually brown
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  8. draigon the blood drainer New Player

    the crimson lantern corp the emotion: blood lust
    oath: in blood filled days in bloodless nights no wounds shall escape our sights watch out or your blood will be devoured by the power of crimson light!!
    entity:cryax is a large bat (vampire bat to be specific) he was made when thousands of people died and there blood pooled together in a dip in the earth and from that blood he formed his body he was always there just had no physical form till now
    powers:same as all the other lanterns but they cut anything to get the blood from it they always travel in groups if you see one there 100000 more you cant see they also can charge there rings in one of two ways chant the oath with there ring to there battery or chant the oath while draining blood
  9. draigon the blood drainer New Player

    the oath actually is:in blood filled days in bloodless nights no wounds shall escape our sight let those who try and hide beware our power the crimson light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!